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Casper... you asked a question.......
to which....
the answer...
has eluded ALL who have ever asked it.

It is... and has always been....... based upon purely speculative guesses.
Therefore ...
There is never a true answer.

You can take comfort in this though....
Like all things... it too is affected by supply and demand... and lets not forget cost inflations.

The gold and diamond buyer I dealt with about a year ago told me to hold on to my gold and silver because they will go up. Even though it hurts his business, he's a very honest person

Casper... you asked a question.......
to which....
the answer...
has eluded ALL who have ever asked it.

It is... and has always been....... based upon purely speculative guesses.
Therefore ...
There is never a true answer.

You can take comfort in this though....
Like all things... it too is affected by supply and demand... and lets not forget cost inflations.
I sold the bulk of my gold when it was just under $1000
wish i had held out - would have doubled my money :BangHead:

I sold the bulk of my gold when it was just under $1000
wish i had held out - would have doubled my money :BangHead:
The way inflation is going, it wouldn't have made much difference. Your purchasing power would probably still be about the same.

I sold the bulk of my gold when it was just under $1000
wish i had held out - would have doubled my money :BangHead:

Sell when you need to sell for a reason.
There is no reason.

When you do sell... its going to be worth whatever it is worth.
Its not cards... a "hold em fold em thing"... not the stock market... and don't feed into "FOMO"...
In case some don't know what "fomo" is... = Fear Of Missing Out".
... screw it... hold till you have to fold it... and take whatever it is... as it is.

There is no science to it..... no "right time" other than "THE" time you can use the extra money influx.
To me....
Its as........ simple as that.
IF you need it... or could use it... then do it.... also.... simple as that.

Its like this.... IF your not dealing in metals on a large scale level... the difference is negligible really on small amounts anyway

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Sell when you need to sell for a reason.
There is no reason.

When you do sell... its going to be worth whatever it is worth.
Its not cards... a "hold em fold em thing"... not the stock market... and don't feed into "FOMO"...
In case some don't know what "fomo" is... = Fear Of Missing Out".
... screw it... hold till you have to fold it... and take whatever it is... as it is.

There is no science to it..... no "right time" other than "THE" time you can use the extra money influx.
To me....
Its as........ simple as that.
IF you need it... or could use it... then do it.... also.... simple as that.

Its like this.... IF your not dealing in metals on a large scale level... the difference is negligible really on small amounts anyway
I sold a lot of holdings back in 2006-2008.
Sure holding it for 15+ more years would of been nice.
But that money has been turned over many times in those years.

Never regret a profit-it's what a person does with the capital is the key.
Regardless if it's to tread water-or to buy pleasure it will do what it was intended to do, and that's to generate some disposable $$$.
The what ifs are just that speculative and nothing more.

Sold at $800 an oz.
But it could of been worth $200 today.
Unless there's a crystal ball that provides answers it's all speculative in where anything is headed.

I sold a lot of holdings back in 2006-2008.
Sure holding it for 15+ more years would of been nice.
But that money has been turned over many times in those years.

Never regret a profit-it's what a person does with the capital is the key.
Regardless if it's to tread water-or to buy pleasure it will do what it was intended to do, and that's to generate some disposable $$$.
The what ifs are just that speculative and nothing more.

Sold at $800 an oz.
But it could of been worth $200 today.
Unless there's a crystal ball that provides answers it's all speculative in where anything is headed.
Sold then... .... was what it was... NOW.... its time to buy more now.
Buy more now to sell later... it will always go up over time.

IF i woulda shoulda... bah !

If only i woulda bought Microsoft or Ebay or.... on and on...

What are you buying NOW... is all that matters.

Sold then... .... was what it was... NOW.... its time to buy more now.
Buy more now to sell later... it will always go up over time.

IF i woulda shoulda... bah !

If only i woulda bought Microsoft or Ebay or.... on and on...

What are you buying NOW... is all that matters.
Not buying much in today's market-It might be time to liquidate a few things though.
Just been looking at what gold watches are bringing still in the market place.

I live in the rural-no buyers out here in these parts.
Toronto or Ottawa would be the only choice for physical sale.
Online is the whole world-minus fees++
i usually sell thru Midwest refineries

i usually sell thru Midwest refineries
i got lucky yrs ago - had a yard sale and had some - nonfound gold out and guy showed up early and paid me 100% spot - he had testers and scales in back of his truck - was serious investor
i weighed stuff myself - he was legit - wish i had his #

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