Rise and Shine, coffee lovers!


Sep 4, 2013
Somewhere directly above the center of the Earth.
Primary Interest:
WAKE UP!!! :hello2: people, I need stress release, and motivation to start my day, already roasted some coffee this mornin'...that's the one thing in life I refuse to give up, and that's my java.
I love hearing people tell others how freshly ground coffee is the best, I love telling them, they have not experienced coffee until they have roasted it in their kitchen then ground it and brewed it...ahh Oh my mind is racing this morning, in a way A.D.D. is a blessing sometimes, oh yeah where was I... coffee damn A.D.D. anyway, ever want to know about coffee ? I am your guy...first time you roast your own beans and that aroma fills your home...its like heaven on earth.

Hey let me tell you a little something I know about coffee, which I am sure will suprise or is it supprise ? spell checker says both are wrong go figure, stupid thing has me second guessing myself..anyway! damn A.D.D. :p about coffee, you know people love that extremely black as oil coffee they serve at starbucks ( disgusting ) and how it wakes them up so well, well let me share a SECRET with you, when coffee is roasted, the LIGHTER the roast, the more caffeine that remains in the bean..yes you read that right, the darker the roast = less jolt to zap you awake.

Now on that same line of thought, are you diabetic ? or is a loved one, well here is a tip for them too, since we know sugar = bad for the diabetic.
We all love our breakfast, a lot love their eggs and TOAST, but as most know bread is full of sugar and well that blows since a lot of diabetics will skip it because of that...here is the tip, like coffee, bread can be altered also by how its cooked, when you toast bread, the longer you toast it ( darker ) the more SUGAR that is removed from it, yes you read that right, so lightly toasted bread will jack your blood sugar through the roof....burn it or close to it and almost all the sugar will be removed...there you go enjoy your breakfast, you toast lovers.

Have a Great Day folks!!!


Thats wierd, I posted this a minute ago and it vanished, so I reposted it, is it double posted ?

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Thats wierd, I posted this a minute ago and it vanished, so I reposted it, is it double posted ?

No I removed your last one.
With the last Paragraph your post looked too much like an ad
even IF you didn't mean it to be.

I removed the Link from this one

WAKE UP!!! :hello2: people, I need stress release, and motivation to start my day, already roasted some coffee this mornin'...that's the one thing in life I refuse to give up, and that's my java.
I love hearing people tell others how freshly ground coffee is the best, I love telling them, they have not experienced coffee until they have roasted it in their kitchen then ground it and brewed it...ahh Oh my mind is racing this morning, in a way A.D.D. is a blessing sometimes, oh yeah where was I... coffee damn A.D.D. anyway, ever want to know about coffee ? I am your guy...first time you roast your own beans and that aroma fills your home...its like heaven on earth.

Hey let me tell you a little something I know about coffee, which I am sure will suprise or is it supprise ? spell checker says both are wrong go figure, stupid thing has me second guessing myself..anyway! damn A.D.D. :p about coffee, you know people love that extremely black as oil coffee they serve at starbucks ( disgusting ) and how it wakes them up so well, well let me share a SECRET with you, when coffee is roasted, the LIGHTER the roast, the more caffeine that remains in the bean..yes you read that right, the darker the roast = less jolt to zap you awake.

Now on that same line of thought, are you diabetic ? or is a loved one, well here is a tip for them too, since we know sugar = bad for the diabetic.
We all love our breakfast, a lot love their eggs and TOAST, but as most know bread is full of sugar and well that blows since a lot of diabetics will skip it because of that...here is the tip, like coffee, bread can be altered also by how its cooked, when you toast bread, the longer you toast it ( darker ) the more SUGAR that is removed from it, yes you read that right, so lightly toasted bread will jack your blood sugar through the roof....burn it or close to it and almost all the sugar will be removed...there you go enjoy your breakfast, you toast lovers.

Have a Great Day folks!!!


Thats wierd, I posted this a minute ago and it vanished, so I reposted it, is it double posted ?

Hey BC having my java right now 750 am. Thanks for info about the toast as I did not know that. I am diabetic and will eat more toast this morning. You did a good deed and you have a great day.

Coffee, did someone say coffee? I got coffee, You need coffee? Here, have some coffee!
Yeah, I've downed my pot o morning joe, on my last cup now.

Thanks for the info, too! Down here, the Cubans are real big on their Cuban coffee and growing it.
You do Cuban coffee by the shot, 2 will have you bouncing of the walls! LOL!

Halloween coffee story for ya'll. When I bought my home 20 or so yrs ago from a kind older gentleman, his wife had passed almost a yr earlier. Him and the adult children, even the neighbors had told me, how she was a great homemaker, and every morning had coffee ready, for anybody that wanted it. She would take the pot outside and share.

Well, I moved in, and because I got up early every morning and headed out the door to work, I always got my 2 large cups of coffee, at the conv store down the street where I previously worked. I didn't even have a coffee maker at that time.
EVERY MORNING, for almost a year, I would be awoken to the smell of fresh brewing coffee. WHERE was this coffee smell coming from? I had the windows shut and the air running, not coming from outside!?

I asked the neighbor if she made coffee in the morning, she said, but she made instant coffee. For almost 2 more years, I got this strong coffee aroma every morning! It was such the strangest thing. It tapered off some, but then would continue from time to time. The infreguency of it was getting to me, so I had a "talk" with whoever was making coffee, LOL! I told her, her husband had moved over to another city, with her children, she knew where it was, and for her to go be with them and make them coffee! LOL! I also reassured her, that the home was well loved and appreciated and would be ok. I never smelled coffee after that until........

Almost 15 years later, I was working with a person overseas on some spiritual stuffs. This person too, loved their coffee. We made some plans for some life changing experiences for both of us and others involved, and as we both agreed to our plan, the aroma of coffee, FILLED the room I was in, it was 11:30 at NIGHT, not the morning!
It stopped me in my tracks! I said a humble thank you, and viewed it as an approval of my undertakings. That was about 3 or so yrs ago.
The coffee smell has not been back, so far.......


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Love my morning coffee! But I prefer mine with a bit of half and half. I do like fresh ground coffee but I haven't ever tried roasting my own beans. I may have to give that a shot.

I always regret getting rid my french press. Got it as a gift on my first marriage, but I wasn't a coffee drinker back then.

Coffee is the new gold! Maybe they thought you were advertising a business for coffee, who knows. Love my coffee. Once when I was in the hospital tried to get the nurse to put my morning coffee in the I V since I couldn't drink it.

Oh man , How I love a good strong cup of fresh ground coffee - (Italian or French roast ) Jamaica Blue Mountain was available in the 1970's
for $10.00 lb. I think - that was a lot of money back then , I'm not sure if it's even available anymore .Sumatra , or Kona can be mighty good.

Blue mountain can still be had, but whether its legit as a pure is a hard guess, sure you can find blends of it, but who wants a blend, the real deal is probably close to 40 a pound now or higher.
my original post had a link for green coffee, but apprently thats against the rules but I guess you can always google sweet maria's coffee and get the link, they have green coffee beans, and some of the best and most accurate info on the web.


I don't have a coffee problem like some people who drink 4 or 5 cups a day.

I have a 10-cup coffee pot, on average I'll make about three or four pots a day!

If I go more than two hours without coffee, I start to get a headache.

Black, no sugar or cream.

No, I don't have a problem.. as long as I can get it!

Well, I buy French Roast and grind about a pint container full at a time. I like it with sugar and one of those flavored liquid creamers. Cream Boule and Italian Sweet Cream are my favorites.
About the bread, The yeast eats the sugar to form the air bubbles in the bread so most of the sugar is gone. The crust is actually caramelized sugar, so if you don't want sugar, strip off the crust. Yes, I was a baker for a while.
Caffeine consintration is heavier in the dark coffee because it is more condensed!
Decafe has caffeine but it is soaked in salt water to 'neutralize' it!
Frank...111-1 profile.jpg

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A mug in the morning and one in the evening......Starbucks Breakfast blend.....fill the measuring cup to 3 and one scoop of coffee packed and leveled off with my index finger...A couple Nabisco ginger snaps with the evening round....Hope they never quit making coffee.....Have noticed they stock it close to the beer and wine...what does that mean? LOL.

i have close to 150 coffee plants but havnt gotten any fruit yet, some of my plants are 5 years old and 12 foot tall hopeing for fruit next year, you want a good shot of caffine dry some youpon leaves and chop them up brew them with your coffee, sometimes i like to take a fresh green pod of cardamom and brew it with my coffee, but usually i like my coffee just like my women

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