If you found a famous treasure

It probably wouldn't matter...most people wouldn't believe you.

if you were all the sudden rich they would, or they would think ur selling drugs :tongue3:

I wouldn't tell a soul. Never tell anyone anything you wouldn't want someone else to know....like Uncle Sam.


I'd probably tell all y'all about it. Under a different user name of course, and be very vague about the location. The thing I worry about is if I ever did find 17 pack mule loads of gold, I would just set it in the house and look at it, and never sell it. I would die poor, but I would have the treasure. I know that's the way it would turn out. Of course after I'm gone, the kids would have a different idea!

No way would I tell anyone that I found a big treasure. If yuo told then everyon e would be coming of the woodwork to see if yu would give them some. Now If I hit it really big I would take care of my family and a few good friends that has been there for me when I am down and out. But to let it out and let the public know NO WAY....Matt

Never ! There are always the jealous vindictive sorts that will try to stir up trouble for you anyway they can. Then you have the gov't types wanting to figure out a way to steal YOUR FIND !

Then you have family members who pretend to be nice that wouldn't be otherwise.

There are only 2 that would know, me and "the other person".

The other person will know who they are.


It's just human nature, you would have to tell someone or you would burst.
As for me there's this nice little petting zoo I go to and spill the beans.

It would be nice to know just which famous treasures are still left to be found. That would sure narrow down the possibilities and wasted time spent by many who are still on the dead end trails, including me. But since I would never tell either, there are always going to be treasure hunters on wild goose chases from now on.

If it wasn't for the adventure I would have quit long ago. That's why I always hedge my bets by prospecting for gold the old fashioned way and only look for the "lost treasure" In my spare time.


I love this website and like most of the folks on it ..... I have never posted so much as a picture of a silver dime .......
If you are so much in need of someone else's approval ; go ahead and post a great find ......I guarantee that you will get more attention than you ever thought you deserved .

You can pm me and tell me if you would like. I won't tell anyone. I know what it is like to want to share something but are afraid to.

In the mean time.....If I found something really good, I don't know what I would do. I would be torn between doing what it right and just versus playing the "finders keepers" thing.

I guess if it was a famous treasure, the first thing I would do is get a lawyer and get their fee before I explained what it was that I found.

danny1987 said:
Who would you tell? It would sure make for one hell of a banner find.
Did you really find anything or are you fishing for a lead?

I find things all over the place. Mostly little things. But I don't bragg about it with a question of who would I tell.

Ofcourse bragging about my finds would cut into my hunting time. So I will keep hunting and you can bragg about what if.

truckinbutch said:
I love this website and like most of the folks on it ..... I have never posted so much as a picture of a silver dime .......
If you are so much in need of someone else's approval ; go ahead and post a great find ......I guarantee that you will get more attention than you ever thought you deserved .

Great statement Truckin'!


treasure is trouble * truer words were never spoken -- once you get a bit of booty --everybody and their uncle are upon ye like a pack o wolves --snarling and snapping at ya for a bit of meat off the bone.---the federal, state and even local grubbermints will be after a "share" aka as taxes --- then comes the "other" false claimers --that will tie you up in court to prove whats yours is indeed yours and that you alone found it --- if somehow the grubbermints and legal crooks (lawyers / judges) can think of some means by hook or by crook they will try to steal away your find count on it , and they will bend , twist and distort the law to make it fit their purpose count on it. ---then after all is said and done if you survive the ordeal and if you still have anything left --you'll get targeted by theives and kidnappers and beggers now that your rich.

halts maul.... :-X

I have found one great treasure ( a 60 foot barcalonga that was carrying vips and treasure recovered from the 1715 fleet wreck site --down state here in florida-- it sank in nassau sound between -- amelia island and talbot island *)--- the only reason I went "public" with my info was the state would not issue any permits for the area --claiming it was a "aquatc preserve zone" --even thought the state had allowed -- a beach renourishment project in the area where I wanted to do my recovery of the vessel --they said NO it will disturb the area --(guess digging up all that sand and pumping it on the beach didn't disturb anything huh?)--plus the beaches where they dumped the sand are all --NO METAL DETECTING ALLOWED as well --- ah a fine double standard if there ever was one--- I released my "info" to the press to date my find and all claims for the future --so no one else ( say a highly politically connected sort of person ) can try to move in on it and try to undercut me .

thusby going "public " -- I can show that I did indeed find it * and have "proof" of it should the state "play" funny and act as if they never heard of me and tries to grant "discovery" and rights to others --by going "public" that stops that from occuring :wink: ---

deepskyal said:
I wouldn't tell a soul. Never tell anyone anything you wouldn't want someone else to know....like Uncle Sam.


Same here. :thumbsup:

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