Reminder For All Members On Our Rules


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Jul 27, 2006
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Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Reminder For All Members On Our Rules.

TreasureNet is a family friendly forum, the only exception is our politics forum. We have young members and we have lady members. Please post by our rules, watch the language and the insults. Calling members a troll violates our rules, using "locker room" language in your posts violates our rules, using special characters to by pass the language sensor violates our rules.

Please post by our rules, if you find your can't or don't want to follow our rules mods and or admins will take action.

TreasureNet - Rules

Hello can you help me I don't know how to use this site

Hello can you help me I don't know how to use this site

Looks like your Doing Good.

Welcome !

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the little Black Triangle above it is for reporting issues with others

if you are using a Phone app. Sorry I can't help.

Using phones for internet & apps would be like placing me on an
alien space Craft and telling me to teach others how to drive it.

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I was following rules all day long going through 7 speed traps on the road. No tickets!

Love the black triangle. My favorite function on the website.

Time for more coffee.

I was following rules all day long going through 7 speed traps on the road. No tickets!

Was that you that passed me doing 85 on I95 in GA today???? Speed traps were every where today!

Surely these rules don't apply to me. I'm from Missouri for crying out loud. J/k I read them.

Yes rules are important in this forum.Will follow all your rules.

Since I see you were here to Spam, I Changed your Signature.

Your Welcome :coffee2:

Isn’t it against the rules to call a member a spammer?

Isn’t it against the rules to call a member a spammer?

Yep !

It's also against the Rules to Question a Moderators Authority .:laughing7:

Interesting Fact ! between the moderator and the member ....

Only one side can be Banned :coffee2:

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Isn’t it against the rules to call a member a spammer?

Users may disagree with the decisions or actions of the moderators and/or administrators, however, disagreements, criticism and the like are not to be aired within the forums. Please feel free to PM the person directly...….

Yep !

It's also against the Rules to Question a Moderators Authority .:laughing7:

Interesting Fact !

Only one can be Banned :coffee2:

Yeah I know about banning

tnx @jeff of pa it will also help me to under stand how to use this site

Welcome Criswell 45 , Do you have some treasure to share with us ?

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