Poor Farm Findings


Jr. Member
Oct 19, 2012
Detector(s) used
Bounty Hunter IV
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
After some extensive hiking and hacking through the woods, I come across the cellar holes of the old farm house property. As I dig deeper into the thickets, I come across springs for beds and melted glass scattered across the ground, along with other metal pieces. This is where it gets good, as I continue deeper into what was underneath the house; I get a signal and then another. As I begin to dig I come across little glass bits of bottles and porcelain plates, couldn't be a trash hole without silverware and that came next and then something extremely weird....a wallet...I couldn't believe it??:icon_scratch: I continued digging in hopes of finding more but as I dug along all i found were more glass bits :/

A break was then commenced because damn it was hot (80+ degrees in a buggy thicket)

As I continued through the bush, it became more apparent that I must be behind the farm house, scrap metal was just laying on the service and bricks lie in heaps in the ground. I kept sweeping in hopes of a good signal and bam! I bent down and started digging, the shovel hit the dirt and thud! I hit something it seemed like; as I uncovered what was lying in the ground I would've never expected this sort of thing to survive....

A Porcelain IGA sign, in fantastic condition.

This site also has an extensive trash heap behind the house with bottles and old car parts everywhere, Its insane.


A little bit of background history about the property, Acquired by the town in 1846 became a poor farm for the town and housed and fed the homeless until the 1940's. In 1960, it caught fire and burned to the ground. More pics coming tomorrow, I am dead.:icon_thumright::icon_thumright:

Upvote 9
Very cool sign! Was anything in the wallet?

A little locket dated 1954, unfortunately when I opened the pocket where it was everything sorta fell apart in a mush :/

Thank you so much, And I'm hooked and headed there tomorrow morning for more! So stay tuned!

IGA is a grocery store on east end of Long Island.
Are you around there?

David is correct - we had one in Rochester Minnesota when I was a kid.................Though I suppose IGA acronym could have stood for other things also?

I live in Vermont, this is the first I've ever heard of IGA. Thank you guys!!!!

Update: Unfortunately it's going to rain all day today so today is off [emoji20]

I worked at an IGA growing up in Illinois. It stands for Independent Grocer's Alliance. Very cool sign!

Awesome! I totally thought it was International Grocer's Alliance, thank you pen!

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