Old Barns

Never heard of that. I would think it would be a little hard to get to them. What do you tell the farmer you are doing up there when he finds you?

Ha Ha Ha !!!!!!!

ummmm :-[ hehehheheh ??? well...... ummm :-\ heheheh :'( Taking out your cob webs! Farmer: I'm callin the cops, ;D lol cool though, i wonder if my barn has couple in it? ??? very cool though. GoldD HH

Ok, I admit a farmer is not going to let you climb all over his barn, but I'm sure there's alot of old barns on deserted farms that just might have something of course if you are the orignal owner you would have cleared all of that out before leaving, but that used to (supposedly) bring good luck to the farm but that doesn't make to much sense either if the farms deserted does it, forget I said anything. HH Bob.B

There weren't too many farmers that had spare gold coins to put in the barn for luck! And there aren't any that wouldn't of had to use them in the hard times. Cladius.

I emailed the guy who told me about the barns, it went like this:
"You mentioned something about farmers putting gold coins in their barns, you said it was called something what was it?"
Answer: "Squirrel holes, holes predrilled in the topside of support braces between the wall stud and roof joists. There is or would have been a nail outside the hole with a drawstring pouch lowered into the hole".
He went on to say:
"Also a tenique used to find old structures".One of the ways farmers got their foundation stones for barns or houses was to divert streams or part of a river behind the farm and quarry the flagstone out. These quarry holes were about 3-4 feet deep (easy to hand work). So while you are walking along old creeks or rivers, look for these quarry holes by watching for the old big trees that have large roots above the ground, these will be around pond looking areas in the creek or stream. This should signify that an old structure was adjacent to the waterway."

That's what you tell the Farmer's Daughter to get her in the barn. :-)

True!The Sheriff of Wausau,WI told me that there was a old garage once that had hundred thousand or so in the walls and they had to get the National Guard to help surround it, while the owner placed the money in bags to take to the bank...The man he bought it from died and had no relatives and he got the loot.True story to..the man did not believe in banks.just north of Wausau's is where it happened.
True!Also I knew an old fellow who said that he threw gold coins up in a tree for his grand children so they would go and look for them under his money tree and he claimed the tree is was still there to this day..He was a cool guy and very nice too.
There is also a story that stolen money was hidden in a tree somewhere around my area that is still there if the tree was not taken down.
True!Over by Hatfield, WI our neighbors friends went detecting when the dam broke from rain and found around $350.00 of coins etc..in a bottle in the sand in the middle of the lake.They where friends of hers from the Niellsville Police that went also.That was a nice find...I went there but did not have a detector at that time..You bet I would have been out there doing the thing'er thing if I did have one.
True! I have lots of stories I know that friends have told ma and older people I know around the area I live.
Somewhere along a highway out of Black River falls is stolen money that bank robbers dug in and never has been found.
(?) Lyndsey or Lyn, WI had? a bank blown over by Tornado back in history that they never found all the money that was lost.
I have done an extensive historical and it never ends of stories I know of that are true and some are stories that are unknown if it actually happened,but in any case it is worth a look because something new could show up as a surprise.
True! Gold was found on a farmers property Near WI, Dells and it is along 39/51-I-49.
True! I new a surveyor who says he surveyed what looked like gold with ex ray ground scanners near
Stratford WI Eu plane river Area .The spot was not given because he Had a clause in his work job that stated they can not give out this information..Only to land owners.I can see where that could cause you a lot of trouble.
True! I know of a guy who did his front porch and opened a ground full of hidden money under it in the WI,Rapids area He got a nice place now!
Tue! In Plainfield Wisc,My home town the restaurant owner on the corner of highway 12 and D bought a house crossed the street and found a gold nugget that was worth 200 thousand in the basement walls and he's our friend...the owe did not have relatives and was a miner when he was young..He's got a beautifully house and still runs the restaurant and was considered a historical find in that area.
On and On but this is where I stop! So Thats why detecting is a good thing when you ask permission and keep the faith!
I have lots of research books and personal stories from friends all over.Western books of history of Indian stories and just lots of good things of such as was spoken.
NotE: Does it sound like I could be a detective anyone? This surely would be right up my alley!Anyone need information on anything, I will look it up for you through the rain and snow!

Here is the funny thing:All these stories would never add up to a find of the right Meteorite! Because they are worth more to the ounce then gold ever will be, if you find the right one! And that is a big if!Thats the search of a life time for me!

When I purchased an old farm from a 90 year old farmer and his wife of 70 years, I couldn't wait to get into the old barn and go through the rafters. They were in ill health and were placed into a nursing home. Once I moved in, I went up into the rafters and to my delight found a board that looked as if it had been removed and replaced many times. I pulled it off and to my surprise found a hidden box. In the box were hundreds of letters dating back to 1930 and as recent as the year before I bought the place. They were love letters to the farmer from a lady who was not his wife. I felt as if I was invading the old mans privacy so after looking at a few I stopped reading them and just glanced at them to make sure that there were no important papers concerning the property. I did not want these to fall into someones elses hands and perhaps cause the two old people and their children unnecessary anquish. So I took them straight to the burning pile and burned them. Later when re-siding my little farm house I found many more in the back of the house behind the old asbestos siding. I burnt these too. I searched both barns top to bottom but didn't find anything else but a black snake and alot of spiders. I let the snake cohabitate with me for several years. So keep hunting, you just may run across something. HH Brink

Great story, Brink. Uh...excuse me while I go check the house rafters... ;)

Yes Brink that was quite a story. Shades of "The bridges of Madison County". The farmer had a love affair for over 70 years with a woman who was not his wife. Must be a "Made for TV " movie in that story somewhere.


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