How many believe the moon landing was...

Kentucky Kache said:

That's just those Brittons trying to get back at us. ;D

Thank you for the video. I think America and the world are soon to see the truth of it. I don't know what that will cause, but I think it's coming.

it's funny how conspiracies work.

If you believe in one side,
No amount of Proof otherwise is taken seriously. :coffee2:

jeff of pa said:
Kentucky Kache said:

That's just those Brittons trying to get back at us. ;D

Thank you for the video. I think America and the world are soon to see the truth of it. I don't know what that will cause, but I think it's coming.

it's funny how conspiracies work.

If you believe in one side,
No amount of Proof otherwise is taken seriously. :coffee2:

Frankly, I've yet to see any irrefutable proof on either side. We have video for both beliefs, we have plenty of circumstantial evidence for both beliefs. I believe in the fake landing. My belief, in my opinion, is no more conspiracy theory than the other side's belief. It will be interesting to see what comes of that video. I'm sure they have explanations.

I will say this. I think it would have been a little difficult to have gotten Neil Armstrong and crew to do that video, if said video is not authentic.

SWR said:
Kentucky Kache said:
Frankly, I've yet to see any irrefutable proof on either side. We have video for both beliefs, we have plenty of circumstantial evidence for both beliefs. I believe in the fake landing. My belief, in my opinion, is no more conspiracy theory than the other side's belief. It will be interesting to see what comes of that video. I'm sure they have explanations.

I will say this. I think it would have been a little difficult to have gotten Neil Armstrong and crew to do that video, if said video is not authentic.

Care to share some of your alledged "proof" that a moon landing never happened? So far, the only "proof" offered by the proponents of this conspiracy theory has been "what if" and "why" questions.

Just for one, the above video shows EXACTLY the same kind of proof that you claim. Really now, you watched it on TV, so you know it's true?

SWR said:
Kentucky Kache said:
SWR said:
Kentucky Kache said:
Frankly, I've yet to see any irrefutable proof on either side. We have video for both beliefs, we have plenty of circumstantial evidence for both beliefs. I believe in the fake landing. My belief, in my opinion, is no more conspiracy theory than the other side's belief. It will be interesting to see what comes of that video. I'm sure they have explanations.

I will say this. I think it would have been a little difficult to have gotten Neil Armstrong and crew to do that video, if said video is not authentic.

Care to share some of your alledged "proof" that a moon landing never happened? So far, the only "proof" offered by the proponents of this conspiracy theory has been "what if" and "why" questions.

Just for one, the above video shows EXACTLY the same kind of proof that you claim. Really now, you watched it on TV, so you know it's true? your mind...the conspiracy theory MUST be true...because somebody on a YouTube video said so?

I'm glad you're coming around to seeing what I've been saying the whole time. Just seeing things on film, doesn't make it so.
But, If that video above is not authentic, then how could it have been faked?

NOTHING is true just because someone said so. Youtube video, or NASA video.

SWR said:
Kentucky Kache said:
SWR said:
Kentucky Kache said:
SWR said:
Kentucky Kache said:
Frankly, I've yet to see any irrefutable proof on either side. We have video for both beliefs, we have plenty of circumstantial evidence for both beliefs. I believe in the fake landing. My belief, in my opinion, is no more conspiracy theory than the other side's belief. It will be interesting to see what comes of that video. I'm sure they have explanations.

I will say this. I think it would have been a little difficult to have gotten Neil Armstrong and crew to do that video, if said video is not authentic.

Care to share some of your alledged "proof" that a moon landing never happened? So far, the only "proof" offered by the proponents of this conspiracy theory has been "what if" and "why" questions.

Just for one, the above video shows EXACTLY the same kind of proof that you claim. Really now, you watched it on TV, so you know it's true? your mind...the conspiracy theory MUST be true...because somebody on a YouTube video said so?

I'm glad you're coming around to seeing what I've been saying the whole time. Just seeing things on film, doesn't make it so.
But, If that video above is not authentic, then how could it have been faked?

NOTHING is true just because someone said so. Youtube video, or NASA video.

Wait a minute here.

You start a controversial thread on (or about) the 40th anniversary or the Lunar Landing…claiming it never happened…and you have no reliable references or sources that might support your belief in this conspiracy theory?

Sir…I must inform you that you have come to the table unprepared. Until you do get some references or sources suitable for adult discussion…. I too must step down, and refuse to play your “maybe they did, maybe they didn’t” game, as others before me have done.

I wish you a good day.

And without tackling the last thing I said. Imagine that.
The truth is, you don't know how to explain what I just said, and leaving the discussion not only proves it, but also shows that you, like some others, are not capable of carrying on an intelligent discussion without trying to make the other side look like idiots. Your tactic has failed. Now, go ahead and take your ball and go home. I'll find someone else to play with...someone who is interested in discussing, instead of putting down everyone who doesn't believe exactly like they do. Good day.

Jeff, that video looked very convincing I'll admit. I believe the phrase commonly used today is "Photoshoped". Or perhaps, "GIMPed". Those title boards for each film strip look exactly like the titles produceable on my old computer running Microsoft XP with it's included video editing application. With even THAT simple little app, one can not only seamlessly splice video strips, but can also splice and / or record different portions of audio on the audio track of the video being put together. We've all seen what that idiot Michael Moore did to videos of President Bush's speeches and the way Hollyweird works. Remember, the first of the Star Wars movies was done on computers using an application that could be ran on almost any home computer at that time. The BBC is about as far left, politically, as any organization in the world.

Having said all that---COULD the landing have been faked? Of course it could have been, but it'll take a whole lot better piece of proof than that video. Everything in it could have easily been faked by most any film school student.

Shortstack said:
Having said all that---COULD the landing have been faked? Of course it could have been, but it'll take a whole lot better piece of proof than that video. Everything in it could have easily been faked by most any film school student.

Exactly what I've been saying about the "real" moon landing footage.
Of course anything can be faked. Didn't we know that before we watched this video?

Shortstack said:
Jeff, that video looked very convincing I'll admit. I believe the phrase commonly used today is "Photoshoped". Or perhaps, "GIMPed". Those title boards for each film strip look exactly like the titles produceable on my old computer running Microsoft XP with it's included video editing application. With even THAT simple little app, one can not only seamlessly splice video strips, but can also splice and / or record different portions of audio on the audio track of the video being put together. We've all seen what that idiot Michael Moore did to videos of President Bush's speeches and the way Hollyweird works. Remember, the first of the Star Wars movies was done on computers using an application that could be ran on almost any home computer at that time. The BBC is about as far left, politically, as any organization in the world.

Having said all that---COULD the landing have been faked? Of course it could have been, but it'll take a whole lot better piece of proof than that video. Everything in it could have easily been faked by most any film school student.

The reaction
to this film is Pretty Much the point I
was trying to Make. some said russia was watching,
If anything was amiss they would have said something.

well IF a film showing russia Claiming they
didn't see the landing or craft even Circling
the moon. Everyone would say
they are Lying. because they are Russia.

No body can Prove anything different to anyone.

Even a smoking Gun can be Labeld
Fake. And the U.s. Beyond reproach
By those who want it to be.

Just like U.F.O.'s

Thousands of Photos exist yet
non believers still say "show us Photograpic proof"

IF the moon landing was faked, the Russians would not have said a word about it because THEN the world would have looked at them and said, OK, YOU do it and they would not have wanted to try. After the US landed there, the Russians could have said, OK, it's been done. No need for us to do that. The Russians are so paranoid, they would not have repeated OUR accomplishment because it would have been seen as an insult to themselves.

Do you remember back when the US and Russia reached a mutual, MONITORED reduction in ICBMs? They sent monitoring teams to the US and we sent teams to Russia to witness, on site, each other's missiles being pulled from their silos, the missile motors being destroyed and the silos being dynamited closed? The Russians laughed their butts off when our teams discovered that at least half of their silos had standing water in them and the missiles were so corroded that they were totalled unusable. We did not know the sorry state of Russia's missile squadrons until that time. Now, if the US faked the moon landing, it would have been in Russia's own best interest to have kept their mouths shut because they did not have the EQUIPMENT to do a lunar project. And if the US actually landed on the moon, then Russia's butt was still covered and there was no need to "best" the US on the project.

As for UFOs. Back several years ago when the UFO flap was going on down in Gulf Breeze, Florida there would be groups of people standing around in the public park located just off the end of the Pensacola Bay bridge, everynight waiting to take photos and videos. Well, one of those folks wrote a letter to MUFON about their experience there and reported that they had seen some of the objects come right close up to the beach. During that instance, their elderly father was seated at the picnic table with his back to the ocean and refused to turn around and look at the object because he said that UFOs did not exist therefore he was not going to turn around and look. That gentleman was a living example of the viewpoint of many people in the world today. Even though there are untold numbers of photographs and videos that have passed all tests for being authentic and there are people with impeccable credentials who have witnessed these objects, UFOs are still not considered "real". Yet, any court in the land would accept such proofs of guilt or innocence in a criminal trial. So, go figure. :dontknow:

Good afternoon Gentlemen: I have just finished watching that video 'twice', it is as full of it as my favorite outhouse.

Personally I would be embarrassed to present such a childish work as factual. I am sure that the Russians had an excellent laugh also and came to the same conclusions. I have yet to see any reference to it by them, that should tell you just how silly they also regard it..

As for my friend Bull mentionng that the Lander docked then the Orbiter made the orbits necessary before setting out on the return trip is quite correct. I didn't believe that it was necessry to explain this in detail since what I was pointing out was simply that there was no other space craft, since the world would have easily detected it.

As for the Van Allen belt radiation --->

"For electrons, the AE8 electron data shows negligible flux (< 1 electron per square cm per sec) over E=7 MeV at any altitude. The AP8 proton compilations indicates peak fluxes outside the spacecraft up to about 20,000 protons per square cm per sec above 100 MeV in a region around 1.7 Earth radii, but because the region is narrow, passage takes only about 5 min. Nevertheless, these appear to be the principal hazard.

These numbers seem generally consistent with the ~2 rem doses I recall. If every gram of a person's body absorbed 600,000 protons with energy 100 MeV, completely stopping them, the dose would be about 50 mSv. Assuming a typical thickness of 10 cm for a human and no shielding by the spacecraft gives a dose of something like 50 mSv in 300 sec due to protons in the most intense part of the belt.

For comparison, the US recommended limit of exposure for radiation workers is 50 mSv per year, based on the danger of causing cancer. The corresponding recommended limits in Britain and Cern are 15 mSv. For acute doses, the whole-body exposure lethal within 30 days to 50% of untreated cases is about 2.5-3.0 Gy (Gray) or 250-300 rad; in such circumstances, 1 rad is equivalent to 1 rem.

So the effect of such a dose, in the end, -> ' would not be enough to make the astronauts even noticeably ill.' <= The low-level exposure could possibly cause cancer in the long term. I do not know exactly what the odds on that would be, I believe on the order of 1 in 1000 per astronaut exposed, probably some years after the trip.

Of course, with nine trips, and a total of 3 X 9 = 27 astronauts -> (except for a few, like Jim Lovell, who went more than once) <- you would expect probably 5 or 10 cancers eventually in any case, even without any exposure, so it is not possible to know which if any might have been caused by the trips.

Next ??

Don Jose de La Mancha

Real de Tayopa said:
Next ??

Don Jose de La Mancha

Next is more of what has already been said. You have not proved that we landed men on the moon, and I have not proved that we haven't.

Kentucky Kache said:
Real de Tayopa said:
Next ??

Don Jose de La Mancha

Next is more of what has already been said. You have not proved that we landed men on the moon, and I have not proved that we haven't.

But he DID prove that the Van Allen Belt has been over-rated.

HI BULL, an excellent post, I enjoyed it, however it only bolsters the data that Man 'has been' on the moon. All of the potential dangers can, and will be countered with time and knowledge. So what is the problem?

Don Jose de La Mancha

jeff of pa said:
fake Landing by Us

Alians Took the astronauts up and let them Play around
a Bit & Take pics of the Earth.

the scenes with the Lander are fake.
Come here little astronaut ;D Wanna go play in a BIG sandboxon the moon? Then we can go look at Ur**** Oh Never mind :o ::) ::) ::)

Bull59,congratulations. You are very capable at "cut" and "paste". But, why are you being so snide with Don Jose? You "seriously doubt that he understands" what he posted? The same could easily be said about YOUR posts; so now we go around in circles.

plehbah said:
They have not kept anything a secret. All of the technology devised for going to the Moon and returning eventually winds up in your cell phone and your microwave oven.

The secrets are revealed all around us!

Like many of today's great inventions, the microwave oven was a by-product of another technology. It was during a radar-related research project around 1946 that Dr. Percy Spencer, a self-taught engineer with the Raytheon Corporation, noticed something very unusual. He was testing a new vacuum tube called a magnetron (we are searching for a picture of an actual 1946 magnetron), when he discovered that the candy bar in his pocket had melted. This intrigued Dr. Spencer, so he tried another experiment. This time he placed some popcorn kernels near the tube and, perhaps standing a little farther away, he watched with an inventive sparkle in his eye as the popcorn sputtered, cracked and popped all over his lab.

A lot of the technology we have is attributed to the space age, and rightly so. We do live in the space age. Space, and moon, however, are two different things.

plehbah said:
To suggest that the ultimate goal is tomfoolery and flim-flam is flimsy.

I'm not talking about things discovered in the process of space exploration. I'm talking about the moon landing.

The fact that the best evidence you have is to just call something flimsy is very telling. This is what NASA reps did when "conspiracy nut jobs" came foreward with their evidence that the moon landing was fake. Then, after they (NASA)had some time to think it over, they made another show explaining away what the "conspirators" had claimed. Why didn't they have the answers immediately? How is it that originally they could only say things like "that's preposterous"? How is it that that's still all we can say?

plehbah said:
Kentucky Kache said:
plehbah said:
To suggest that the ultimate goal is tomfoolery and flim-flam is flimsy.

I'm not talking about things discovered in the process of space exploration. I'm talking about the moon landing.

The fact that the best evidence you have is to just call something flimsy is very telling. This is what NASA reps did when "conspiracy nut jobs" came foreward with their evidence that the moon landing was fake. Then, after they (NASA)had some time to think it over, they made another show explaining away what the "conspirators" had claimed. Why didn't they have the answers immediately? How is it that originally they could only say things like "that's preposterous"? How is it that that's still all we can say?

Hey now, you don't halfta keep 'splaining it to me, buddy! I have seen 'The Truman Show', and so I KNOW the Moon is fake!

Besides, with all that cheese up there, a space craft would have been swallowed up. :wink:

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