In Mexico now with metal detector loooking for location ideas.

That's one country that scares me. I wouldn't even bring a magnet there to hunt :laughing7:

Would love to hear your adventures in Mx.


Yeah, I had an adventure in Mexico.
I was in Guadalajara doing a safety survey on a line we had there.
I was driving home and was boxed in by three vehicles.
They "were just trying to get your attention Senor, as we have a deal for you"

Took me over to the back of a suburban filled with prescription narcotics.
They made me give them all of my money at gun and knife point and let me "buy" some muscle relaxers and Oxycodone for the money they took from me. I drove to a parking lot where I saw a "municipales" or whatever they are called.
I told him what happened and gave him the drugs.

He smiled and drove away with the drugs, telling me to "wait eer"
8 hours later I left.

I won't be having any more adventures in Me Hee Co, thank you very much.


Am here in Mexico for winter. Will be in various States including Nyarit and Guanajuato.
If you have any suggestions as to areas you know of or have visited please let me know.
Can travel as needed. Would love to hear your adventures in Mx.

Do you mean beach or land? And if on land, do you mean coins type hunting? or relicky type hunting? Or cache type hunting?

You need to be a little more specific. If you meant:

1) coin type hunting on land, then be aware that there is a lot of trash down there, seemingly everywhere. I hunted (or should I say "tried" to hunt) old home-sites, yards, and dirt streets in teensy 300 yr. old towns in the back-country, and it seemed that EVERYWHERE was trash. It then occured to me, that unlike here in the USA, where there's been "curb-side" trash service for the last 100 yrs, yet down there, the culture is different. When you have trash to get rid of, you just bury it in your back-yard, or take it to the nearest cliff and dump it over, etc.... (or dump it by the walls of ruins out in the pasture, etc...). So it seemed that no matter WHERE I went, I encountered trash like you wouldn't believe. Even in seeminly remote areas, (ruins in the middle of seemingly nowhere), yet modern trash again!

2) if you meant as in "caches", just be aware that cache-stories are a dime a dozen down there. EVERY one of them has a "sure-fired" lead on where gold is buried. And when you press them for how they know this, it's always "someone who told someone who told someone who told....." (well, you get the idea). Or more humorously: because they "saw smoke coming out of the ground", or "had a vision and saw sparkles", etc..... And heaven help you if you tell them "sounds like supersitition", because now you will have just offended their machismo. And if you try the caves they show you, and show them (by pulling out the headphone jack) that the soil is completely sterile, that simply means your machine doesn't go deep enough. It's never ending!

Still a fun place to visit. I did find coins dating back to the mid-1850s, for coin-hunting around some ruins. But nothing that I couldn't have equally replicated here with the time and effort in the good old USA.

If you meant beaches, then I'll let someone else chime in on that.

Here you go, Richhill Dream on this one! Frank


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No you would never find me going to mexico...... It's just not safe down there..... I heard to many things about what happens down there to american's..............I had some friends go down there and end up in deep crap ...... And had one friend held for ransom BY the Mexican Police..............

Thanks for for Mx Mx savvy..the people have always been great. I've been all over for over 40 yrs.
on subject will be looking for cache. Bars. Coins. Veins. Along roads of old transport routes. The most famous one 1500 miles long. Starts Mx and ends up in Usa. And its 500 years old. A little sampling and some spanning on the way. I appreciate the serious responses lots of fun out there

Here you go, Richhill Dream on this one! Frank
Frankn, This a lot of work. I appreciate you sharing. You can bet if there is any treasure buried, it was done by the church. Do you know where the fort is? Or the church it came from? Do you have a thread here somewhere online. I have a friend who goes down to Mexico all the time point hunting. He talks of many such stories.

Boca Grande cache---- This was all I have on that cache. It interested me because it is close to the USA, But all the problems with the border kind of turned me off. Here's what I thought was important. There is a stream flowing out of that canyon. This should eliminate a lot of false searching. The cave is on a trail on the side of the canyon. There are a lot of bones where this trail connects to the canyon. The cave has poor quality air in it with a high level of methane or carbon monoxide. There is a fault in the cave filled with water that the gas bubbles thru. The silver bars are stacked like cord wood on the other side of the water. I believe it was a church hoard. Good luck, and you may send me one of those silver bars. lol Frank
PS, You can enlarge the map by clicking on it. You can do this twice. The red marks are the likely areas to see if there is a stream. don't bother if there is no stream.


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The silver bars are stacked like cord wood on the other side of the water.....

Frankn, how many of these stories do you actually believe? Is everyone you read in the old treasure mag's from the 1970s "certain" to be true? The human psyche wants seeeoooo hard to believe them "lest you be left out". Where I'm at in CA, we have lots of 1st generation immigrants who come here, for the agriculture jobs. And it seems that EVERY one of them has a "sure-fired" treasure story. It's always the conquistadors that buried in their home town, or the pancho villa, or the church, or ...... whatever. Seems that every cave there is "certain" to have a treasure in it. Everyone is convinced their is a treasure buried in their yard, or the floor of the ruins in their area, etc... And if you press them, and ask them "how do you know?", it's always someone who told someone who told someone, who..... you get the pix.

The ones I love are how they saw smoke (or fire, or sparkles, etc...) coming from the ground. Or they had a dream or a vision, blah blah blah. After a while, it becsme very clear to me, that they are all just superstition and legend, born out of campfire stories 100 yrs. ago. But when you listen to them tell them, they are just absolutely sure (complete with supposed people who saw the treasure being buried, and the govt. trying to conceal it, blah blah blah). But if you keep pressing them, it will always turn out that it was someone else who actually saw the coins. And if you try to locate THAT person, they too ..... if pressed, will tell you that it was on "good authority from so & so", etc.. And on and on it goes, before you realize, it's all superstition. Believe me Frankn, I took the plunge and went to Mexico, because the stories sounded seeeeooooo good! I came back quite wiser.

And it's not the culture down there that fosters these things. We too are easily duped into falling for the fun stories. And we too will just believe whatever we read or hear when it comes to treasures. Why? Because subconsciously we "don't want to be left out".

Tom in CA, First let me say I have an extremely large salt shaker that I keep close by when I read any treasure story. That said, I would be more likely to believe a story from the '70s than one from the '90s. Also I have a good filter. Frank


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Tom and Frank following your discussions..very interesting a
nd obviously you both. know your stuff. The material I'm after is 1500 sorta research which was the real first generation.
Curious Tom where you went would be great to hear. Am fully aware of customs and stories part of the fun for sure. Sorry didn't work for you. And I look way Back as a start. I promise not to buy any maps!
Thanks all of you .

The drug cartel doesnt care who you are down their. Ifn ya got money or anything else your in for a problem.


Tom and Frank following your discussions..very interesting a
nd obviously you both. know your stuff. The material I'm after is 1500 sorta research which was the real first generation.
Curious Tom where you went would be great to hear. Am fully aware of customs and stories part of the fun for sure. Sorry didn't work for you. And I look way Back as a start. I promise not to buy any maps!
Thanks all of you .

richhill, I went down there in about 1994, on the invite of some 1st generation Hispanic employees of mine. When they'd learned their boss was into detecting (and saw the detector sitting around the shop one day, and in my truck, etc...), they began to tell me about the buried treasures back in their home-towns. I took the plunge and joined them. We loaded up with multiple detectors, and went back to several teensy towns up in the mountains of the sierra madres, where they were from. This in the mountainous region of the state of Durango. There are some towns there were the Spaniards settled, inter-mixed, and mined gold as far back as the 1600 and 1700s. Adobe homes people still live in can be 200 + yrs. old. Cool place to visit. The people are real nice. Had no problem at all. Of course, I was with guides and interpretters though.....

We went through the border at El Paso/Juarez, and had no problem at all, coming or going, even with detectors in full view of the border guards. On the way in, in fact, one of the asked something in spanish to my hosts, while pointing to the detectors in the back with our luggage. My hosts said something back to them. Once we were through, I asked my host: "what did he ask, and what did you say back to him?". He said that the border patrol had asked "what are those?". My host answered "Pasa tiempo" (meaning "past-time" or "hobby"). So apparently they could care less. But .... go figure, detectors are sold down in mexico, by all the major dealers, in the bigger cities. Detectors are a common site on tourist beaches. So it is ok to detect down there. Of course, I mean, use "due-discretion", of course (just like you would here). I mean, don't go snooping into sacred historic monuments, the pyrmaids, etc... :tongue3:

rwd mo, that is one dangerous country for sure as I mentioned earlier. It's a fact they would kidnap their own mother if they knew a brother, or sister would pay the ransom. :tongue3: I really don't care who you think you know, if someone can make a buck off you, you're nothing but fodder :laughing7:

Frank shared some good information, or I would not have commented on it. I too have the opportunity to go and look for stuff if I so wish. Where I live now used to be Mexico a hundred years or so ago. Knowing how they buried stuff is key to finding anything. While there is a danger going, Im sure the people and food is great there. I wish I had the means to go with richhill as I would not hesitate. Rich you are in for a adventure if you start chasing silver bars.

The drug cartel doesnt care who you are down their. Ifn ya got money or anything else your in for a problem.
..... rwd mo .... you have that right you have to be nuts to go to mexico....

rwd mo, that is one dangerous country for sure as I mentioned earlier. It's a fact they would kidnap their own mother if they knew a brother, or sister would pay the ransom. :tongue3: I really don't care who you think you know, if someone can make a buck off you, you're nothing but fodder :laughing7:
Spart & rwd ........... I agree with you 2 100%.... Like i said you have to be nuts To go to mexico...

Keppy, dont let a few bozo's ruin it for you. There is a lot of good folks there too.

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