lost mines

im asking because i have located a lost mine that is said to have a 10' wide gold bearing quartz vein in it.

Probably not, you have to crush the quartz down to get the gold out usually. That's why it's called hardrock mining because its so hard to do lol.

Especially if it is a lode vein. Lode just means that is the source of the gold. Doesn't make it any easier to get. There is no such thing as easy mining. If there was everyone would do it. You may as well learn now there is no easy way and stop wasting your time looking for it. Besides you should stay out of old mines. They are no place for greenhorns and will only get you killed. Stay out. stay alive.

spelunking is a sport here. there is a danger with every sport. greenhorns i can see on other mountains, ive been stomping around on these hills ever sense i was a kid. hiking and adventuring at 12,000 feet is no problem for me as i elk hunt every year around that elevation. i recently went on a mine tour and the gentleman showed me a rock about the size of a softball and he said it was worth $60,000. so why cant i go look for something like that? i dont plan on going into a mine with a jackhammer and a toolbox worth of tools ill be happy with the stuff they left behind. it almost sounds like you dont want me to look for it so you can have it. i dont see anything wrong with looking for samples like this.


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and yes this is lode gold. and in 1861 they ony used candles so if i just walk around with my coleman lantern im sure i will find something they missed with those little candles.

Good afternoon: Colman lantern? sheesh it will tell you when the oxygen is insufficient to stay alive by dimming or going out. If it goes out, how will you find your way back to safer areas? Then again there are areas of explosive gas of different types. An open flame like a colman latern is asking for it. This is why the Davies lamp was invented. Soo, always keep a backup flashlight with you.

Best advice is if you don't have proper equipment, training, stay out of them. I am still alive though sheer luck.

Don Jose de La Mancha

the coleman lantern was just to show the difference in light. when i go i will find the brightest led lights i can find and take 2, 1 for a backup plus i wont go alone i will have two others with me and they will each have 2 of the same lights. the mine i i have found is in such a remote location i dont believe they mined every far. i have a satellite view and it appears to go threw the top of a mountain. this is evident the amount of tailings on each side. its about an 8 to 10 mile hike from the closest road. i believe its at an elevation of about 12,000. the first 2 pics are each entrance. in the third pic at the top in the middle is the first pic entrance so you can see the strait threw line.


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it looks like it may only be about 500 yard at tops threw the tunnel if thats what it is.

Spelunking and exploring abandon mines are two different things. Caves don't have old rotted timbers holding up the mountain above you or have rotted timbers covering shafts and loose rocks above. Caves are as nature made them and weren't blown open and the solids removed. I could care less if you go. Fools do what fools do. I'm no fool. You seem to have it in your brain that because this guy on a tour showed you a $60,000 speciman that all you have to do is go into an old mine and pick them up. If that is how you think I have a nice little gold mine in the middle of Nebraska I'll sell you. The miners didn't just leave a bunch of gold lying around in those old mines. They quit mining most likely because it wasn't worth mining or it played out. I don't care if you think you are a mountain goat and how long you run around at what ever elevation going into mines if foolish and just plain stupid. I assume you came on this forum looking for advice. But since you aren't getting told what you want you get beligerant. Well if you are so gun-ho to risk death then you prove the saying "you can't fix stupid."

You're a "greenhorn" because you don't know jack about mines. COMPLETELY different from wild caves and far, far more dangerous.

its not like im going to go in there and start chopping at the support timbers and i will stand correct sir i wasn't belligerent at all... i didn't curse one time. I'm just going exploring. i all ready have it in my head not to touch any wood, descend any crevices or past any collapses. the mine i intend on checking out seems to go strait threw the mountain. i have enuf common sense not to put myself in danger. I'm sorry if i offended you in any way, that wasn't my intention.

i have taken all that into effect. i do have pics. if so many have explored these mine then as a newbie i should get to do my own exploring to get the experience. i have been to the mountains and come across the mines with the concrete pad and the storm grate thats locked and ive dropped a rock and listen to it fall for ten seconds. those kind of holes I WILL NOT GO AROUND, if i cant walk in or crawl on my hands and knees then im not going and if i get inside and come across a hole then im turning around im not gonna tie a rope to a wood support and try to descend.
ok here are the pics. if you zoom in on the overall pic at the very top is the first pic and youll notice at the bottom of the overall pic is the second pic. now ive even went college and got a degree but even if i didnt i could tell they line up. its upsetting to think that people think so down on others for their fun activities. danger? i wrecked riding a motorcycle when i was i kid and busted out my teeth, ive been hit in the nose playing baseball so theres a danger to everything, hell the olds of me getting killed by a bus are greater then me dieing in an abandon mine. i just celebrated my 21st yr wedding anniversary and we both say that we wouldn't have made it that far without positive energy so all these people who are throwing of negative energy are made because they dont have it and nothing ever works for them.


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Sorry man but you're coming off as very arrogant and ignorant. I don't know any ones of these men on here and as a 21 year old man who's been mining for 6 months I wouldn't question a single one of their years. It doesn't look like you're presenting a single solid piece of evidence to back up your statements. Those aren't pics of the entrance to a mine. They're google earth. Google earth sucks. I hope for you though that you're like me when I take my friends into old adits, be a jackass to them about keeping quiet and keeping there muscles off everything! I'm scared of caveins. Get off your high horse and learn from therm who've been there and done that.
You seem like one of those boot lieutenants who think they know everything about war fighting and just cast the experienced corporals and sergeants to the side and get themselves into deep sh!t. Take advice happily and graciously please.

with this many gold mines you cant tell me there isnt any gold laying around!


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