HUGE arrowhead!!!


Silver Member
Jan 9, 2005
South Georgia
My friend and I went hunting points today. We walked a few of my favorite spots for about 8 hours, and found these points. My friend found the big one. It's his first point, believe it or not. Talk about beginner's luck. I believe it's a pickwick style, about 3000 to 5000 years old. I'll have to do some checking to be sure. Thing is, I don't think I've ever seen even a picture of a pickwick this big, so it might hold some significance. We'll see. I've been hunting points for over 20 years and never found one (any point style) this big. I think he's going to have a hard time topping this one.

The other pic is of a drill I found. See the next post down to look at all the other points I found today.

Oh....If you're like me, you might want to cover the keyboard with a towel to keep the drool off when you look at the big one my friend found. ;D


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Here are the rest of the points and artifacts I found today, minus the hundreds of chips and flakes.


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Nice looking arrow heads, thanks for sharing the pics! HH, Mike

That's an amazing amount of arrowheads for one day.
What kind of site were you searching?
COngrats and thanks for sharing your finds.


The areas were farm fields. These areas were campsites and possibly village sites. They were lived on sites because of the presence of pottery, thousands of flint chips which show there was lithics industry on the site, and fire pits. Years ago, I took a friend there and he found a broken pot with 8 large axe-shaped pre-forms in it next to a fire pit. Here are a couple of pics of some points that also came from the same area where we found these. I also have found grinding stones (mortar and pestle type devices) and a banner stone from the same area. There were mounds a mile or two from the area, but the development of a subdivision levelled them. It doesn't seem like that sort of thing would even be allowed to happen these days.


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Very nice points. The big fellow would have been nice for old wooly mammoth. Some believe the real "Ice Age" happened ca. 4000 years ago and was rather short-lived.



Yes, most, if not all, of these points pictured are not really "arrowheads". The use of a bow and arrow supposedly came into existence around 3000 years ago in North America. Most of these points are that old, or older. The term "arrowhead" is just an all-encompassing term for any point. I thought about titling the thread "HUGE point", but I figured a lot of people wouldn't know what I was talking about. I think it may have been a knife, but the fine serrations and no edge wear make me doubt it at the same time. If not, definitely a "spear head"....more specifically...used with an atlatl.

Wwoooooooooooooowwww, i've found a few points in Ga. but never anything that
big. A friend of mine owns 500 acre's out east of Atlanta, and when ever
I get down his way, I always stop and arrowhead hunt. Love to come on down
to south Ga. sometime and help you guys out. Thanks for the great pictures, and your
right i'm DROOLING!.

HH, Ringfinder

Where in south Georgia are you ? we are just up from Tallahassee Florida, and go arrowhead hunting as much as we can..
Let saber and I know, maybe we can hunt together in the fields around here.. creekbeds too for confederate gold!!! ;)


Maureen, I'm really close to you. Thomasville. I'm game anytime!

I went again today. Check out my new thread for pics!

Nice looking point Cheese and drill! You have one heck of a site to hunt on. Around here no one will let you hunt fields so I stick to creeks. Tell me, Is that point translucent ( spelling)? If so it might be made of coral and could be a dif. type as well. Let me know and HH.

Badandy...It's translucent. It doesn't appear to be coral though. What type are you thinking of? It really fits the mold for a Pickwick. I looked at newnan and levy and kirk to be sure (those are the only ones I can think of or find that resemble it close enough to consider), but it fits pickwick best. It's thin for it's size, serrated with the edgework/secondary flaking on one side of each face, but just the edgework (it's not heavily bevelled on one side of each face). You can see the base and recurved edges in the pic. Does this description put you in mind of another point type? I'd like to hear your thoughts. If it does turn out to be a pickwick, have you ever seen one this size? time you make it down this way let me know. I'll take you if the fields are right.

It just stands to reason that hunting arrow heads and MD go together. I hunted arrow heads as a kid and when I started dating my wife, she thought I was a little far out there to suggest we go hunting arrow heads and than actually hunt for arrow heads instead of using that suggestion as a ploy to get here alone out in the woods. She thought I was REALLY out there when I stopped the car in the middle of a country road to pick up a golf ball on the side of the road when I don't even play golf. She can't say she didn't know what she was getting into before she married me. The arrowheads are really cool. It has been quite a while since I found one. I just don't seem to have good places to hunt where I live now.

Keep digging and finding. Thanks for sharing.

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