O.K., lets try this again ...(AKA "let me be clear")


Gold Member
Feb 2, 2008
Santa Fe, New Mexico
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O.K., lets try this again ...(AKA "let me be clear")

Hey heavy metal fans ! On Sun. night I posted my recent experiences with weighing rolls ,
of halves "prior to opening them " ( before opening them) The responses I got were ,
surprising - all three responses expressed concern that if I didn't open the rolls I would
possibly miss this, that , or the other . Naturally I went back to re-read my post to see
where I might have implied that weighing rolls would replace opening them , the post as
written , nowhere implies this . I am careful in my use of the written or spoken word ,
especially as regards usage and content (less so punctuation and spelling ). Now that
I've gotten my rant out of the way - I invite you to read my post entitled " hunting halves,
just became a lot more fun ". Argentium.

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Re: O.K., lets try this again ...(AKA "let me be clear")

Argentium said:
Hey heavy metal fans ! On Sun. night I posted my recent experiences with weighing rolls ,
of halves "prior to opening them " ( before opening them) The responses I got were ,
surprising - all three responses expressed concern that if I didn't open the rolls I would
possibly miss this, that , or the other . Naturally I went back to re-read my post to see
where I might have implied that weighing rolls would replace opening them , the post as
written , nowhere implies this . I am careful in my use of the written or spoken word ,
especially as regards usage and content (less so punctuation and spelling ). Now that
I've gotten my rant out of the way - I invite you to read my post entitled " hunting halves,
just became a lot more fun ". Argentium.

lol awesome. love the pie throwing

Re: O.K., lets try this again ...(AKA "let me be clear")

ugotit22 said:
Argentium said:
Hey heavy metal fans ! On Sun. night I posted my recent experiences with weighing rolls ,
of halves "prior to opening them " ( before opening them) The responses I got were ,
surprising - all three responses expressed concern that if I didn't open the rolls I would
possibly miss this, that , or the other . Naturally I went back to re-read my post to see
where I might have implied that weighing rolls would replace opening them , the post as
written , nowhere implies this . I am careful in my use of the written or spoken word ,
especially as regards usage and content (less so punctuation and spelling ). Now that
I've gotten my rant out of the way - I invite you to read my post entitled " hunting halves,
just became a lot more fun ". Argentium.

lol awesome. love the pie throwing
Ahmen Brutha!

Re: O.K., lets try this again ...(AKA "let me be clear")

Argentium said:
Hey heavy metal fans ! On Sun. night I posted my recent experiences with weighing rolls ,
of halves "prior to opening them " ( before opening them) The responses I got were ,
surprising - all three responses expressed concern that if I didn't open the rolls I would
possibly miss this, that , or the other . Naturally I went back to re-read my post to see
where I might have implied that weighing rolls would replace opening them , the post as
written , nowhere implies this . I am careful in my use of the written or spoken word ,
especially as regards usage and content (less so punctuation and spelling ). Now that
I've gotten my rant out of the way - I invite you to read my post entitled " hunting halves,
just became a lot more fun ". Argentium.
Ok, I guess I'm stupid enough to bite. I've read both post. I see no reason to rant. Why are you ranting? No one called you names or said you were stupid. Just like you were pointing out the facts, so were they. You're coming off as having a chip on your shoulder and Ii can't figure out why. A new topic wasn't necessary to make your statement. Sorry if I offend you. It is not my intention.

Re: O.K., lets try this again ...(AKA "let me be clear")

If you are going to open the rolls anyway, why waste time weighing them?


Re: O.K., lets try this again ...(AKA "let me be clear")

Gilbert , I take no offense at your reply , My "re-post " if you like , was written with some
irritation ( chip on my shoulder - your words ), because I was attempting to communicate
an idea , and it became clear to me in the responses ,that I was being mis-understood to
the extent that a different thread was being generated . Thank you for your thoughtful reply.

Re: O.K., lets try this again ...(AKA "let me be clear")

Argentium said:
Gilbert , I take no offense at your reply , My "re-post " if you like , was written with some
irritation ( chip on my shoulder - your words ), because I was attempting to communicate
an idea , and it became clear to me in the responses ,that I was being mis-understood to
the extent that a different thread was being generated . Thank you for your thoughtful reply.
No problem my friend. :icon_thumleft:

Re: O.K., lets try this again ...(AKA "let me be clear")

i just responded from from my experience with a previous discussion on the same subject. i will admit that i assumed you were trying to find a way around opening and searching. why else would you weigh them and then open them and search? i figured you were looking for a faster way to search.

Re: O.K., lets try this again ...(AKA "let me be clear")

Thanks Mistergee , and Jim 4 silver, I can see how some might view this as a time waster,
but it just takes a second or two to weigh each roll . I just take 10 rolls or so from a box at
a time , set em near the scale , and weigh each , then divide them into two groups - normal
to a bit light , and the second group - with heavier than the standard . I've been thinking
about why this enhances the fun for me -- I'm sure it has to do with the fact that when
the wrappers are on , there is a secret or a mystery - a what if ? and the scale lets you in
on it a bit - like insider information - before all is revealed . Happy hunting ! Argentium.

Re: O.K., lets try this again ...(AKA "let me be clear")

i can understand that :thumbsup: anything that makes the thrill of searching better is okay in my book.

Re: O.K., lets try this again ...(AKA "let me be clear")

You can weigh a box of pennies and actually get some "value" out of your effort especially if your goal is copper or a solid box of new pennies.
As far as halves go - knock your lights out and have a little fun but if you choose not to rip them open you may miss out on proofs and clad commemoratives.

Re: O.K., lets try this again ...(AKA "let me be clear")

I can see one advantage of weighing a roll of coins, is to see if it is short. I worked at a gas station in high school and people paid for gas with rolled coins,
{never halves } and some were short, and some were over, it was liked they did not count them and just crammed the roll full, lol. I bet coin wrappers have different weights, some of my halves have a thin machine rolled wrapper, the hand rolled wrappers have a thicker paper, but in different lengths.

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