

Silver Member
May 27, 2008
S.E. Michigan
Detector(s) used
Etrac, Explorer XS II, Fisher 1266-X
Primary Interest:
I will either have to quit coming to this site, or quit hunting. I sit here for hours on end reading about all the fabulous stuff everyone is finding on here, that gets me pumped up, then I go out and dig only one or two coins, then come home, then the wife says; "how did you do?" what do I tell her? I never lie to her (at least not about treasure hunting). I am getting so P.O.'d, I think I will go fishing today instead. I have done years of research, and have gotten many coins and relics from my research, tried water hunting for awhile, my friends would find the gold nugget rings, I would find the junk nugget rings, they would find diamonds, I found CZ's. So I gave up on water hunting, went back to land hunting. I haven't found a wheat penny this year, nor any U.S. silver!!!! Hope this all changes when I go to upstate N.Y. in a couple of weeks. Good Luck all

Remember this hobby is meant to be a source of relief and fun, not stress.
A break fishing may be what you need.
I hope you have better luck in Upstate NY, I love it here ;D

Don't worry it takes about 6 months for you to level out and get a therapeutic level of the forum.

Then just an hour a day is all you will need.......

We all go through bleak periods and they only seem long. Treasure hunting is supposed to be relaxing so enjoy what ever you do find. :icon_scratch: In the mean time make sure you are overlapping your sweeps and in trashy areas using a small coil. Keep the coil level to the ground the whole sweep. I don't like the term "swing" for that reason. You must get your coil over it in the first place which sounds stupid I know. The more time you spend, the more you have a chance at finding something.

I don't want to slam others finds, but remember some could post pictures of "finds" that really came from the wife's jewelry box just so they would feel better. I know one guy that keeps showing the same gold ring he says he just found at the beach. I don't say anything as he might need the acceptance and is a nice guy otherwise.

Good Luck,

It's the type sites you are hunting, and the abiltiy with your machine in those sites/timing. Most of my gold coins and reales have been at depths (blow your ear-drums off) that even a cheapie machine would've found them. So when I look back over the years, and think "how did I find that?", I realize it's 99.99% where I was hunting balls and brains. So ....... no, you're not going to find gold coins in modern sandboxes, or dry sand beaches (barring a fluke mixed with your clad) Your best bet is to hook up with someone in your area who is proficient at bringing in the oldies (not just clad hunters in sand boxes), and see what/where/how they go.

I met up with a newbie hunting our local fairgrounds after a just-finished event (he was obviously angling for recent clad lost underneath the fair rides). I happened to have a recent reale, mercs, etc... in my truck. His jaw dropped, and he asked "how/where can I find that type stuff?". I thought that maybe his B.H. machine was the reason he had only found only clad up till then. But a quick air-check of it's abilities told me that 6 or 7"+ on a coin was not a problem for it. I then realized it was more a matter of location and balls. You know, "how many people think to hunt sidewalk demo's" or "ANY sort of old-town urban demo's"? How many nuts would be out in the middle of a storm, so bad that rain is blowing sideways, to dig easy beach erosion revealed silver? How many nuts would wade through 100 pieces of green copper and henrys, because they recognize that these are the age indicators that indicate a seated coin is not too far behind? In each case it's not the machine, it's the location and the operator. The only way to learn that "culture" in your location, is to hook up with guys bringing in the goodies, and learn their strategies.

Im in a slump my self, have not been finding any good items for a while, but when i go to the beach at Lake Michigan and see the boats and hear the water, it kinda just doesnt matter as long as i can do this hobby ... it rates right up there with fishing...

good luck HH socks

Life works that way! You can climb only so high up the mountain then you have to stop and rest! THing is only a hobby! How I use to work it before I retired is I would go out detecting all summer and do the paper work (CPU) in the winter. That gives you more time to detect. Try this when you detect, it is my secret way to finding the good stuff.--- Tape a gold ring like you would like to find to the inside or outside of your detector. That seems to work the same way that a loaded long range device works. It seems to let your detector and your brain know what you are looking for! Another thing you might try to relax more and just enjoy the hobby. That way you will be having fun and things will just come to you automatically.

Awwwwww, I know that frustration. I almost gave up detecting because of it. I have been hunting over a year and I have never found a silver coin. Find someone to hunt with, that's the ticket. DON"T GIVE UP, you're gonna be surprised some day and you'll know the struggle was worth it. :tongue3: Show us your finds no matter how trivial.

notgettinenny, Hi I'm new so I read the post's and dream of one day being able to hunt a good site. Sometimes I wonder if these are real finds but why would anyone want to lie about it, unless they just like to lie. I've found 3 penny's modern and a tootsytoy car in my backyard and am dying to hunt somewhere good. But i believe i'll like the hobby for the relaxation as much as any finds i might make. I love to fish also and it is very relaxing so I hope mding will be the same. Like the other poster said maybe a little break will do u good and good luck in N.Y. HH and relaxing Tom

I have a spouse that does not hunt nor does she fish. My old hunting partners are all croaking, and the rest have resorted to diving for da goodies, I am not able to dive. Don't get me wrong, I have in the past found tons of silver and gold, call me a pro if you want ( I sell my silver and gold) it helps pay the bills. I am 58 years old and have been detecting since 1960, got a radio Shack BFO for my tenth B-day. The knees are shot, my spine is twisted in two places, and I have a ventral hernia. I do know where to go hunt for the older stuff but, I do not carry. I watch every day for local construction and sneak in when I can :tongue3:. Thanks for all the Ideas, I have been there many times :thumbsup:. Maybe when I get to Upstate N.Y. things will turn around and I will get out of these summer doldrums :(. Not GE.

I bet diggin a few colonials in NY will recharge your batteries. Good luck HH

I can understand your frustration--and I don't want or mean this to sound harsh...

But here's the thing...

You must bring the treasure to YOU.  Sure, it's nice to get away and hunt someplace that is different and older--but unless you have some research or some friends that have some sites already up there, you'll only be hunting the sites that have been pounded to death by others--because that's what you'll spot first during a limited stay there.

Instead, you have to invest the time, effort, and brainpower in research on YOUR area.  That pays dividends that are NEVER lost.  And it will help you focus on making Great finds where you are--not where other Tnet members are making good finds.

It took me several Years to figure out how to squeeze large coppers, 1700's silvers, and Colonial relics out of Kentucky.  But now that I've figured it out, you couldn't PAY me to go somewhere else for a week on a detecting trip--I'd rather stay here! 

Research changes your reality.  It changes the way you see things around you.  And once you have that vision, you will never lose it.  The finds complete the mental pictures which research chalks out.

We had a rather dry spell here in late March--and we had a Virginia trip planned for May (back to where I grew up--and where I spent my teenage years doing research on CW sites).  All I heard about from my crew during that dry spell was "I can't wait 'till Virginia.  We'll find goodies there."  Well, I said to them "We'll find something Right Here before we go."  I had no idea then that we'd recover THREE CW buckles, large coppers, and other goodies in the weeks leading up to the trip.  In fact--even though we found great keepers on the trip (like a 1700's Spanish Real, CW spur, VA State Seal CW button, etc...)--the hunts leading up to the trip we did much better than we could've ever done on my old haunts 400 miles away.

The Great Finds are not always somewhere else.  They are where you are--and you WILL find them if you know what to look for.



Thanks for your input Buckleboy. I understand what you are saying. My friend grew up, Upstate and in the 70' and 80's we hunted there many times, found lots of neat stuff. We have been plannong this trip for over 15 years, but something always came up, we were going to go last fall, but 17 feet of snow cancelled that trip. >:(. His dad has a house in Owego that is held up with tree trunks and is now over 200 years old, one of his sisters lives in a house in Endicott that is approaching 150 years old and has never been hunted, The dairy farm that his grandfather owned has been turned into a trailer village, but the surrounding woods are still there. :thumbsup: We had been to many abandoned homes in Binghamton, and according to google earth, the property is still vacant, and he knows the owners. And when we were there the last time (when the homes were still there) We were granted permission to remove anything we wanted, even take the whole house, as it detracted from the value of the land. We had an experience at one of those houses that gave us a scare! I was looking around upstairs and my friend went down to the basement area, I heard him let out a yell...... It seems that a bear had taken up residence in the cellar and when my friend opened the door to it, he woke it up and it scared the feces out of him. We went out to our vehicle and got his 30.06 and when we went back in, the bear had gotten out the way it had gotten in, out through the missing outside cellar doors. So, no, we are not going on a wild goose chase. His dad's house has a garden out back and everytime his dad turns the dirt, he finds clay pipe bowls and stems all over the place, my friend even has some bowls that are marked McDougal with a leprechaun head on the bowl. My friend said that as a kid, he remembers that he picked up arrowheads all over near the Susquehannah river banks and he still has contact with some private property owners near these sites. Also he remembers where the local churches in these towns had their picnics in the woods, but that we may have to return in the fall to hunt those. So, I guess we will need some luck, and the perseverence to keep trying to go back as long as the good Lord and our spouses allow us. I may have to pay for this trip by taking my wife to Disney in Florida this year, our 30th. anniversary is Nov. 11th. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Not GE

Excellent! It sounds like you'll have a good shot at some Great Finds there. :thumbsup:

I wasn't trying to portray your trip as a wild goose chase--mine back to VA was a similar sort of trip--going back to my "roots" and visiting old spots and leaning a bit on old friends' kindness...

But as I said, it took me years to start making Great Finds in my area--and I'm convinced that it can be done anywhere. It's all about the work, the mindset, and the belief that those finds are out there.

I'm more than happy to help in any way that I can if you need some ideas, tips, help, or anything--feel free to PM me. I'll help in any way that I can.

Best Wishes,


The only thing holding us up now, are Dr. appointments. He has 3 and I have one. So it looks like we may not get there till sometime in August. His wife is telling him to GET OUT OF HER HAIR! And mine is saying, When are ya going? ;D. Well, with the way it looks.....sometime soon I hope ::). Thanks for the offer of Ideas Buckleboy, when I stumble a little more I may just PM ya. My wife is not in the best of health, she has sever Crohn's disease and rheumatoid arthritis, more illnesses than most, but she is a fighter and would never stop me from my adventures, but when they git that other look in their eyes, as in ( what about me?) Where are you taking me? I always ask her, do you wanna go, and she always reply's what the heck am I gonna do there, I don't know anyone there, it's almost like a catch 22. But I go anyway ;D...... Not GE

notgittinenny said:
I will either have to quit coming to this site, or quit hunting. I sit here for hours on end reading about all the fabulous stuff everyone is finding on here, that gets me pumped up, then I go out and dig only one or two coins

Yeah, I know the feeling well. I have to get by being happy with 3$ in clad today and finding my first half-dollar even tho it was a 2001 Kennedy. Since I got the machine i've only come up with 3 silver rings and a 1899 Morgan (from a sandbox oddly enough, likely a show-and-tell drop). Tho I hate digging tabs so I reject them and gold out, that cuts alot of finds.

No idea yet where to go in the Seattle area to find good stuff or old stuff (certainly not going to find ANYTHING older than mid 1800's here). I might take you up on that offer Buckleboy. :)

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