Is this fake or genuine?

Renerio Cenabre

Jr. Member
Nov 13, 2018
Detector(s) used
Makro Jeohunter
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting


  • IMG_20220201_164658.jpg
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Good day,

One of my known TH Friend recently told me that they have found 120+ gold bars in 40 feet deep and asked if I know some gold buyers. I asked him photos of the item and he sent me this picture... Could this be real or fake? Because I didn't really saw an actual gold bars. If anyone familiar with gold bars please help me identify this.
Those gold bars are clearly marked Sumatra, which I believe is a part of Indonesia. Do they have right to put a claim on these?

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Hello, I see you are from the Philippines. Please take the advice of a "foreigner" who did some "treasure hunting" in your Country. There are so many scams and schemes involving Gold that you need to be suspect of everything. It is impossible to tell from a picture if it is real gold as you would have to examine it closely. The infamous "Mindanao Lead sandwich" ...lead covered with a thin layer of gold and Marked "SUMATRA" comes to mind. So scraping a sample that tested positive would not even be proof. You would have to xray the bars or saw them in half. Good luck ad be careful.

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Initial thoughts based on photo is that it's fake. The whole thing looks crudely mould poured. Should have some marks hammer struck on it, I would think.

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You can SEND one to me for my EXAMINATION of it. I will let you know :) NO RETURN ADDRESS NEEDED :)P LOL

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Could they drill into it and test the drillings ?

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If you Google "Fake Sumatra Gold Bar" you'll see a veritable labyrinth of scams being run. Just one example with the same markings as yours, but rather better cast:


Who knows whether any of the stuff being sold is actually genuinely gold, but it seems that in every case where a sale actually went through (probably illegally so, had the gold been genuine) and the buyer subsequently had the item properly checked.... guess what?

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I ask this very simple question: How long have you been friends?
Hahaha thanks everyone for great advise...hahhaha
I will try and help you. I have a close business associate that is a member of the Dewan Perwakilan Daerah, the DPD, which is the upper legislative house in Indonesia. I have not talked to him in a few years, but I will share this post and pictures with him and maybe he can help you and your friend decide if gold is real and what to do with it.

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Initial thoughts based on photo is that it's fake. The whole thing looks crudely mould poured. Should have some marks hammer struck on it, I would think.

Initial thoughts based on photo is that it's fake. The whole thing looks crudely mould poured. Should have some marks hammer struck on it, I would think.
About 4 years Sir... As I made the group
I ask this very simple question: How long have you been friends

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