
  1. 1848 1 cent piece. foreign object strike? Any thoughts?

    This is one of my favorite pieces to date. It is a 1848 1 cent piece I received from my grandfathers estate there appears to have been a foreign object on it when it was struck. There is an obvious indentation on the face and on the obverse is an obvious bulge. Edit. It was pointed out to me...
  2. 1967 Lincoln cent error

    I have a number of bank bags which i have gotten or been given over the years. I was re-arraigning my collection recently and this cent fell out of one of the bags as I moved them. The bag has likely been in the storage for at least 15 years. A capped die strike (III-B-10) definition - a...
  3. Counterfeit mistake? Or treasury error?

    I came across this 1 dollar bill and noticed on the back is double stamped with $20 Jefferson with a serial #. I'm thinking it is a counterfeiting error. But would love your input
  4. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Did I just come across a Clad error Dime? Please help!

    Good Evening everybody! I was going through the coins in my wallet when I noticed this 2012 P Dime. At first glance I didn't think much of it, but when I went to grab another Dime out of my wallet I noticed there was something significantly wrong with this Dime. I believe the 2012 P Dime that...
  5. Weird nickel

    I was just looking at some other posts and saw a beat up nickel. It reminded me that I have this weird nickel that has a blob of what I'm pretty sure is more nickel with two or three letters impressed into it.(under magnification) The material is not solder, nor do I believe it was done after...
  6. Uncirculated two dollar bill error bookends is it worth grading

    Im not sure if this bill is anything special but it is an uncirculated error with book ends. So is it crap and if not should i get it graded?
  7. 1984 Lincoln Penny D or P? What's the matter with you?

    Not sure if that's a mint mark also just so many bizarre marks[ATTACH=CONFIG]1756776[/A
  8. 2005 buffalo nickel,

    I was there when that roll of nickels were opened,in greeley Colorado at a burger king, I noticed and commented it too the worker, she said that they were all like that'.
  9. 1972 1982 Lincoln cents DDO and Strick Error ?

  10. 1985 Lincoln cent DDR or Zinc Error ?

    Any information on this greatly appreciated .
  11. 1985 Lincoln cent DDR 0R Zinc Error ?

    1985 Lincoln cent DDR or Zinc Error ? Any information on this is greatly appreciated.
  12. 1991 p dime. Machine laminate error?

    It's on one side and like a strip across the coin. Within that strip it's a different texture.above it and below it is normal and the usual wear. Is this a laminate error? Just came from another site coin talk. I get the impression they just jump to easiest answer and you can't question them...
  13. Error quarter? -coinstar find

    Hi all, This is my first post here, but I've been reading the forums for years. Last night, i checked the coinstar at giant eagle, and i found lots of coins in the return slot. This is always exciting for me, I found a 62 silver dime, 6 1943 steel wheats (!), some modern foreign coins, and the...
  14. Silver Penny Error? Need Help!

    So I found this penny coin roll hunting and im not sure whats wrong with it. it has no shine it has like a silver look to it not copper and the details seem to be lacking if anyone can tell me if this is an error penny that would be great thank you.
  15. Silver Penny? Possible ERROR? Need Help

    So I found this penny coin roll hunting and im not sure whats wrong with it. it has no shine it has like a silver look to it not copper and the details seem to be lacking if anyone can tell me if this is an error penny that would be great thank you.
  16. Error one dollar bill?

    Hey guys, Not sure if this one is an error one dollar bill. The top and bottom look like being cut or being tear by someone from an uncut one dollar bill sheet. Any opinion will be appreciated.
  17. Swing and a miss Uncle Sam ! Error Quarter

    I don't why I get so excited when I find a error coin other than it proves that even the most powerful can make a mistake. That and I finally found something to share.. Have a Great weekend all. Jim in Vt HYPoint Canadian Coin Exchange
  18. Help!? Lamination error?

    I have a very odd coin. It was found years ago, and I have been trying to figure out what it is and have had no luck. Hopefully someone here can help. Thank you in advance!
  19. Ball Mason jar With "Pe ffct" lettering error

    Hello! I've reccent dug an Ball-blue Half-gallon Mason Jar c.1923-1933 With "Pe ffct" lettering error. Although I'm quite attached to it.. I was wondering if the error would effect its value in any way. Thanks! The Jar- And measured- And the bottom-
  20. 1944 wheat penny error?

    Hello! I found this unusual wheat penny while I was CRH a while back. It looks crazy, the dye looks (how do I put this?) messed up and the coin seems to be faded some. I have a couple of pics of the penny. Sorry if these pics are bad!
  21. 1959 error, and a few other pieces I found today. Help needed identifying!

    Newer at coin hunting. Not completely dumb to it, but found quite a few errors today, was needing to get some information:) it'll be much appreciated! few chips obverse and reverse and possibly a double strike mint? 1978 D penny with the mint covered up and double die possible? Seems the 8 on...
  22. 1852 Seated Dime (Clipped)

    I Recently acquired a 1852 Seated dime for a good price. I believe this dime has a clipped planchet, I took a few pics but it was hard to get a close up of the clipped part. I did the best I could hopefully the pics are good enough, if not I can try to take better shots. Anyways I was...
  23. 1990 No "FS" Nickel Error - Yes or No?

    I set aside all 1990 nickels as I go through a box and then examine each one with a loupe for the 1990 no/missing "FS" error which I've read about on numerous sites. I've gone through around 180 1990 nickels and while all of them show rather clearly the typical FS engraver's initials below...
  24. i need help/info on a 1968E quarter

    i have this 1968 quarter and was wanting to know if any one can tell me any thing about it as it's a (error coin) it has no scratches but the entire quarter is covered with tiny divots all over it as you can see in the picture the weird thing about it is it's like there's two small half's...
  25. What could this POSSIBLY have been from?

    A few months ago I was lookin through some cents, and I found this guy. It's worn down pretty flat on both sides. It couldn't have been an ender on both sides because it doesn't look like it's scratched at all! I did the old flick test and it sounds like it's copper, so it's from either 80...
  26. Need some thoughts on this nickel

    Got this lil guy in a roll the other day. Think this was a man made error?? I'm thinking it is but I wanted to get a second opinion... Thanks in advance! Blaire
  27. 1898 Quarter, possible mint mark error?

    Well freezing outside, can't metal detect...or really do anything outside lol. So was looking through some of my recent coin purchases, and this one kinda stuck out. Its a barber quarter 1898, it seems like there may be a faint mint mark. I see the mint mark of an S, photos aren't the
  28. Bicentennial Kennedy Half Dollar - Error or PMD?

    I have this Bicentennial Kennedy Half Dollar with something strange on the reverse. It seems that the "F" in "HALF DOLLAR" is missing. You can see some artifacts of the "F", but for the most part it is gone. To me it looks like post mint damage (perhaps even done on purpose), but I would like...
  29. type 2 eisenhower - finally found with nice toning!

    Here she is folks, the 1972 P type 2 Ike. notice the lack of islands, how florida kind of tapers and points down instead of to the southeast, and the lack of any definition of South America
  30. Rare wheat penny error. Year 195. need help

    I'm not really sure what type of error this is. There seems to be a shelf on the one 5 that's there. I would say greased die but I see absolutely no trace of the other number, and all the other strikes are real strong. Any ideas??? I'm going to put this up on ebay, I'm thinking of starting...

    I found this coin roll hunting and i want to know the price range for this Lamination error Please Help Me Price This Coin
  32. Wierd coin error

    I got this 1984 D penny with a fragment on the obverse but the weird thing is that the fragment is strongly struck with a design of a penny reverse. The fragment seems to be a little piece of plastic that is fused on and as far as I can see there is a BU red design underneath the fragment that...
  33. 1904 "S" Indian Head Penny!!!

    Found this Indian at 5 inches. After cleaning the coin, I noticed several errors on the front face of the coin. Several spots on the coin differ from normal Indians. The S is noticeable on the cheek of the Indian. Let me know your thoughts/ideas! G.I.
  34. misprint starnote silver certificate....

    I got this bill from my grandfather and was wondering what it was worth???
  35. Some sort of error coin? Help!

    I found this coin while coin roll hunting. I wasn't sure if it was an error or something. The thing that interests me is how only half of one side is different. The reverse of the coin is completely different from the obverse! Thanks!
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