Have permission- now waiting for the rain to end



Good morning!
I'm here in Rhode Island and drove by an area near one of the oldest churches in the state and their cemetary. They're clearing the heck out of it to build yet more condos. I pulled up to a group of laborers, etc. and their "leader" walked up to the car. I said, "Hi! Hey if I come by when there is nobody around, don't get in the way and don't bother anyone can I metal detect over there?" Then I plastered my goofiest smile on my face ;D and gave him the sub-conscious yes-nodding of the head that I use in my sales calls. He looked at me with that puzzled knitted brow and elvis snear I always seem to get, and I got an "Metal detect?? Uh, I don't care..." I can only explain the look on his face by relating it to the look you would probably get if you farted in public. I'm only guessing of course. Are you familiar with this look when you guys ask?
Sooo, anyway I have his name and permission and he has my real estate business card because, hey, he's putting up condos right? Gotta plant the seed. Now I'm just waiting for this rain that's been here since sunday to GO AWAY. So that's my story. Became a charter member this morning so y'all are stuck with me!

Yea! I knew a girl with that kinda smile..... knocked me out too. Could use that smile again.... as a partner. But can you throw dirt with a shovel?? LOL. TTC

I can swing a shovel with the best of them! It would be nice to go treasure hunting with somebody. I get a little too into it and sometimes end up off the beaten path. I think it'd be a bit safer to have a partner. I know "bad guys" aren't sitting in the woods like some slasher movie, waiting for me to wander by. I do believe however that people sometimes go with a "crime of opportunity". Not planning to commit a crime but taking advantage of some distracted chick by herself with no witnessess around.
It may be too early for this to make sense!

My rule is don't watch deliverance before going
cellar hole hunting and don't watch jaws before you hit the beach.
Good luck on your hunt. :tongue3:

I must formally turn down your offer. :laughing7: I'm spoken for. But...... if you need a partner, I'm sure you don't have to look far to find a club in RI. As a newbie, you can save alot of dissapointment by working with those that have already "put the time in". GL TTC

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