
Full Member
Mar 27, 2015
South West
Primary Interest:
Relic Hunting
I found this interesting stone near the Sierra Ancha Wilderness in Arizona and would appreciate any help in identifying what it could be. In case ya'll didn't know, the Sierra Anchas are home to a ton of Indian ruins and although this wasn't found at any particular site, I had initially thought it was a uniquely designed pottery sherd. It looked like the rock was painted but the red "pattern" (if I can call it that) actually appears to go through the rock. No, I don't think I have anything rare or valuable. Yes, there is an edge where my thumb is at but it's likely natural, though I can't say anything for certain. My guess is that it was a composite of red clay and a mixture of other minerals that hardened over time. I thought I'd ask your opinions given the location where it was found. I also have posted this in a geology forum for help as well.

I know most of you don't live in the South West but if any of you have seen anything similar at any ruins or known Native American sites let me know. :icon_thumright:


Thanks, everyone! :)

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Now it would depend on what is under the brown if it is indeed a scraping tool. Some rocks will actually weather like that. If pic 4 is the actual color under the brown I would say natural.

yes i think natural too....look at the edges, they seem to show the same pattern which would indicate the rock looks like that through and through.

Thanks, everyone. I figured the edge on it was natural (not worked) but I'm actually more interested in the stone itself. I've been passively rock hounding the in AZ for 20yrs and never seen anything like it. My hope was that since it was found close to Native American ruins, someone on this forum might recall seeing something similar. I'm still leaning towards my idea that is a conglomerate of clay and other materials making this stone not natural. But unless anyone else has another idea I guess I'm doomed to linger in curiosity forever. :P lol

It's kinda cool and would have caught my interest if I spotted it. I suppose if Barry Fell were still around he would attempt to translate that as some sort of ancient Nubian script.

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