********REMEMBER VIETNAM********

History of Islam in Vietnam

also...the united states became involved in southeast asia in 1898, after winning the Spanish American war.

facts sure derail a hate fest huh?

LOL! "Fighting Soldiers From The Sky"... "Paint It Black"... "We Gotta Get Out Of This Place"...
Look at Viet Nam Vets in "charge" now... Sec. of State - John Kerry; Sen. John McCain (former POW); OTHERS, too numerous to mention. (Add names, if you want to...).

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It appears both left and right Americans are opposed in any military involvement what happened to Congress? When did they stop listening?
I've never seen as large a separation in both thought and action between America and Congress.
We can't address the really important home issues while foreign wars (ambitions) are draining our energy and treasure. And most thought BO would never be a hawk.
The failure of Nam was when the Generals lied ti the politicians and the politicians lied to America.

Don, one of the best posts I've seen....And I see history repeating itself. We were noble in what we started in Viet Nam, but wrong in how we went about it. Kennedy, the last war hero, Pres. really didn't want a major influx of troops, lay that on LBJ, and now we are faced with a lib., non veteran Pres, who's ego and ideaology will once again put troops in harms way, and what for? Nothing! We had our Viet Nam, and our generation paid the price.....did we not learn anything? My take is that no matter who we back in the middle east is that we lose....no-one likes us, and once this incident is over, every thing will start over again. Let's let other nations decide their own fate, we are a super power, and let's remain that and not interject our ideaology on those that don't want, and won't appreciate the help.....Have them land troops, or attack us on our land...Kill every one of the SOB's! Gary

We can't address the really important home issues while foreign wars (ambitions) are draining our energy and treasure. And most thought BO would never be a hawk.

Anything to divert attention from his other problems wouldn't you say! Frank...

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We can't address the really important home issues while foreign wars (ambitions) are draining our energy and treasure. And most thought BO would never be a hawk.

Anything to divert attention from his other problems wouldn't you say! Frank...

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Well, there are 62 Vietnam Vets in the US Congress; 18 in the Senate, & 44 in the House. Want a listing...? "Google" How many Vietnam Vets CURRENTLY serve in US Congress. We will see, "how it goes"...

We also have a Sec. of State who is a Nam vet, threw his medels into the Potomic, and now is advocating O's sending more US troops into harms way.....He wants it both ways....Gary

We also have a Sec. of State who is a Nam vet, threw his medels into the Potomic, and now is advocating O's sending more US troops into harms way.....He wants it both ways....Gary

Potomac River...? Bet there is LOTS of stuff in the PR... from the War of 1812 on; ANYONE up for TH'ing/MD'ing...?

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Who the hell drew that "red line" anyway? So now there is backsliding and the red line is being blamed on ... guess who ... the American people and the people of the world.

Best thing for BO to do now is send Syria a firmly worded post card saying ... "Cease all that nasty killing with chemicals, already. Or somebody is going to draw a red line (again). By the way we will send you a five billion dollar check if you are offended."

Who the hell drew that "red line" anyway? So now there is backsliding and the red line is being blamed on ... guess who ... the American people and the people of the world.

Best thing for BO to do now is send Syria a firmly worded post card saying ... "Cease all that nasty killing with chemicals, already. Or somebody is going to draw a red line (again). By the way we will send you a five billion dollar check if you are offended."


Who the hell drew that "red line" anyway? So now there is backsliding and the red line is being blamed on ... guess who ... the American people and the people of the world.

Best thing for BO to do now is send Syria a firmly worded post card saying ... "Cease all that nasty killing with chemicals, already. Or somebody is going to draw a red line (again). By the way we will send you a five billion dollar check if you are offended."


Funny ... until you think about how close it might be to the truth

There's a lot to think about on this thread. Most of our Presidents didn't serve so the military experience isn't known to them. They have advisers and probably the same Pentagon advisers that other Presidents have had. Same underlying theme though, control the ME.
The next time I hear a politician talk about democracy in the ME I'll have my strangling fantasy. What a scam. They all try to sell the lie. Democracy barely works for us let alone people that were living in tents 100 years ago. It's not in their mindset.

Do you realize they are proposing to fire 160 missiles at a cost of app. $240M, when a much quicker end to the war could be obtained by just firing 1 In the Ben Laden mode. A headless snake can't bite! Just a thought. Frank...


Yes Frank, and when the committee asked Sec. Hagel where the money was coming for the strike, he indicated that our Arabian allies are footing the bill......We have become Saudi Arabia's mercenarys! "Give the money to Obama, He'll bomb anything"

Well, this is getting interesting. " limited strike" He's moving in a carrier, getting B2 bombers and B52 bombers readied, and moving in the new billion dollar Marine Base Ship. I guess they will have to go in barefooted! There are also the 4 destroyers and 2 probable subs. At the big meeting in Russia, he was asked twice if he would strike if congress gave a no vote. He sidestepped the answer both times. He has upgraded the attack order %) times so far. Is he growing a narrow heavy mustache and putting on jack boots? Frank...

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It appears both left and right Americans are opposed in any military involvement what happened to Congress? When did they stop listening?
I've never seen as large a separation in both thought and action between America and Congress.
We can't address the really important home issues while foreign wars (ambitions) are draining our energy and treasure. And most thought BO would never be a hawk.
The failure of Nam was when the Generals lied ti the politicians and the politicians lied to America.

Funny. BO a hawk. Whooda thunk it. And what's up with the McCain/ Obama love affair lately?

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