Rare wheat penny error. Year 195. need help


Bronze Member
Feb 1, 2012
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I'm not really sure what type of error this is. There seems to be a shelf on the one 5 that's there. I would say greased die but I see absolutely no trace of the other number, and all the other strikes are real strong. Any ideas???

I'm going to put this up on ebay, I'm thinking of starting at $99.99 because I have never seen one before and it seems to be legit. I put up a close shot so you can see there are no tooled markings where the last number of the date was

I know another guy on here has found a couple but he flies through boxes. Overall I'm hoping this could be pretty rare. I hope these pics expand ok, if you want better ones let me know. I posted this a year ago but am looking for more insight
year 195 3.jpg

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I would guess this is a grease filled dye - These are not rare. If more of the device that is missing due to the grease, then the more collector value it could potentially have. I wouldn't get too worked up over this coin, IMHO - Just want to keep you grounded!

I would guess this is a grease filled dye - These are not rare. If more of the device that is missing due to the grease, then the more collector value it could potentially have. I wouldn't get too worked up over this coin, IMHO - Just want to keep you grounded!

oh trust me I'm not too jazzed up, just really don't want to sell it for less than it's worth. I've been through the whole "oh my god I have like a million dollar coin" followed by "damn, it's just post mint damage."

Thanks for the suggestion of greased die, I think it's possible but I need some more technical info. A lot of greased dies I've seen are less drastic. that is to say some letters/numbers are weaker than others and some stronger. Any that are missing you can usually see a small outline of where they should've been. In any case, it usually affects more than one number/letter on the coin since grease is rather fluid.

In this coin it's all or nothing, no evidence of the last number at all, and no filled in grease on the rest of the coin. Also I wonder about the shelf on the 5.

I was thinking today maybe I should just send it off to a grading service? it could be a risk, but might well be worth the return.

Save your money. Some greasers show some details, some not at all. Depends on, well, how much grease. It may have some value, but not $99.

Best to send it off for attribution instead of grading. You can search the Coneca site or seek out Ken Potter's assistance.

Thanks for the Ken Potter reference, I've been on his site reading for the last half hour or so. Really good stuff

looks like I'm going to be sending it to Ken Potter, I'll let you guys know how it goes

Okay, but you're spending more than it's worth. Coins like this are common.

It like going into a bank and asking for halfs and they say yea we got 20.00 worth some guy brought in.You dont know till you buy them.
Good Luck.

Okay, but you're spending more than it's worth. Coins like this are common.

you're probably right. But it's not that much money and I really have nothing better to do so we'll see

no luck yet, I sent him an email asking if he was still examining coins for $5 and he never got back to me. probably going to wait until I have a few others to send to PCGS. I'll let you know as soon as I do

I'm not really sure what type of error this is. There seems to be a shelf on the one 5 that's there. I would say greased die but I see absolutely no trace of the other number, and all the other strikes are real strong. Any ideas???

I'm going to put this up on ebay, I'm thinking of starting at $99.99 because I have never seen one before and it seems to be legit. I put up a close shot so you can see there are no tooled markings where the last number of the date was

I know another guy on here has found a couple but he flies through boxes. Overall I'm hoping this could be pretty rare. I hope these pics expand ok, if you want better ones let me know. I posted this a year ago but am looking for more insight
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I also have a penny that has 195, you can faintly see a 3 it looks like to me. Misprint?


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That was a very old thread from 2013.

Enamel was spot on with his info.

There was NO level of excitement demonstrated by any replies, which indicates a normal coin. Just suggestions to get it attributed (& spend $ doing so). The lack of response from the person he wanted to send it to (Potter?) should have been a good indication not to send to PCGS but it was his $ to spend. The thread kind of dies so I'm guessing nothing came of the attribution.

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Welcome to the forum. Always best to start your own topic. The info given that I'm sure you read through is the answer. Coins aren't printed so nothing was left off. Study the minting process and most coin questions can be answered.

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