✅ SOLVED Need help IDing and dating thimble


Jun 17, 2014
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All Treasure Hunting
Need help ID'ing and dating thimble


Hi. I've been searching online, and can't seem to find a picture of a thimble that looks quite like this one. It might be silver, it has tarnish. (I gave it only a very light cleaning to remove grime). The irregular dimples and total lack of marking seems to me to indicate it's an older thimble, but I intend to sell it, and I don't want to misrepresent it. I also don't want to under- or over-price it. If anyone has any guidance, I would be most grateful.


Interesting one. The top makes me think really early, the bottom not so much, and the design probably in the middle. BTW... I wrote that before reading the bottom of your post. There's not really much point in me trying to date it because it would be too much of a guess.

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In the lower right pic there appears to be script writing that might be the name of the maker. Can you make that out?

Don, I've been all over it with a strong light and magnifying loup, and I can't find any mark. I think what you see is just tarnish, arranging itself to confuse us!

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Iron Patch, thanks for looking, anyway. I guess I am reassured that I am not the only one a bit confused.


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Iron Patch, thanks for looking, anyway. I guess I am reassured that I am not the only one a bit confused.


Maybe it's not real old, just hand made and a little crude. Did you notice if the base seems to match the early ones... or is there a bit of a difference.

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Compulsory hallmarking of British silver thimbles came into effect in 1884 when all silver over a certain weight had to be assayed for the purity of the silver used. Before this time is was optional to mark them, as thimbles weighed less than the required amount for assaying.Yours could easily predate 1884 and therefore not be marked; or not even British !
BTW, Welcome to Treasure Net !!

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Iron Patch, the older thimble bases seem to run the gamut. So mine isn't inconsistent with older. Or newer. I did find one picture of a Swedish thimble that was a more simple, crude design like mine, and a similar shape, that was identified as "19th Century." But it had regular dimples.

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I think it's handmade SW Navajo silver made anywhere between late 1930's to early 1950's for the tourist trade.

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Tamrock, you're a genius. I think you're right!
I can't be a 100% sure, but it just has that hand made look and SW style to it. Being there are no marks leads me to the conclusion of it being native american silver, sold in the time when folks would hit the road to California on old RT 66 and buy souvenirs along the way. If it was American, Mexican or European silver, the odds are it would be marked with a grade and makers I.D. "Genius" that was kind. Thanks!

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