I spent a couple hours yesterday reading about green grants. There are plenty out there. I've also been working on my design for a suction remediator that will remove mercury and lead. Hopefully next summer I'm going to be cleaning up some river bottoms in historic mining country. If ya can't beat em....join em.

Ahhhh.....but my background is in environmental, safety, and health. Albeit in the oil business. But I've dealt with the gov't pricks enough to know how to handle them. I don't have any ties to the mining industry other than prospecting as a hobby. I even saw where some of the contractors I've worked for have gotten remediation contracts. As long as the gov't approves my permits...the enviro nuts can get 🔩'd.

The Coming of a New World Order

Thank you for this post! I clicked on your hot link, that took me to a page in the Mountain Democrat and in the second paragraph it states:

"This luncheon is presented by Association of Fundraising Professionals — El Dorado County Extension in partnership with Marshall Foundation for Community Health and The Nonprofit Partnership".

Then I looked up the Marshall FCH and then the Nonprofit P and noted that both are separate entities with Millions of dollars a year as incomes and what do they do? I believe they are called bottom feeders though that title degrades the simple world of worms and other simple forms of life. Worse yet they TEACH other like minded folks how to become Leaches of Society or Leaches on Society, take your pick.

It makes me want to vomit that so much of mankind has chosen to feed off of others with lies, misrepresentations of reality and suggest that it is an honest way to conduct themselves as one at the top of the food chain. I do not care how nicely they dress, or how sweetly they smile or how solid their handshakes are as they are nothing but well dressed, smiling hand shaking scum suckers. So how do we go about poisoning the pond water they germinate in to rid the planet of them. Oh wait, I think that takes place in the millennium. So that means society has reached the tipping point and likely from what I am seeing has already caused the scale of life to be significantly off balance and possibly is at the point of no return.

Will Syria be attacked by the U.S.? Will the result of the US attacking Syria result in the start of WW III? Will Obama, the bottom of the bottom of the bottom of scum suckers, become the new Dictator of the North American Continent (though there will be nothing "American" about it)?

We as "the little people" with the NSA knocking at our computer screens, cell phone transmissions and maybe from the very mirrors on our walls (Orwellian reference here) could be called upon to make a choice as to which side of the aisle we want to be on. I for one will not join them!......................63bkpkr

Note here:
IF one can get their hands on an "honest history book" [before they are all changed or burned - aka crystal nak] and look up the Rise and Fall of the Third Riche, you will find that the "common people" of Germany were becoming afraid of the Germany around them as Hitler grew in Power. When the citizens become afraid of their Government it is a very open and obvious sign of bad things to come! I can think of no really safe place to go to circle our wagons. IF it happens, the fan will be so big and so powerful there will not be a soul on the face of this earth that can escape the excrement that will be thrown from the fan. Our borders are porous. Our laws are being dropped as insignificant even though they are still on the books. Honesty is falling at the wayside. I sure hope there is a ray of light left to fight for!

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Ever notice most of the folks you know think just as you do, but tv, radio, and the rest of the media tell us we are the minority in our thinking. "Things that make you go huh?"

Ahhhh.....but my background is in environmental, safety, and health. Albeit in the oil business. But I've dealt with the gov't pricks enough to know how to handle them. I don't have any ties to the mining industry other than prospecting as a hobby. I even saw where some of the contractors I've worked for have gotten remediation contracts. As long as the gov't approves my permits...the enviro nuts can get 'd.

Ahhh and there lies a big part of this problem...Prospecting as a hobby. Prospecting is not a Hobby!

gerund or present participle: prospecting

  • 1.
    search for mineral deposits in a place,

    "the company is also prospecting for gold"
    search, look, explore, survey, scout, hunt, reconnoiter, examine, inspect More "they are prospecting for gold"

    • look out for; search for.

      noun: hobby; plural noun: hobbies
      • 1.
        an activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure.

        "her hobbies are reading and gardening"
        pastime, leisure activity, leisure pursuit; More sideline, side interest, diversion, avocation;
        recreation, entertainment, amusement
        "writing poetry is just one of my hobbies"

      • 2.
        a small horse or pony.
        • historical

          Do you see the word Hobby in the def, of Prospecting?
        And the fact that you dont need gov, permits to do prospecting.


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I'll send a money order to first guy from the area who pm;s me to cover the 35.

My interest in finding a legal way to put a dredge on a river seems to have rubbed a few the wrong way. My dredge has been sitting for a couple years rotting away because I can't put it in the water. I support the miners 100% and have supported the fight against the dredging ban with my hard earned money. I didn't think this thread was intended to be a philosophical debate about a huge monster our government has become. If it is all I can say is amen. You're preaching to the choir. If I were in charge the government would be much smaller. I vote Libertarian every time. Philosophy and personal beliefs aside....given the current reality, and like it or not, you have to deal with the government. I'm just trying to find a way to put my dredge in the water and gold in my sluice box. Better to call my self an environmental remediator instead of a miner and have my dredge in the water. Or maybe I'll just say to hell with this country and send my dredge to my farm in Brazil.


Know your enemy?
At what point does the private citizen finally make the decision that enough is enough, is it when the well funded and organized, criminal thugs show up at yer established camp, yer legal paid for claim, show up in body armor and automatic weapons, (they always say that there just doin their jobs) knowing that there is absolutely NO illegal activity, but some corrupt ******* who wears a suit, works in a office in a city is instructed by his crime boss to fabricate BS accusations in order to justify their actions. At what point do we the people finally decide that the time has come once again that there's a necessity to water the roots of the tree of freedom with the blood of both tyrants and patriots?

Gold miners near Chicken, Alaska, cry foul over 'heavy-handed' EPA raids | Alaska Dispatch

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