I have one of "those guys" in my area!!!!


Bronze Member
Jul 23, 2006
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So I have been eyeballing a property that recently has been posted for sale. Haven't been able to track down the owners yet. It's a large property, probably ten acres or so. I keep missing the guys who cut the lawn.
Fast forwards a couple months ... me and a buddy are driving by and see two cars there. Cool!!!! I can go talk to someone. Walking around, banging on doors ..... nobody to be found? Start to walk around the property and I spot a guy crouched down out back. Look at my friend and say he's detecting!! I approach the guy who at this point is motioning to his buddy someones here. Walk right up and say "do you have permission to be here"? He goes no but I hate seeing history waste away at these type places, it's corporate owned sooo yadayadayada. Wellllllll I say, I believe in going through the proper channels to gain permission first. Doing things your way gives our hobby a bad name. Long and short I was PISSED! I told the guy I won't/can't tell you to leave but I personally would be there. I snapped some pictures of their cars and plates. Won't post that.
Now I know that this goof ball (being nice here) is hitting all the abandoned old home sites around here with out asking. Did I mention that I'm pissed!! Oh well, Karma is a ..... well you know.

Peace out - Brian

Honestly, if it's bank-owned, I wouldn't be as bothered about getting permission either.

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.... abandoned old home sites around here ....

.... if it's bank-owned....

Brian, you are calling them "abandoned". CJayC is calling it "bank-owned".

This is a thread/topic that was hot & heavy during the housing market crash awhile back. People walked away from properties d/t they were up-side down on their mortgages. The banks took them back over, and they just sat abandoned for seeooo long. With for-sale signs outside perhaps. And the debate was "ok or not?".

Meanwhile people came and stripped the recylable metal. Homeless people camped out in them. And yet ... md'rs fretted themselves silly over whether they could detect the yard ? Yes: Technically you're supposed to talk to the bank that's in some other state, right ?

There were some neighborhoods in some cities here in CA, where on every single block, would be 3 or 4 more of these homes. They were easy to spot: boarded up window, un-mowed lawns, etc... And I knew of some guys that simply went yard to yard (wasn't me).

Not sure of the mental picture of your particular home. Ie.: truly "abandoned" (your own words). There's lots of shades of gray. And ... sure, there's always a technical answer too.

If it's bank-owned, and does not look like it has been taken care of in quite some time, I'd say go for it.

Which reminds me, I recently discovered two very old homes off the highway near me. They're behind so much trees and shrub, that they're not visible from the street. All the windows are busted in, and they look to have been abandoned for at least 10-20 years. I viewed my state's interactive property map online, and it says they're owned by a realty company. I Googled the name of that company, and it doesn't even exist anymore.

It has led me to believe that whatever realty company owns it, does not care about the property, and would probably not mind if someone was pulling up a few plugs from the ground.

So? Your one of "those guys". :laughing7:

Are you ticked because he beat you to it.(detecting it) or because he might being doing something Illegal? It's not impossible to find an owner with some quick net searches, or at least get you in the direction. You waited too long and someone beat you to it, whatever their method was.

All joking aside... I get what your saying and permission is always best. I just wouldn't be bothered by checking to see if someone has permission or not. None of my business. That's something that they really aren't hurting and if they get caught by an owner that cares? They will pay for it. Or may at a different property.

And technically? If you want to get down to laws in some states? You were trespassing just the same by wandering around asking questions, by just being on the property.:laughing7:

Just have to do what your comfortable with in the Hobby, I'm to the point where permission is best. I also get some of the other theories. I've been there too in the past. But I won't be out enforcing, asking, taking plate numbers, on something like this.:laughing7:

I have a property that if I caught someone detecting on? I would care less. If they aren't destructive and having fun? I want to join in! So, I'm kind of mixed and an oddball with some of this stuff. If I caught someone in my yard where I live without permission? I'd come unglued. It's a little more personal to me. But I know everyone views on this are different. If someone called and said "Someone is detecting your vacant land!!!!" I'd laugh and say worry about your own land.:laughing7: Call me when something important or destructive is happening! :laughing7: Ohh And hey! Charge them for the little pieces of junk they spent all day looking for and digging up! :laughing7:

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.... And technically? If you want to get down to laws in some states? You were trespassing just the same by wandering around asking questions, by just being on the property.:laughing7: ....

Good point Nitric. I always get a chuckle when someone posts pix of a site they're trying to get on to detect. Like they post pix of a cellar hole or abandoned house. And it's clear they've walked 360* it taking pictures. Eg.: something they saw while walking their dog, etc.... And they're wondering if it's ok, or how to reach the owner, or lamenting the obligatory "no" they just got, etc...

And I have to chuckle thinking the same as you did: " Wait a minute: How did you get on there, to take those pictures ? Wasn't that trespassing too then ? Why then is md'ing so-much-more-evil than just walking your dog or taking pictures ? "

I realize that ... yes ... someone will draw the distinction that md'ing "takes" things. Or that you "dig", etc...

I hate being beat to something. One time, I did heavy research during the winter months and found and old fair grounds. I got there and there was a guy detecting. He lied about where he was finding stuff and that this was his third time there. Well, I was pissed. So my father and I started detecting that spot. I went up there every chance I could, I even took time off so I could hit that spot as much as I could. We were always there got 100's of coins. I remember the last time I saw that guy. it was starting to rain and he got so pissed at me, he stormed out of there *****n at my father for me being in his spot. He then got in his car and peeled out of the parking lot. It was sweet, he shouldn't of lied to me.

If its bank owned you wont get permission. If you want to detect it you have to get creative.
Some one I know, knows a realtor that metal detects, realtor searches for old historic type bank owned property, sets up an appointment to view the property with the so called buyer, and that is their in to detect the property.

There are Pirates, and there are whiners. Don't be a whiner. :skullflag:

Yeah I was ticked off :) Not bank owned. It's is privately owned and taken care of regularly.

Sorry there Terry if I got your hackles up. But that's how I feel.

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If all these so called abandoned properties owned by the bank had "NO TRESPASSING“ signs in front, would that have make a difference?
It might be a good idea to offer to put these signs up for the banks. Might be away to detect those properties.

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I've yet to meet a detectorist who wouldn't come unglued if they woke up one morning to find some guys detecting and digging holes in their back yard. To me this is the issue, too many folks these days are all about themselves and their own wants and needs, as long as it serves their own interest then its fine. I've seldom had a difficult time getting permission to detect properties.

Good point Nitric. I always get a chuckle when someone posts pix of a site they're trying to get on to detect. Like they post pix of a cellar hole or abandoned house. And it's clear they've walked 360* it taking pictures. Eg.: something they saw while walking their dog, etc.... And they're wondering if it's ok, or how to reach the owner, or lamenting the obligatory "no" they just got, etc...

And I have to chuckle thinking the same as you did: " Wait a minute: How did you get on there, to take those pictures ? Wasn't that trespassing too then ? Why then is md'ing so-much-more-evil than just walking your dog or taking pictures ? "

I realize that ... yes ... someone will draw the distinction that md'ing "takes" things. Or that you "dig", etc...

Yes, If you wander in technically, there might be a law for it. Not that it will ever be enforced. Sure no one would care. I'm sure there are laws in some states about just being on someones land without permission. So? Whatever the reason was? Still may be against the law. How ever it's justified. Again, who would really care or enforce it though. And if someone is going to run around asking questions and copying plate numbers? Might want to consider what your doing may technically, under some rule/law, be breaking the law too?:laughing7: And sry to say? Some backlash(?) from some people may not be worth the trouble on some issues. I guess that depends on area or the person. I've known a few that it would not be worth the game on something like this.

I get the point and understand that It shouldn't be done. I'm also at the point in life where I do respect someones property, they own it, not me. And some property owners, in certain areas, may pull a gun on you and are completely justified if the person is there without permission.

But...I would wonder how many property owners of vacant places, or land would actually, really care? I would care less! I'm more ticked about things like destruction or trash. A guy camping,detecting,hunting arrow heads,hunting,fishing,exploring etc...Isn't usually a threat or really stealing anything. That's just my view of my own stuff.

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Are you sure you aren't just upset because he beat you to the punch and did what you wish you had done?

There are Pirates, and there are whiners. Don't be a whiner. :skullflag:

Too funny!

Some of us have long rambling posts....You just summed up the whole thread! :laughing7:

Now, throw in some thrash metal,slap your face a couple times, do some shadow boxing in front of the mirror! And go get some treasure!:laughing7: Get pumped!!

Here, You can pick your own "get pumped" song...But this will get you started!:laughing7:


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....But...I would wonder how many property owners of vacant places, or land would actually, really care?.....

This is where it boils down to a definition of "really care" . How do you define that ? If you called enough property owners (living 5 states away) and found someone's lawyer to say "no", then .... in some people's mind's eyes, it means "they care".

Or if you meant "no one in a million years will be passing by. And EVEN IF THE OWNER HIMSELF passed by , he wouldn't pay you a second glance", then .... I suppose that means "no one cares". Like stepping off-the-sidewalk type issues.

Again: It's all in image. I see that the OP has clarified that it's simply temporarily un-inhabited , and on-the-market type thing ? Versus "abandoned" ? Again: A million shades of gray.

On Trespassing Laws:
(disclaimer: I cant speak for everywhere, but in the several Southern states that I have lived in, this is how it works)

If you are altering something while on the property, you can be charged with Trespassing. (+ charged with whatever you may be up to, as needed);

If there is a sign, you must be asked to leave and then either (1) refuse or (2) come back later and be caught to be charged. Day/night does not matter.

If a cop has a hardon for you or if you like to play Jailhouse Lawyer with authority figures, you may be charged for just being there, but you will win in court.

A property owner may take charges to his local District Atty and the DA may:
.............do nothing (most likely outcome, cuz, ya know, goobermint), or
.............file the charges, in which case refer court above unless there are other circumstances.

Pls note I am NOT weighing in on either side of this discussion.

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