just trying to be the new Indiana Jones tips wanted please

metal mania said:
As the title suggests have whip gun and hat oh and stubble. What else do I need

You sound like an old Judge I once had the displeasure of meeting...


you either need a sidekick or a love interest :-* :laughing7:

A hot babe never hurts, and detectorists are known to be babe magnets as long as they use Old School detectors. :wink: :D

You need talent and a good agent. :thumbsup:


Probably need to actually find a little something first and go from there.

RGINN said:
Probably need to actually find a little something first and go from there.
That little somethin should be a very forgiving gal with a very rich , doting , Daddy . Be certain to never upset either if you wish to benefit from your quest .

metal mania said:
As the title suggests have whip gun and hat oh and stubble. What else do I need
Whip, Gun, Hat & Stubble - can you upload a photo of that for us please!
Mug shot would be fine.

You have to kick butt before you can whip butt or you'll find
the butt of your whip put somewhere you don't want. You
don't take a knife to a gunfight unless you also have a gun.
The one and only thing that a knife has going for it is that it
never runs out of bullets. If your sole goal in life is to travel
the world and steal religious artifacts there is a whole
continent full of them called Europe. If you can't handle a
bunch of nuns and priests in robes you won't do well against
the Yanamamo and the Jivara in south america.
siegfried schlagrule

metal mania said:
As the title suggests have whip gun and hat oh and stubble. What else do I need

I guess you'll also need a leather jacket, shirt, pants and some boots.
Oh, and a fear of snakes. :tongue3:


If you want the hollywood look then go for it. If you want the treasure hunting look then go treasure hunting WITh a detector and leave the whip and chain in the bedroom where it belongs.

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