has montezumas tomb been found ...?

the legend of the souls of stone . in their days there were great warriors and their blood lines past from war to war covering the ground with their souls and in time the stones we speak of those that knew them and the valleys of death fear the living that dare to enter who is to say or speak for the living stone . only one tribe spoke of this . the sha ma chi , of the seven caves ...stone only speaks to those willing to dare to listen to the cries of battle and the suffering that fills the air as the souls return to the great spirit ...

i am a seer and i have seen . i was a small Aztec boy long ago ,my name was Tazza and i am with my people at the seven caves dancing in the heat of the noon Sun .i am the son of a great shaman . and i am dressed as a Eagle with feathers from my arms like wings and a i wear a mountain lions head and mask and my face wears the spots of my bloodline .. and i am dancing and the whole tribe is watching the shaman boy become a great shaman shape shifter ..the world is dancing with me and all the tribe is shaking in fear, i see things into the future and the past but they never last ......i am singing like the winds of thunder as i dance i look down and there around my feet are my tribe bloody and dead and people in metal walk around them and do not see me, why i do not know ..one turns his head and say to his men did you hear that and they stop to listen and i knee and cover my self with my wings and fall into a sleep and when i awake i am here with you in this world ....! i am the eagle and roaring like the lion .. all that watch set still and know i am the never dying wind spirit ... and the soul of all that is .....
you wanted to know what it is like to be a shape shifter ..all you know and everyone you know will be gone in the blink of eye and there is only one way back the great repeating death that will take us all on that day you will know ...
i' n' n-aw' ...E" a P-aw' Sha ma chi '! ya ya hee' aw

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i am a seer and i have seen . i was a small Aztec boy long ago ,my name was Tazza and i am with my people at the seven caves dancing in the heat of the noon Sun .i am the son of a great shaman . and i am dressed as a Eagle with feathers from my arms like wings and a i wear a mountain lions head and mask and my face wears the spots of my bloodline .. and i am dancing and the whole tribe is watching the shaman boy become a great shaman shape shifter ..the world is dancing with me and all the tribe is shaking in fear, i see things into the future and the past but they never last ......i am singing like the winds of thunder as i dance i look down and there around my feet are my tribe bloody and dead and people in metal walk around them and do not see me, why i do not know ..one turns his head and say to his men did you hear that and they stop to listen and i knee and cover my self with my wings and fall into a sleep and when i awake i am here with you in this world ....! i am the eagle and roaring like the lion .. all that watch set still and know i am the never dying wind spirit ... and the soul of all that is .....
you wanted to know what it is like to be a shape shifter ..all you know and everyone you know will be gone in the blink of eye and there is only one way back the great repeating death that will take us all on that day you will know ...
i' n' n-aw' ...E" a P-aw' Sha ma chi '! ya ya hee' aw

You should quit using them hallucinogens BB!!
Sounds more like yer "shape shifting" into a kookoo bird, rather than anything scary.....LOL.


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i will be going into black out mode ,so i have to say good luck ...be back some day ....

i will be going into black out mode ,so i have to say good luck ...be back some day ....

A coma ?
Or , is that when you paint yourself black, and run around the neighborhood naked at night while howling like a coyote ?

Aztec wild weed pipe mode.

Home grown. Already said he's an expert in that too.

....."i' n' n-aw' ...E" a P-aw' Sha ma chi '! ya ya hee' aw".....
Do you think I should consider that gobble-de-gook an insult ?

Home grown. Already said he's an expert in that too.

....."i' n' n-aw' ...E" a P-aw' Sha ma chi '! ya ya hee' aw".....
Do you think I should consider that gobble-de-gook an insult ?

Could be taken as an insult as far as there is not provided any translation to that speech.

Ok lets just put the details in order . one version of the legend stated that Cortez sent his helmet to Montezuma 2 and told him out of respect he should fill the helmet with Gold ,and he sent it back filled with gold dust .. is this the reason the helmet was found in Utah ,if nothing else but some leather was found there other then 200 and some odd turquoise beads , but lets stop and look at this closer : the Azure tribe. the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa ...also known for a color of turquoise known as Azure Sky ,the same color as the turquoise beads found in one of the native graves sites in Utah ,the helmet and the beads were found there but nether are from that area of Utah ..beyond what most people may think , the Aztec were very systematic ,if they killed these workers and made graves they had a reason to do so . often these were acts of symbolic messages in meaning .Cortez never went north of the grand canyon ,if Spaniards never went into Utah how did the helmet get there? if its not fake or hoax ,then Freddy Crystal was correct in some ways ..its been my tracking of the events that lead me to believe that most of the treasure was taken back to the seven caves and some was cast out to the north and west and east to misled the Spaniards away from the sacred caves ,i also believe this is why they never got any Aztec to tell them where the caves were ,...that's why they never found the seven caves ...its my under standing that the city that once stood near the caves was in fact covered in Gold dust and when it is time i will explain how and what happen to the golden city of that tribe ...these tribes of Aztec were much smarter then we give them respect for ..they knew what they were doing , they had time and knew the area and locations and they were 5 steps ahead of Cortez ...
you might want to read the Luna Papers,,,http://palmm.digital.flvc.org/islandora/object/uwf:46938#page/xvi/mode/2up

Ok lets just put the details in order . one version of the legend stated that Cortez sent his helmet to Montezuma 2 and told him out of respect he should fill the helmet with Gold ,and he sent it back filled with gold dust .. is this the reason the helmet was found in Utah ,if nothing else but some leather was found there other then 200 and some odd turquoise beads , but lets stop and look at this closer : the Azure tribe. the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa ...also known for a color of turquoise known as Azure Sky ,the same color as the turquoise beads found in one of the native graves sites in Utah ,the helmet and the beads were found there but nether are from that area of Utah ..beyond what most people may think , the Aztec were very systematic ,if they killed these workers and made graves they had a reason to do so . often these were acts of symbolic messages in meaning .Cortez never went north of the grand canyon ,if Spaniards never went into Utah how did the helmet get there? if its not fake or hoax ,then Freddy Crystal was correct in some ways ..its been my tracking of the events that lead me to believe that most of the treasure was taken back to the seven caves and some was cast out to the north and west and east to misled the Spaniards away from the sacred caves ,i also believe this is why they never got any Aztec to tell them where the caves were ,...that's why they never found the seven caves ...its my under standing that the city that once stood near the caves was in fact covered in Gold dust and when it is time i will explain how and what happen to the golden city of that tribe ...these tribes of Aztec were much smarter then we give them respect for ..they knew what they were doing , they had time and knew the area and locations and they were 5 steps ahead of Cortez ...
BB, actually de Spaniards were in Utah from about 1580's, with Antonio de Espejo as group leader. They found some gold outcrops on the south side of the Uintas and worked them for a while. They have entered Utah from New Mexico, like the other Spaniards who went there after Espejo. There were the Nunez expedition and the Garcia's, with the last to have worked the infamous Josephine de Martinique mine which holds the gold and silver bars treasure.
Now, i believe Aztecs were in Utah only for trade and no part of their treasure have been buried there. All the Montezuma treasure it's buried in one of the seven cities/caves of gold, which is in the Superstitions Arizona. In the sacred mountain of gold, literally.

very close you have been doing a lot of research to get that close .. yes the rock wall art of Cortez had the dates 1536-1537 in front of the picture and i assume the art was dose some time around those years . and when i search Cortez the only years he could have been in the supers was 1536 and 1537, logic tells me that those were the years he went there looking for the lost Silver mine of Tayopa .with those dates i put him within 200 ft of the mine ,and i believe the confusion came after when the mine was renamed the El sombrero after the fall of Tayopa around the years after 1603 , now i base that logic on the fat the Tayopa church was doing weddings and birth records and grave yard records ..now your most likely thinking how dose that mine if it is Tayopa how's that fit in to the Aztec and Montezuma 2 well the Aztec codex of Chicomoztoc shows the birth of Montezuma 2 in the seven caves and we also know that a native legend stated that a gold vane ran threw the front two caves of the seven caves . and that same vane is the LDM ,now this is where it get interesting , that's a very rich gold vane but yet gold and silver are often found in the same vanes . in this case the LDM vane showed up a 1/4 mile away and turn to mostly Silver that became the Tayopa Silver mine ... it is funny because Cortez was looking for Silver and walked right past the richest gold mine in the world ...Cortez had been making a lot of his wealth from buying up Silver mines down in lower Sonora and the Supers at the time were part of new Spain , Sonora , to think that Cortez didn't go into the supers would be foolish ...when Tayopa was active they did anything to keep it hidden from the ring of Spain ,even the Spanish wanted their cut .when you get a silver mine that rich they cook the books and sent about 1/2 to the king's ships and hide the rest in the tunnel , stock piled as much as they could then they made one mistake . forcing the natives to work the mines , the more greedy they got the madder the natives got till the got the chance to over throw the Spanish and then they killed the Spanish and the Jesuit and some of the Peralta family ..got away and then came back years latter trying to work the mines ,IMHO Cortez made up most of the details of the seven cities of gold was more smoke and mirrors then fact ,,,...i think Cortez was using that legend to cover his silver mines ,a lot of gold never got to the king , some ended up at the bottom of the gulf ,and some vanished ..where is it now setting in the tunnel right where it has been for the last 600 years .if we go by what is known ,Waltz knew of the tunnel but never knew where it was . ,he had to have been told by the Peralta when he took the mine from them .most likely the Peralta only knew the families legend of the tunnel and mines and most never knew where the tunnel was . that's why they never showed it to Waltz . it took me over 20 years to learn where the tunnel is ., so IMHO Waltz never knew where it was ..see i knew where the Hoya was so finding the Tunnel was still a problem till i found the LDM by accident...the tunnel is the hardest to locate ..after the Hoya was under 25ft of rock . the tunnel was almost lost for ever ...but in my case i had seen the Hoya and knew where it was even if it was gone now ...after back tracking for close to 20 years i located it ,so the over all history of the time line ties the misplaced details together and it started back in the very early time of the natives and then to the Aztecs and so on...see in my case i felt fitting the details and time line together were more important then opening the Hoya ,the tunnel or the LDM ..because if you cant prove what you found your just guessing ...

very close you have been doing a lot of research to get that close .. yes the rock wall art of Cortez had the dates 1536-1537 in front of the picture and i assume the art was dose some time around those years . and when i search Cortez the only years he could have been in the supers was 1536 and 1537, logic tells me that those were the years he went there looking for the lost Silver mine of Tayopa .with those dates i put him within 200 ft of the mine ,and i believe the confusion came after when the mine was renamed the El sombrero after the fall of Tayopa around the years after 1603 , now i base that logic on the fat the Tayopa church was doing weddings and birth records and grave yard records ..now your most likely thinking how dose that mine if it is Tayopa how's that fit in to the Aztec and Montezuma 2 well the Aztec codex of Chicomoztoc shows the birth of Montezuma 2 in the seven caves and we also know that a native legend stated that a gold vane ran threw the front two caves of the seven caves . and that same vane is the LDM ,now this is where it get interesting , that's a very rich gold vane but yet gold and silver are often found in the same vanes . in this case the LDM vane showed up a 1/4 mile away and turn to mostly Silver that became the Tayopa Silver mine ... it is funny because Cortez was looking for Silver and walked right past the richest gold mine in the world ...Cortez had been making a lot of his wealth from buying up Silver mines down in lower Sonora and the Supers at the time were part of new Spain , Sonora , to think that Cortez didn't go into the supers would be foolish ...when Tayopa was active they did anything to keep it hidden from the ring of Spain ,even the Spanish wanted their cut .when you get a silver mine that rich they cook the books and sent about 1/2 to the king's ships and hide the rest in the tunnel , stock piled as much as they could then they made one mistake . forcing the natives to work the mines , the more greedy they got the madder the natives got till the got the chance to over throw the Spanish and then they killed the Spanish and the Jesuit and some of the Peralta family ..got away and then came back years latter trying to work the mines ,IMHO Cortez made up most of the details of the seven cities of gold was more smoke and mirrors then fact ,,,...i think Cortez was using that legend to cover his silver mines ,a lot of gold never got to the king , some ended up at the bottom of the gulf ,and some vanished ..where is it now setting in the tunnel right where it has been for the last 600 years .if we go by what is known ,Waltz knew of the tunnel but never knew where it was . ,he had to have been told by the Peralta when he took the mine from them .most likely the Peralta only knew the families legend of the tunnel and mines and most never knew where the tunnel was . that's why they never showed it to Waltz . it took me over 20 years to learn where the tunnel is ., so IMHO Waltz never knew where it was ..see i knew where the Hoya was so finding the Tunnel was still a problem till i found the LDM by accident...the tunnel is the hardest to locate ..after the Hoya was under 25ft of rock . the tunnel was almost lost for ever ...but in my case i had seen the Hoya and knew where it was even if it was gone now ...after back tracking for close to 20 years i located it ,so the over all history of the time line ties the misplaced details together and it started back in the very early time of the natives and then to the Aztecs and so on...see in my case i felt fitting the details and time line together were more important then opening the Hoya ,the tunnel or the LDM ..because if you cant prove what you found your just guessing ...
Books I own
Rodrigo de Albornoz contador real de la Nueva Espana by Silvano Garica Guiot
Historia Comendiada del Estado de Sinaloa by licJ Mena Castillo

I do have a book (its falling apart}Sorry to say it is in a box I need someone to get the box down for me...however it is Pictures of different Nobles, painted in a Aztec form of their holdings

the only thing i can say for a fact is the seven caves shaman were unto them self's some of the greatest spiritual guides ever know to the human race .i found a Bone knife as well as a Olmec shaman stone within 50ft of the caves and i found a few other things i cant talk about here ...we are still guest in their back yard ...their wisdom and curses still live today and any one that thinks they don't is a total fool , the seven caves are sealed by the seventh seal .. i did not find a way in but i could see threw a small hole . and what they say is true ...

very close you have been doing a lot of research to get that close .. yes the rock wall art of Cortez had the dates 1536-1537 in front of the picture and i assume the art was dose some time around those years . and when i search Cortez the only years he could have been in the supers was 1536 and 1537, logic tells me that those were the years he went there looking for the lost Silver mine of Tayopa .with those dates i put him within 200 ft of the mine ,and i believe the confusion came after when the mine was renamed the El sombrero after the fall of Tayopa around the years after 1603 , now i base that logic on the fat the Tayopa church was doing weddings and birth records and grave yard records ..now your most likely thinking how dose that mine if it is Tayopa how's that fit in to the Aztec and Montezuma 2 well the Aztec codex of Chicomoztoc shows the birth of Montezuma 2 in the seven caves and we also know that a native legend stated that a gold vane ran threw the front two caves of the seven caves . and that same vane is the LDM ,now this is where it get interesting , that's a very rich gold vane but yet gold and silver are often found in the same vanes . in this case the LDM vane showed up a 1/4 mile away and turn to mostly Silver that became the Tayopa Silver mine ... it is funny because Cortez was looking for Silver and walked right past the richest gold mine in the world ...Cortez had been making a lot of his wealth from buying up Silver mines down in lower Sonora and the Supers at the time were part of new Spain , Sonora , to think that Cortez didn't go into the supers would be foolish ...when Tayopa was active they did anything to keep it hidden from the ring of Spain ,even the Spanish wanted their cut .when you get a silver mine that rich they cook the books and sent about 1/2 to the king's ships and hide the rest in the tunnel , stock piled as much as they could then they made one mistake . forcing the natives to work the mines , the more greedy they got the madder the natives got till the got the chance to over throw the Spanish and then they killed the Spanish and the Jesuit and some of the Peralta family ..got away and then came back years latter trying to work the mines ,IMHO Cortez made up most of the details of the seven cities of gold was more smoke and mirrors then fact ,,,...i think Cortez was using that legend to cover his silver mines ,a lot of gold never got to the king , some ended up at the bottom of the gulf ,and some vanished ..where is it now setting in the tunnel right where it has been for the last 600 years .if we go by what is known ,Waltz knew of the tunnel but never knew where it was . ,he had to have been told by the Peralta when he took the mine from them .most likely the Peralta only knew the families legend of the tunnel and mines and most never knew where the tunnel was . that's why they never showed it to Waltz . it took me over 20 years to learn where the tunnel is ., so IMHO Waltz never knew where it was ..see i knew where the Hoya was so finding the Tunnel was still a problem till i found the LDM by accident...the tunnel is the hardest to locate ..after the Hoya was under 25ft of rock . the tunnel was almost lost for ever ...but in my case i had seen the Hoya and knew where it was even if it was gone now ...after back tracking for close to 20 years i located it ,so the over all history of the time line ties the misplaced details together and it started back in the very early time of the natives and then to the Aztecs and so on...see in my case i felt fitting the details and time line together were more important then opening the Hoya ,the tunnel or the LDM ..because if you cant prove what you found your just guessing ...
BB, i believe you have confused the Antelope silver mine with Tayopa mining complex. The Antelope silver mine it's only few hundred yards from the seven caves, so you can be right saying could be the same vein with the LDM which has turned in silver deposit. Actually it's the same mountain, just different sides. The LDM it's almost at the top on the seven caves side.
Real de Tayopa it's in Mexico and the Jesuits left a coded description which shows the distance between Tayopa and Weaver's Needle, and that distance it's over 600 kilometers. The only connection between Real de Tayopa and the seven caves, it's the Jesuits hid all the Tayopa's treasure and other missions stuff, in three of the seven caves/"cities" of gold, and named it the " Treasure of Santa Fe ", known from the stone maps.
Also another connection with Tayopa, seven caves and Montezuma treasure, is the Montezuma treasure it's in the same cave with a part of the treasure of Santa Fe.

the reason i have not been here is i am studying a much older church under the jesuit church , the older church is a Franciscan Church from the late 1200's to early 1300's ...see when i track those templar from the east coast all the way to the Supers and some past . most vanished in the supers . i could not track the Jesuits to that church till much later at the time of Tayopa , but i can track the Franciscan to that church ,we often talk about the massacre sites but we forgot one detail some of those massacre site could have taken place at the same location and just took place at different timelines by different people ...everything has to fit together or its not complete ...if the tayopa treasure letter is correct it tells us that the bell for the church us cast in 1603 , it never stated what the bell was made out of . most likely silver ,but the statue seen in 1959 ,(was a life size statue made of gold plate filled with gold dust ) and that statue is still in the Don's tunnel ,here is the kicker .. it's not the Don's tunnel . the mine was renamed from the Tayopa to the El Sombrero ,look back at the Tayopa treasure trove letter , it says a description of Tayopa mining camp ,in 1646 the bells date is 1603 , so the mining camp was far older than the church that was standing there waiting for a bell.. we can find data that tells us the mining camp was there around the 1540's or earlier,before it became a mining camp it was a few mines and a older Franciscan church ..

You said you were leaving for good, stop getting everyone's hopes up then coming back on here

trolls the waste of good treasure hunting time,....you most likely still believe Dick Holmes dug up the nephew's remains ...lol

Seriously man, no one on here believes your BS stories and everyone is tired of them. The best day on Treasurenet was when you said you were leaving for good, myself and everyone on here are tired of your delusional, zero punctuation bumbling flat out lies. Just leave man, no one has time for your lying BS stories anymore nor does anyone care about the BS that constantly comes out of your mouth. The end, enjoy your loneliness and sad pathetic lying life. Bye 👋

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