My DNA results are back, and it has made tracing my family line much, much, more precise! I can trace the Soloman/Solomon line unbroken, back to 1390. On my mother's side, I can trace the Goodwin family back to 1535. Some interesting relatives:
Sir William Bradford (Knight; Lord of Walton Steeton) Fairfax 1405—1453 15th Great Grandfathereat-grandfather
Sir Thomas Gibson, Baron Gibson of Durie, Clerk of the Sessions for The Scottish High Court 1469—1515 15th Great Grandfather
Sir Andrew Judde, Knight, Lord High Mayor of London, Mayor of Calais, Master of Skinner's Co, Merchant Adventurer, 1492-1588 13th Great Grandfather
Pictured: My Great Grandmother Florence Rowe, with my Grandmother Lillian, and her brothers Jim and John. My Grandmother Lillian, with her husband, Col. James L. Miller, and Gene Autry, in Hollywood.