Killer Beaver found!


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Nov 22, 2012
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Little bugger and his family about 200 feet from my house in the creek. They must have recently moved in, but last night they seriously chomped my 20 year old sugar maple tree. I think they ate enough around it that it will die. Killer beavers! The way my land sits, the beaver pond, which is about 1/4 acre is just off my property line where the creek is. There isn't much danger of the creek overflowing my front lawn, but I went out today and put chicken wire around the trees on my property I don't want killed.

Any suggestions? I do not want to kill it. I could get a trapper out here to relocate it. Also it BUGGERS UP THE GOLD PROSPECTING IN MY CREEK. ARRRGGHH!

Trap it and dispatch. Relocating just moves your problem to someone else. Beaver, like most wildlife, have established territories, and sometimes relocating critters is cruel.

Leave it alone and protect your trees. Seems like a logical solution to me. No need to kill something just because it's chewing on your trees.

Try this method, a little messy but delicious.
1 plump young beaver
2 onions, sliced
1/2 c. vinegar
1 apple, peeled & halved
3/4 c. catsup
1 tsp. dry mustard
1/4 c. granulated sugar
1/4 tsp. pepper
2 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
1/2 tsp. salt
3 drops Tabasco sauce
Remove all fat from the beaver. Boil beaver with apple halves for 1 hour over medium heat. Drain and wipe dry. Transfer beaver to roasting pan and cover with sliced onion. Combine remaining ingredients in bowl, then pour over beaver.
Bake in 350 degree preheated oven for 2 to 2 1/2 hours. Should be basted with the sauce about every 15 to 20 minutes. As sauce mixture thickens add water so it remains the consistency of gravy.

Try this method, a little messy but delicious.
1 plump young beaver
2 onions, sliced
1/2 c. vinegar
1 apple, peeled & halved
3/4 c. catsup
1 tsp. dry mustard
1/4 c. granulated sugar
1/4 tsp. pepper
2 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
1/2 tsp. salt
3 drops Tabasco sauce
Remove all fat from the beaver. Boil beaver with apple halves for 1 hour over medium heat. Drain and wipe dry. Transfer beaver to roasting pan and cover with sliced onion. Combine remaining ingredients in bowl, then pour over beaver.
Bake in 350 degree preheated oven for 2 to 2 1/2 hours. Should be basted with the sauce about every 15 to 20 minutes. As sauce mixture thickens add water so it remains the consistency of gravy.

That is what I would do. Trapping that sucker is easier and cheaper than protecting my trees. (How the heck would I cut the grass with a bunch of wire getting in the way?)
Kill that tree killer and don't transfer the problem to someone else.
PS, BTW garrabo, you forgot to add the bacon slices on top when you put it in the oven and brown sugar is more tasty.:laughing7:

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I wrapped my "important" trees with chicken wire. He has a nice little dam built. I'm just going to leave him be. And BTW I Like my meat in PLASTIC WRAP!

I wrapped my "important" trees with chicken wire. He has a nice little dam built. I'm just going to leave him be. And BTW I Like my meat in PLASTIC WRAP!
You know, plastic wrap is cheap! I use it to package all my wild game. That way, you know for sure China didn't wrap it -

Awesome about China! I'll get some pictures of it's fat little butt in the next few weeks if I can.....

As long as he doesn't flood out the front lawn, which is improbable, he won't be a problem. DNR has a whole list of folks who can get rid of him. He probably won't stay real long as there aren't any other beavers around. Probably got washed down here from PA a month ago in that horrible rain storm we had. Everything flooded. My lawnscape guy can play a game of I'll tear out that dam as fast as you can put it back together, Mr. Beaver. Think of Caddyshack. The dam itself is easily accessible for a vehicle, one piece of rope and the truck and instant destruction. I saw a coyote here earlier this week. They eat beavers.

As long as he doesn't flood out the front lawn, which is improbable, he won't be a problem. DNR has a whole list of folks who can get rid of him. He probably won't stay real long as there aren't any other beavers around. Probably got washed down here from PA a month ago in that horrible rain storm we had. Everything flooded. My lawnscape guy can play a game of I'll tear out that dam as fast as you can put it back together, Mr. Beaver. Think of Caddyshack. The dam itself is easily accessible for a vehicle, one piece of rope and the truck and instant destruction. I saw a coyote here earlier this week. They eat beavers.

Good luck with all that. We had trouble with beavers at our sportsmens club maybe ten yrs ago. We have a trout nursery (raceway) next to the stream that we divert water thru it to raise trout. We initially thought we had one beaver, but we had two. By the way, They travel in pairs and mate for life. They built a dam upstream of the nursey and it began to divert the water around our nursery. Plus the dam raised the water temp. This was mid summer when temps can be crucial. Trout need cold, clean,moving water.
In the beginning we thought the beavers were pretty neat. We built a bench from a plank and two large billets of firewood. I spent almost an hour there every evening for the first two weeks, sitting on the bench, watching them work and taking hundreds of pics. It became a neighborhood attraction. They are amazing to watch work. Cutting trees and bushes, carrying them, and using their little hands to place them. Un like what you would think, beavers place their material parallel with the stream. Not perpendicular like a person would think.
Anyhow it wasn't long till we decided they were going to be a problem. For the next month several of us spent an hour every evening tearing out the dam. Only to find it repaired the next evening. And it seemed to get bigger and better each time. Dad built a grapple hook and we started using his jeep to drag it apart. This was becoming a losing battle. Plus the extra hour I had to invest everyday was growing old. We finally contacted the Pa Game Commission and they provided us with 2 suitcase traps. Over the next couple days we were able to trap them and transfer them to another area about 20 mile away. Ironically that area is known as the beaver dams.
We tried hard to co-exist but it didn't work out. We tried to defeat them, and that didn't work out. Move them was the only answer
But they were really fun to watch. They would be busy for hours while we watched from the bench. Almost aways within 10-12 feet from us. And coming to a few feet to get apples we gave them. Yes beavers eat apples. Sometimes they would slap their tail which is neat to see.
Anyhow Im done rambling. Good luck. You may be in for a battle.

I love all wildlife but beavers can be so destructive ! I would go with eating the rascal, they really are tasty.


Gratuitous beaver? There were some who were here about 10 years ago. Built a dam and all. Left after about 2 months. I'd see them in the lawn, drove the car up to one once, it looked up at me and just sighed!

We all know what happens when you have a male and a female. Protect your trees, and take pictures of the new family.

Will do. Spent $70 for wire and stakes, should be adequate and left them 100 acres of other people's property to chomp.

You need to get rid of them however necessary. They will make a mess out of the whole area. Had some on neighboring property. They built a dam that got bigger each time they rebuilt it. Would take an excavator to remove it. Turned a large area, probably 15 acres into a wet flooded mess. Took down every tree in it and then started on my woods. Finally someone trapped them. That was several years ago but the area is still and will be a wet swampy area. A pasture on the otherside is half submerged now and some of my property is a low wet mess making it unuseable. The dam is not on my property so I am powerless to remove it.
Knowing what I know now I would have seen to their demise at first glance.

It's sad that some people feel the need to control or destroy wildlife instead of just coexisting with it...

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