Ridiculous mining depiction


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Jul 21, 2013
Northern California
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This is what your kids tuition dollars are paying for, makes me sick! As long as it's empassioned and has enough BS footnotes to "legitimize" their spewage it's all good, right! This authors depiction of mining is about as accurate as I would be writing with anhy degree of authority on the latest techniques of open heart surgery! Big difference is I'm aware that I know nothing about open heart surgery and have absolutely no buisness writing on any such topic!

Suction Dredge Mining: the United States Forest Service Hands Miners the Golden Ticket - Environmental Law

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Interesting read with some facts and a lot of unsubstantiated supposition, which interestingly enough is what he accuses the suction dredgers of. His "studies" were inconclusive, or came out as having no negative impact, but he leaps to the conclusion that it has to be destructive and harmful regardless. On another point he postulates that cleaned suction gravels "may" be more harmful to fry, and then launches on to new heights of the dangers of suction dredging. Talk about basing your thesis on supposition!!

It's an interesting read as it does point out the damage slobs do to reputation of an activity, and dredgers that undermine banks and mine into the riparian zone should know better, and they need a stiff correction, but for the many others that follow the rules, don't pollute, enhance the environment, clean up meticulously after themselves, he simply pretends they don't exist.

Once again, an article written with a specific agenda, so all of the writing is slanted to the pre-chosen bias that dredging is harmful even though he has no hard facts or studies to back up his grandstanding. And the mercury? What about elemental, native mercury which many streams had lots of before the miners ever showed up? And what about massive floods that completely scour the river bottoms and release every bit of mercury (not a tiny 2%) into the water column? However did the salmon survive the millennia . . . ?

By his brilliant logic not only should all of the salmon be long dead, but every ancient humanoid that ever lived near any streams with natural mercury in them should be long dead as well.

An awful lot of unsubstantiated nonsense with a specific focus to promote a cause. The truth? A very convenient casualty, as always.

All the best,


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yes it,s getting tiring,göbbels would have been jealous of such skilled propagandeurs..we all know if there would be no mercury they still would not allowe it,like they do in other countrys/states where no mercury exists in the rivers .,and also wasn,t dredging regulated to not occur during spawning seasons,?Just don,t mention it,write everything in a way that everybody who knows nothing about it must come to the conclusion that this have to be stopped.write it in a way it can be used to influence the policymakers,see also http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/dredging-hi-banking/459070-senate-analysis-sb637.html

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lmbo, thanks for the post

i will give ya an axe, i am havin a heart attack
thats the thing Sierra Fund wants to use a cutterhead dredge" like a butcher with a clever
and us miners using a suctiondredge more like a surgen with a scalpel
and we miners don't need tax payer monies, wghat a f-in howl

The authors name is on it...maybe someone needs
to get in touch with her and share some actual truth.

But then again, since when are lawyers really interested
in the actual truth?

lmbo, thanks for the post

i will give ya an axe, i am havin a heart attack
thats the thing Sierra Fund wants to use a cutterhead dredge" like a butcher with a clever
and us miners using a suctiondredge more like a surgen with a scalpel
and we miners don't need tax payer monies, wghat a f-in howl

immagine you would apply for a permit to use a cutter head dredge,they would just shut you down for cutting all the worms , all those macroinvertebrates ,hellgrammites in pieces

Ignorance is bliss! Self entitlement is the way of the future, people have no direct hands on experience with anything yet feel they know better than toughs that actual have walked down that road and learned whats real.. Not just with this but in life in general these days.. As John would say sic sic sic!!!

this story was writen as 9th Circuit Review Editor in 2010
she is now Assistant AG at Oregon DOJ

Pacific Legal Foundation's Joathan Wood quote's this in Rinehart Dec. 2013 on pages 3, 5-6, 14

By allowing only recreational mining to continue in this area, the moratorium frustrates the value of federal mining
claims, creating a strong disincentive against their discovery and exploitation.
See DelCotto, supra, at 1043

I'm not a recreational miner its not catch & release I dont throw the gold back!
I'm an independent small scale miner. the state is turning my mining claims into a wilderness preserve.

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Insanity reigns supreme in this insane eco bs state. The truth used to set us free BUT biologists doing phoney studies with perconceived results seem to rule the day as money talks and the truth walks. Dredgers shoulda listened up since 94 but the poison pill is easier to swallow-YAAAA ALL OR NUTTN' FOR 7 YEARS and forevermore.....John

I didn't read it all, but did notice the part about the negative impact caused by camping and fishing... I mean, come on, it's there to be used within reason, not locked away.

You know that I didn't bother reading anymore past this - "Activities closely associated with dredging, such as camping and fishing within the riparian zone, negatively affect habitat for birds, amphibians, fish, and aquatic insects.[73]" cause I'm tired of seeing this bs. Now we are as bad as campers and fishermen... And we are being singled out as murderers for swatting and murdering the "aquatic insects" that we simple people call mosquito's

How did the the great explorers Lewis and Clark have their name connected to such garbage?

You know that I didn't bother reading anymore past this - "Activities closely associated with dredging, such as camping and fishing within the riparian zone, negatively affect habitat for birds, amphibians, fish, and aquatic insects.[73]" cause I'm tired of seeing this bs. Now we are as bad as campers and fishermen... And we are being singled out as murderers for swatting and murdering the "aquatic insects" that we simple people call mosquito's

Thats all part of the totalitarian and ecologically wrong assumption that human beeings are sort of a non native endemic species.Wrong..we are also coming from nature and many species and plants have learned to live beside us along the the evolution and the hundreds of thousands of years.
One example ;The mushrooms,i don,t know when exactly.must have been in the early 70`,they started to forbidd mushroom collecting or limited it drastically-with ecological pretences.Around 1975 a well recognized institut started a study over 1 or 2 decades.
They had 3 sample areas;in the first area they collected every mushroom that growed,in the second area they collected half of the mushrooms and the third area was not harvested at all,Resulst; There was no decline in mushroom production in the 1 area that was always totaly harvested.Thats is also logical,because the mushroom that grows out to the surface is only the fruiting body,the real mushroom is buried and is called myzelium.
That fruitbody is offered by the myzelium,which actually is the real mushroom, for animals and human beeings as a bait,he wants to get collected and eaten by us,so later after digestion when we do our "business" we help to spread his fungal spores .Also walking around in the woods with a basket full of mushrooms helps greatly spread the spores.They all know this now.
Well,it,s 2015 now and all the interdictions and extreme limitations are still in charge and they keep saying to the people it,s because collecting the mushrooms damages them.Counting on the fact the people don,t know this study.
So just go camping ,the birds will take 1 or two days to get used to theire new neighbor and be happy of the breadcrumps you leave,do a righteous crap with emphasis ,you create new humus/soil.

Sounds like "Sustainable Development."

If I were to call it by its catch phrase, you'd all dismiss me with a wave of the hand and tell me to go find my tin-foil hat... ;)

print and post at the local hardware store, billboard


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They outlawed just about everything that was deemed to be a danger to the environment in New Zealand. It was a total disaster. The whole country's ecology was destroyed. The lakes lost all their oxygen and couldn't support any life.
I find it ironic that this came from the Lewis and Clark law school. One of Lewis and Clark's missions was to test for gold in the country they surveyed.
The writer does worry about suction dredging stirring up mercury. What does he think happens when the spring floods come through.
Suction dredges at least remove some of it. Maybe a lot.
But you and I will never convince these idiots they are wrong. Their minds are made up, don't confuse them with facts. Which they will reject anyway.

print and post at the local hardware store, billboard

Exactly correct. I cannot count the amount of other peoples trash I have hauled away and disposed of properly.

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