Has the world gone "cell phone crazy" ? Your thoughts on this obvious "addiction"...

If things come crashing down, how many will look up "wilderness survival" on YouTube and realize there's no connection?

Thousands of years we knew how to take care of ourselves and now look how useless the sheeple have become.

EVOLUTION? :icon_scratch:

Keep me off this thread before I go savage, as I despise those zombie phones and will NEVER own one!

No, I'm not ancient, I'm the son of baby boomers and not like most of my generation.

A rebel till the day I die! :headbang:


Another real story for you.....I'm walking along a busy street downtown..

Come to an intersection and get ready to cross at the last 2nd out of the corner of my eye I spot a car that just ran the stop sign and turned so I stopped.

He was on his cellphone and probably didn't see the stop or me....luckily for me there was a cop car that spotted him....revenge is sweet lol.

Regards + HH


I gave up on modern society a couple years ago when I saw a woman riding a horse down my road talking on a cell phone


I'm in telecom (wireline) and cellphones have signaled the end of my career.

Had a service call a while back for an elderly female doctor that treated her patients out of her home. She would not allow cellular or any RF devices in her home while she was there. She says she has several patients she is treating for what she calls 'RF-induced illnesses'...and I was there to remover her wifi router that was installed several weeks before.

It would not surprise me one bit if there are some effects to the body being bombarded with cell waves constantly.

"Cell phones emit radiofrequency energy, a form of non-ionizing radiation. Tissues nearest to where the phone is held can absorb this energy."
"The number of cell phone subscriptions is estimated by the International Telecommunications Union to be 5 billion."
"The number of cell phone calls per day, the length of each call, and the amount of time people use cell phones have increased."

I might point out...
A text...
Or being online on a phone... IS a "call".

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Another real life story for you.....I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried.

I worked for 35 years in Marketing and Sales for the CPR a large railroad company in Canada....one of our customers was a reload operator specializing in loading/off loading and delivering lumber to the tune of 200 loads or more per month....that said the gal who was president had all of her drivers equipped with cellphones to keep in touch and relay messages, etc while they were on the road.

One of her drivers who had the habit of placing his cellphone between his legs when not in use developed testicular cancer probably from the radiation emitted from the device....this was like 25 years ago when these things weighed like 5 lbs back then but doubt the technology has changed all that much since then.

Regards + HH


It would not surprise me one bit if there are some effects to the body being bombarded with cell waves constantly.

"Cell phones emit radiofrequency energy, a form of non-ionizing radiation. Tissues nearest to where the phone is held can absorb this energy."
"The number of cell phone subscriptions is estimated by the International Telecommunications Union to be 5 billion."
"The number of cell phone calls per day, the length of each call, and the amount of time people use cell phones have increased."

I might point out...
A text...
Or being online on a phone... IS a "call".

Does make you wonder? About all this extra Radiation(?) or EMF's(?) do to our brains and body's! Like some of you mentioned above! It is kind of crazy when you really think about it! What is it doing to us? If anything!:dontknow:

I read something somewhere once about cell phones and vehicle use...
That the cell antenna in a vehicle makes the entire cab and chassis become like an antenna also when active.
Which if true...
Would be sitting in one big cage of it. - the cell waves that is.

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I have been using cell phones for over 25 years, 2 at time at the same time even due to telcom work.

Just to let everyone know...
The "intro" / "OP" to this thread has been mostly re-written this morning.
I felt the need to "clarify" and edit the original babble for several reasons which now may be clearer to some.

Plus to be honest ... I sorta "rush jobbed it" at the time of OP...
So ...
If interested... re-read the original post by me.
It is finalized...
I think. .. :)

Maybe it's all a big conspiracy to bring in the self driving cars eventually without much fuss from the public? All the people could keep there heads down on there phones the whole drive and look up arrived at their destination. Also not even know what hit them when the car fails during transit and gets in a accident.

Just to let everyone know...
The "intro" / "OP" to this thread has been mostly re-written this morning.
I felt the need to "clarify" and edit the original babble for several reasons which now may be clearer to some.

Plus to be honest ... I sorta "rush jobbed it" at the time of OP...
So ...
If interested... re-read the original post by me.
It is finalized...
I think. .. :)


I do not have a 'cell phone'. I had a bad experience with a texting driver once down near Dumas, Texas. I was tryin to figure out which road to take, but here come a fool lookin down at a phone texting. Well I had to grab the wheel and hit the ditch. Road map I was lookin at flew up, dropped my hamburger, fries went all over the front seat and dropped my coke in my lap. Cellular phones have probably saved some lives and maybe I should have one, considering the places I take off too, but I accept that I will probably go out of this world the same way I came in, by accident, and I won't be able to change that. The kids talked me into getting on fb. There's a lot of bs on there, but the best thing is if I call one of the kids on the phone I get that transferred to that voice mail thing, but post on fb and bang, they're right there.

I call it... FakeBook. :P

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