has montezumas tomb been found ...?

the wording said Atlantis had broken in half and sank into the ocean , that is just what you see up above in my thread ..that's why we don't see Montezuma 1 part of the history of the Aztec because he was from Atlantis ...when the tribes left Atlantis the looked for the best hiding place they could find at that time .. they followed their GOD the Sun ,, the ended up at the seven caves ...we know the ocean raised up and felled most of the now western low plain and states ,there is sea shells found in much of the flat lands between the Rockies and other high peaks , the earth changes faster then you think ...Montezuma's treasure is in the seven caves right now .. it belongs to all of us , as well as the native tribes of the world ...we can not let the rich steal these artifacts or the treasured past of the human tribe ...I can live what life I have left and never look back .. but I ask for your help and I got jokes and insults......the joke is on all of you .. I see it because that's what I do ...see !

just for treasure net . I will post my next find at Atlantis here and now ... on the west side of the islands you will see same type of pattern some what filled in and disarray from the earth quakes but still very seen if you know what your looking for . they look to have changed these in to food irrigation plots ,but this is the first time I spotted then and now they will be made public for the first time ... they out line in light Green ....


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see when Atlantis broken in half it slid out and destroyed a large part of their food crops ...half their city gone most of their food destroyed .they left and headed west hoping their God would save them ...

well I did not expect that , I was going threw a few of the odd photo and I ran across a mummy type body crushed between two large boulders. now keep your mind open this maybe the head of a Zuni or a Aztec and that's the only reason I am posting this I want to identify what tribe he is from and if he is from the Aztec or latter tribes it will help date the site ... how can he do that .. very simple he has some face tattoos . I will list what I can make out from the pictures scan .. I can a justice it some what to see some detail ..here is what I see .. first I can count some of his teeth . this is a Human head . that's not in question ..some next we have face tattoos .he has a round thing that looks like a dream catcher just above the outer edge of the eye . then he has a line that's may have been red and black that goes from the outer eye to the ear ...just in front of the ear he has what looks like 3 head Toto mum poles about 3 inches high . and he looks like he has some king of leopard dot face mask from level with his mouth down as far as the picture shows .. any one know these tattoos ? I believe he is near the seven caves and maybe Aztec ...he is with out a doubt mummified... he way up at the top of my picture so I did not notice him .. the picture was taken in 2004 ....he has what looks like straight jet black hair ...I don't believe he is Apache ...


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lets get back on topic ... the codex shows us that Atlantis was the center point between North American tribes and European tribes . after the lost of Atlantis the European tribes developed differently then the seven caves tribes ...I think in trying to under stand what Montezuma's 2 people would do has a lot to do with what Montezuma 2 him self would have done in that turn of events ...how much do we really know about him ? who took over when he died ..? OK was it possible for the 2000 porters to take the treasure to the seven caves in the superstitions ..? we know Cortes picture is on the wall so the question is did Cortes have a reason to believe the treasure was there ..? or was he just looking for more silver mines for his collection ...? but lets look at it from Cortes point of view .. here he has 600 men and he finds some rich silver mines the seven caves are sealed up all he finds is a few good silver mines ,, he tells the king of Spain there is nothing there , he takes as many of the people as he can to work in his new mines and then heads north ..so the only one he really had to kill off was tribes people .. the Jesuit would have had to stay out of the fight ...we Cortes dose not find anything so he goes back to Spain ...rich from his silver mines ...

I don't know about the rest of you but the codex shows Montezuma 2 being born there ... if that is not the GOD it can only be Montezuma 2 ... if that was Montezuma 2 then there is only one place for his body to be ... the seven caves ...his treasure would be much the same as a pharos...layer to rest with all his wealth ... but you know what .. I was setting on top of a mountain out there and just looked around what a beautiful place to call home ....what a place to rest and dream of a better world a better future for your people ,,..some day ...

over sight update .. i am not well at times i don't know how much time i have left .. so i make the choice to update this post at this time ,it is my under standing of the evidence i have recovered that Hernando Cortez did in fact seek the Seven Caves located with in the superstition mountains of AZ... i base my findings on the recovery of this image and other data of what i believe is in fact that of Hernando Cortez native painted on a rock face with in the mountain range .the painting i have dated to with in two years between 1536 and 1537..it is a documented fact that Hernando Cortez was in fact was in these areas at the time of this painting looking for rich silver mines ..the first two pictures are painting of Hernando Cortez, note the high collar coat ...the same as the one he is wearing on the native rock paint...with all do respect i believe this to be the best rendition of Hernando Cortez at the time of 1536-1537 now known to exist ...! and i here by go on record as stating i have in fact found and locate the Seven Caves of Chicomoztoc with in the Superstition Mountains ...


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now i will tell you why i have to go back one more time . you see the Cortez's helmet in the painting on the wall , that's what was found in Utah ,think about it ...i have 18 years to think about it . 18 deaths of my family and friends one every year for 18 years ...the curse is real and i have paid the price , i have lived threw the curse and its time to put the shaman stone back where it came from ...! sleep old Spirit ,rest ,i will return your shaman stone soon ...!

vastterrain and blindbowman, both, please end the insults now.

over sight update .. i am not well at times i don't know how much time i have left .. so i make the choice to update this post at this time ,it is my under standing of the evidence i have recovered that Hernando Cortez did in fact seek the Seven Caves located with in the superstition mountains of AZ... i base my findings on the recovery of this image and other data of what i believe is in fact that of Hernando Cortez native painted on a rock face with in the mountain range .the painting i have dated to with in two years between 1536 and 1537..it is a documented fact that Hernando Cortez was in fact was in these areas at the time of this painting looking for rich silver mines ..the first two pictures are painting of Hernando Cortez, note the high collar coat ...the same as the one he is wearing on the native rock paint...with all do respect i believe this to be the best rendition of Hernando Cortez at the time of 1536-1537 now known to exist ...! and i here by go on record as stating i have in fact found and locate the Seven Caves of Chicomoztoc with in the Superstition Mountains ...
I am sorry but I think you are wrong
the cross on the lower painting of whom you say is Hernando Cortez is the cross of the Order of Santiago, there are no records of Hernando Cortez having ever been a member of that order, hence, the painting is not of Cortez.

what insults ? no problem latter ....

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that cross was on known pictures if Cortez .. fact !
It cannot be a FACT, Cortez was not a member of the Order of Santiago, this is a fact.
no one, especially Cortez would have disgraced himself or insulted the honor of members of the order by wearing something of which he was not entitled.

that's not a insult , i was more rewarding gesture .dint worry i am not he to fight with anyone and i have no problem leaving the site for a unknown time .. good luck stay safe stay free

i under stand what your saying but i did not paint the pictures . i found about 7 picture with that same type of cross .the rock wall has the cross and a picture of part of his family crest on it . so i leave it at that ,that cross may even have some other meaning in the painting .i am not here to debate in fact , i don't care if he had a dozen crosses it changes nothing .. i know more about site that confirms the painting is Cortez ...

i under stand what your saying but i did not paint the pictures . i found about 7 picture with that same type of cross .the rock wall has the cross and a picture of part of his family crest on it . so i leave it at that ,that cross may even have some other meaning in the painting .i am not here to debate in fact , i don't care if he had a dozen crosses it changes nothing .. i know more about site that confirms the painting is Cortez ...
Fine, believe what you will

Ok lets just put the details in order . one version of the legend stated that Cortez sent his helmet to Montezuma 2 and told him out of respect he should fill the helmet with Gold ,and he sent it back filled with gold dust .. is this the reason the helmet was found in Utah ,if nothing else but some leather was found there other then 200 and some odd turquoise beads , but lets stop and look at this closer : the Azure tribe. the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa ...also known for a color of turquoise known as Azure Sky ,the same color as the turquoise beads found in one of the native graves sites in Utah ,the helmet and the beads were found there but nether are from that area of Utah ..beyond what most people may think , the Aztec were very systematic ,if they killed these workers and made graves they had a reason to do so . often these were acts of symbolic messages in meaning .Cortez never went north of the grand canyon ,if Spaniards never went into Utah how did the helmet get there? if its not fake or hoax ,then Freddy Crystal was correct in some ways ..its been my tracking of the events that lead me to believe that most of the treasure was taken back to the seven caves and some was cast out to the north and west and east to misled the Spaniards away from the sacred caves ,i also believe this is why they never got any Aztec to tell them where the caves were ,...that's why they never found the seven caves ...its my under standing that the city that once stood near the caves was in fact covered in Gold dust and when it is time i will explain how and what happen to the golden city of that tribe ...these tribes of Aztec were much smarter then we give them respect for ..they knew what they were doing , they had time and knew the area and locations and they were 5 steps ahead of Cortez ...


i tell my self am a real Dutch hunter ,i tell my self your a real treasure hunt you did it you found what most only dream of .. yes i found it Montezuma's treasure .but it came with very real curse .. 18 of my best friends and family . 5 of my own family members ,normally i would just say Happy thanks giving and leave the site and not tell anyone about the curse that haunts me ..not today . my brother begs for death and the curse wont let him go till it says so . my sister has done nothing to deserve this ,it toys with them like a cat with a doomed mouse .having its funny as long as their life rest in its hands ..so there is only one way out for me now ,brake the curse or wait till its done with all my friends and family and then it will be my turn ... if you don't believe that the curse is real .. "you are so wrong " ! when you dare not post the pictures of your family because the site would remove them ... ... so ... Happy thanks giving to you all ...

Where I live, two or three miles away, is a thing called the tomb of Moctezuma. Someone took me there, and I studied it. It fits the perfect profile of an observation tower on a hill side, not a tomb at all. Pre-Cortez merchants traveled through there on their way to Tenochitlan, and the local indigenous tribe gave them a choice. Pay for night lodging or unknown bandits will soon attack and take all your goodies. This tower has a view miles to the south which would be constantly manned as a standard business practice.

So, calling something the Tomb of Moctezuma does not mean it really is.

That tribe, according to UNAM, was finally conquered around 1503, then eventually re-conquered by the Spanish a couple decades later.

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