Need help to detect gold bars 4-6 feet deep


Jr. Member
May 16, 2015
British Columbia
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Hey guys, I was recently contacted by a local person with a personal treasure story.

Apparently this woman's ex-boyfriend buried a box with several gold bars in their back yard. It was meant to be a surprise for her but he tragically died in a car crash and didn't get the opportunity to present her with it. She learned of this recently after his death.

She knows which property it's located on but the area is 1/4 acre in size and she figures it's buried 4-6 feet deep. There are apparently several gold bars the sized of Hershey bars. There is supposed to be other treasures but she doesn't know what those are. She doesn't know what kind of container this stuff is buried in. If it was metal we could find it pretty easily with a magnetometer but she's not sure.

What technologies are available to detect at that depth? I'm not aware of any detectors that can reliably go that deep.

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There are anomoly detectors, but they are quite expensive. I don't know if such a thing could be rented or not. If it were me, I might consider the services of a dowser.

Wouldn't a Fisher Gemini 3 find this stuff? Even at 6 feet deep, I would think a half dozen gold bars might be able to be found. That sounds like a "shoe box" sized treasure (see attached image).

Anyone have any experience with gold and the Gemini?



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"Yet", I like that word. 👍👍👍

You gotta post it here when you find it! When. 👍😉👍
In my experience the gemini 3 shouldn't have any problem detecting that, I've found pipes and such at much greater depths. Unfortunately I can't say I've found any gold with it....yet

Yep. I just read Charles Garrett's cache hunting book. Most caches are less than arm's deep unless there's been some landslide action, or some other land altering activity.

Why so deep?? doesn't make sense. In general, treasures are not buried deeper than a man's arm can reach.

There are anomoly detectors, but they are quite expensive. I don't know if such a thing could be rented or not. If it were me, I might consider the services of a dowser.
I'm looking for things that actually work. Dowsing does not work, I know some people on here believe in that stuff but it doesn't work. I don't want to get a big rant going on dowsning but suffice it to say I'm not interested.

Wouldn't a Fisher Gemini 3 find this stuff? Even at 6 feet deep, I would think a half dozen gold bars might be able to be found. That sounds like a "shoe box" sized treasure (see attached image).

Anyone have any experience with gold and the Gemini?

That sounds like it might work. Normal metal detectors don't go that deep. I don't have any experience with the Gemini 3 but I'd like to hear from someone that has detected gold with it. If that works I'll buy one and use it for this job. I'm a little skeptical that it will detect gold at that depth but if someone has a first hand account that would be great.

I'm looking for things that actually work. Dowsing does not work, I know some people on here believe in that stuff but it doesn't work. I don't want to get a big rant going on dowsning but suffice it to say I'm not interested.
I'm sorry I wasted my time trying to help you.

I would first hit the property with a good quality metal detector. If it turns out the depth is not so deep, then you may find it without having to go the expense and trouble of getting your hands on a deep detector. If you don't find anything, then all you have lost is a little of your time.

I would first hit the property with a good quality metal detector. If it turns out the depth is not so deep, then you may find it without having to go the expense and trouble of getting your hands on a deep detector. If you don't find anything, then all you have lost is a little of your time.
They already tried a normal metal detector. Most detectors won't go more than a foot deep.

I'm sorry I wasted my time trying to help you.
I'm sorry that you believe in witchcraft. This is the last thing that I'm going to say on the subject. I wish that dowsing did work, it would make life a lot easier. Unfortunately it 100% does not work, I'm a scientist and I've studied it. So have a lot of other people. Keep on believing buddy but I'm looking for a technique that can actually get results.

Hey guys, I was recently contacted by a local person with a personal treasure story.

Apparently this woman's ex-boyfriend buried a box with several gold bars in their back yard. It was meant to be a surprise for her but he tragically died in a car crash and didn't get the opportunity to present her with it. She learned of this recently after his death.

She knows which property it's located on but the area is 1/4 acre in size and she figures it's buried 4-6 feet deep. There are apparently several gold bars the sized of Hershey bars. There is supposed to be other treasures but she doesn't know what those are. She doesn't know what kind of container this stuff is buried in. If it was metal we could find it pretty easily with a magnetometer but she's not sure.

What technologies are available to detect at that depth? I'm not aware of any detectors that can reliably go that deep.
Ground radar.....450mhz antennae.....anybody that does utility location....just google your area....I ran a gssi sir 3000 for years....they should find it in a few hours....and charge about $350 an hour

I'm sorry that you believe in witchcraft. This is the last thing that I'm going to say on the subject. I wish that dowsing did work, it would make life a lot easier. Unfortunately it 100% does not work, I'm a scientist and I've studied it. So have a lot of other people. Keep on believing buddy but I'm looking for a technique that can actually get results.
I'm not a scientist, but dowsing does 100% work. I've seen it work 3 times with with dowsing rods find buried pipe. Try it yourself before you disagree with it.

I'm not a scientist, but dowsing does 100% work. I've seen it work 3 times with with dowsing rods find buried pipe. Try it yourself before you disagree with it.
I have tried it. We've done scientific trials as well as studied the research of numerous other scientific studies on the subject. Not to mention that I've interviewed hundreds of dowsers and not one of them can show any evidence that they've ever legitimately found gold using dowsing rods.

It doesn't work, not even a little bit. That's not my opinion that's a fact that has been proven over and over again.

As I said, I wish it did work. It would make gold exploration 1000 times easier.

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