House Democrat On Obamacare “I Don’t Know How Obama BEEEEP This Up So Badly”

Aug 20, 2009
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House Democrat On Obamacare “I Don’t Know How Obama :censored:This Up So Badly”

Zero Hedge
November 15, 2013

For five years, congressional Democrats have sprung to his defense when Obama’s been in trouble. Now though, amid the dismal reality of Obamacare, Politico reports a familiar refrain from Democratic sources: Obama’s “if-you-like-it-you-can-keep-it” promise on insurance policies is his “Read my lips, no new taxes” moment — a reference to the broken promise that came to damage President George H.W. Bush’s credibility with his fellow Republicans. His one-time allies are no longer sure that it’s wise to follow him into battle, leaving Obama and his law not only vulnerable to existing critics, but open to new attacks from his own party. Democratic sources say, Obama can expect that lawmakers will be quicker to criticize him — and distance themselves from his policies.

Via Politico,

[Instead of his "fix" and talking points for Obamacare], the White House chief of staff might have been better off revealing a U.S. map with the president’s plan for saving congressional Democrats’ seats — or just apologizing for letting so many Democrats walk out in public and repeat wildly inaccurate White House claims about the health of the enrollment website and Americans’ ability to keep their insurance plans if they liked them.

President Barack Obama’s credibility may have taken a big hit with voters, but he’s also in serious danger of permanently losing the trust of Democrats in Congress.

“I don’t know how he f—-ed this up so badly,” said one House Democrat who has been very supportive of Obama in the past.

The first test of unity: how many Democrats vote for a bill Friday penned by Michigan Republican Rep. Fred Upton. The legislation would allow people to keep their canceled insurance plans through 2014.

Congressional Democrats are on the line in 2014. Many of them voted for Obamacare, defended it in 2010 and will have to stand in front of voters next year and explain the problems.


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May 22, 2013
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Gee, how did ALL the Republicans KNOW this was a disaster before the roll out? Now people are looking back and saying, well maybe we shouldn't have funded ACA. So, who was really the cause of the shut down? As we knew all along, Harry Reid and the Dems for NOT signing any funding unless ACA was fullly funded. Easy to see if you just OPEN YOUR EYES PEOPLE!!!!!!!!
Common sense, in the end, will prevail!!!!! :icon_thumright:


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Feb 23, 2011
S. Fl.
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NONE of this mess has been about ppl getting healthcare or providers being paid for services, imho!
It's about contracts, money, and posturing, that's why it's called Washington politics, NOT HEALTHCARE-DC!

What concerns me, is officials coming on tv, stating Obama has specifically instructed ICE to NOT enforce immigration laws!
Stripping our military......... selling guns to drug cartels and terrorists........... NOT coming to the aid of our citizens and turning a blind eye....... giving OUR tax-dollars to Al Queda in Pakistan(to rebuild their country), OUR OWN FREAKING COUNTRY NEEDS REBUILDING!

oops, sorry, didn't mean to fall off track, it's just so "in your face", this administrations "faux pas", they need to ALL be sent home and made to think about what all they've done! Many, really do not deserve to represent the public, that elected them!


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Apr 3, 2006
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Have you heard of this type of government? It seems to be one of the best fitting for ours, Right Now.

Kakistocracy Government by the least qualified or most unprincipled citizens, "Government by the worst."


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Feb 23, 2011
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I just heard Pelosi say, that the "keep your ins bill" they are trying to pass today and the one the Prez said he would veto, is a TROJAN HORSE they are trying to sneak past....... :sign10:

LOL! LAWL! LOL! Is she for REAL! Who does she think she is kidding!?
Pot, kettle, hello! LOL! That's rich!
We should all remember, anything we ever say about another, the same can/could be applied to ourselves, as well!
YES NANCY, that was directed toward you, too! LOL!

eta, no this bill today may not fix their mess, but somethings gonna hafta give, soon!
The suspense is killing me! LOL! :happy1:

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Sep 13, 2011
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NO CHANGES TO OBAMACARE!!! IF ANY REPUBLICAN VOTES TO SUPPORT THIS BILL TO EXTEND THE PERSONAL MANDATE HE SHOULD BE RUN OUT OF OFFICE ON A RAIL!! (actually, I've seen that done when I was a kid and it was pretty funny ... but the preacher didn't think so)

Let this thing die from its own weight. Extending the exemption GUARANTEES a democratic victory. People will push the problems to the back of their minds and at that point any other political party becomes irrelevant and powerless.


If that happened, we could see 1776 all over again as it would wake a sleeping giant ... the silent majority who seem to just accept whatever comes down the pike to "keep the peace".


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Aug 31, 2013
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Obammy KNOWS all to well that the insurance companies and the various state insurance commissioners are not going to be able to switch things back for people who got cancellation notices very quickly! All he was doing in this so called speech yesterday was trying to lay/defer blame when those that have been cancelled can't get them renewed again and just go back the way it was. It was a BS speech and the extremely stupid among us will fall for his BS, but most will not and the Dems know it!! His lame attempt to lay this at the feet of the insurance companies will not work and he'll lose more credability!


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Apr 3, 2006
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You know,, With everyone on the left screaming about the broken healthcare system and how we must provide for everyone, you would think noone was allowed to get healthcare unless they were rich!

And last night,, While going through old tax documents(2004 Because the Paper trail Nightmare makes us keep Boxes and boxes full of junk), I found a flier I had just thrown into a file after informing my employees.

On the outside it says "IMPORTANT TAX DOCUMENT"
The first open area says Important Message Enclosed From The Virginia Dept Of Taxation Regarding Changes To Withholding Effective 1/1/05.

An Advertisement,, Of sorts
FAMIS Children's Health Insurance- If you have employees with children that are uninsured, please tell them about FAMIS

FAMIS is Virginia's health insurance program for uninsured children. It provides access to quality health services for children in working families.

There are no enrollment costs or monthly premiums. The only cost to the family are co-payments for some medical services. Most copays are just $2 to $5 and some services do not require a co pay.

Looks like this state was trying to provide insurance for all children back then!

I haven't checked to see if the link still works.... (sorry, this is for emailing [email protected] for info)
or Family Access to Medical Insurance Security

Just checked, still intact,, looks like it will have to go away too.

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Native Floridian

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Mar 12, 2012
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The thing i find funny about all the Xright whining about ACA is that, it's the government what did we expect? isn't the old joke "I'm from the government, I'm here to help."

We all know the government can't get anything right. One trip to any DMV office shows us that. Tonite i drove back from beach hunting. i used the Atlantic City Expressway, a 40 mile plus long limited access highway that links AC with a freeway coming out of Philly. The AC Expressway cuts through a National Reserve, a forest called the Pine Barrens. The Pine Barrens is, if nothing else, overloaded with deer. Thus deer strikes on the AC Expressway are a common occurence. So, tonite as i'm driving back towards Philly, i look to my right and left and see a new installation of anti deer fencing along the highway's outer grass run off shoulders. Truthfully, i didn't notice it until i saw about a half dozen deer grazing on the grass, inside the fencing! Along the next four or five miles at least another dozen deer inside the fencing. How about that! Anti deer fencing that doesn't work! Only the government could manage that! Wonder how much money we wasted?

If government can't get something as simple as deer fence right the first time, how can i possibly expect them to get something as big as a new healthcare program right the first time. I can't.

Those who were in the military know this acronym - SNAFU

My question for those who were in the military - why would you expect anything different today?

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Feb 23, 2011
S. Fl.
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Put the pressure on our elected rep's!
They created, lied, force-fed, and implemented this debacle, let them know, we expect them to fix it!

Contact Elected Officials |

If one was to do a basic pro/con sheet, in regards to Obamacare, one would clearly see:
a program that is suppose to insure more, has caused those who were already insured to lose their insurance, so in actuality, it is insuring less.

United Healthcare, it was reported, just dropped 3500 nationwide from their Medicare supplement program. Doctors and providers are being cut. Less doctor choices, not more!

From the way this mess was drafted, sold to the public, funded and money wasted, a faulty program roll-out and implementation,
I do believe our government has PROVED to the American ppl, how truly inept they are, at "LOOKING AFTER US"!
You cannot solve a problem with the mind that created it! The governments only problem in this whole mess, is it didn't work, so they could bilk trillions more outta the American ppl, in the guise of "WE'RE TRYING TO HELP YOU"!
The kinda "help", this government is "offering", imho, we can ALL do without!

Tell them about it, please! And get ready for the voting polls!


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May 22, 2013
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NF says -"The thing i find funny about all the Xright whining about ACA is that, it's the government what did we expect?"

The people in the center, the right, and the 4 people on the Xright have ALL said from the "START"of the MENTION of ACA < - It won't work, that's why we tried to stop it. I have no clue what you are trying to point out. Your post makes No Sense what-so-ever. :dontknow:

Native Floridian

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Mar 12, 2012
Ft Myers, Florida
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Ring, Tried to stop it? That's laughable! The ACA as it stands today was put into law by a republican congress! You don't like it, it won't work etc etc, and yet you blame the president. Why? because the Republican Congressmen want you to. it's called deflection. And you have fallen for it!

That you don't get something so basic, i imagine not much makes sense in your world.

As for the website not working, i didn't hear anyone say anything about that before it went live.

Admin dropped the ball big time on that one! But I'm use to the feds dropping the ball big time. Like our prez standing on the deck of an aircraft carrier in front of a big banner proclaiming "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!" Yeah, we got that one right indeed!!!


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Apr 3, 2006
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Ring, Tried to stop it? That's laughable! The ACA as it stands today was put into law by a republican congress! You don't like it, it won't work etc etc, and yet you blame the president. Why? because the Republican Congressmen want you to. it's called deflection. And you have fallen for it!

That you don't get something so basic, i imagine not much makes sense in your world.

As for the website not working, i didn't hear anyone say anything about that before it went live.

Admin dropped the ball big time on that one! But I'm use to the feds dropping the ball big time. Like our prez standing on the deck of an aircraft carrier in front of a big banner proclaiming "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!" Yeah, we got that one right indeed!!!

You should come back and amend this post. It looks like you think the repubs pushed this through..

Jan 2, 2013
somewhere between flagstaff, preskit
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I wonder which William f buckley wannabe taught the teabaggers this term....Kakistocracy
in two days it has popped into all the bs from the extreme right wing...even the locals here are suddenly pulling this concept out of their hats...

sounds like that fat boy in texas is busy...what's that name again...oh yea...carl rove.


Silver Member
Apr 3, 2006
Chesterfield, Va.
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All Treasure Hunting
I wonder which William f buckley wannabe taught the teabaggers this term....Kakistocracy
in two days it has popped into all the bs from the extreme right wing...even the locals here are suddenly pulling this concept out of their hats...

sounds like that fat boy in texas is busy...what's that name again...oh yea...carl rove.

Maybe the picture in the dictionary is The BO! Lol

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