So a little saddened with detecting.


Jr. Member
Mar 24, 2013
Elkhart, Indiana
Detector(s) used
Garrett Ace 250
Primary Interest:
I got my detector on Sunday and have been to a few parks and homes. Found mostly nails and random stuff. Was looked at funny by people in the park and had cops follow me. I didn't find anything at the homes I went to and I feel like it's a waste of time. My city isn't famous for anything in particular and I can't really travel super far. I guess I will stick with CRH. I am hoping to get a refund for my gear. I know I only used it for a few days and never expected to find anything awesome but was hoping for a wheat or something. I think because I have silver fever that I want to find everything. I love reading this forum and seeing what people pull from the ground.

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Isn't Elkhart where they make all the campers and motor homes? Keep looking, maybe somebody buried one full of great loot! I don't have much time or luck, but the exercise and being outdoors is good for me!

Okay guys. I have decided to keep it and I bought a pinpointer. Even if I only find clad, it has to pay for itself at some point, and I can afford to keep it. I just wasn't sure, but even if I have it for a few years it will give me something to do with friends or go to the park. It's like a renewable resource, people are bound to drop stuff right?

Okay guys. I have decided to keep it and I bought a pinpointer. Even if I only find clad, it has to pay for itself at some point, and I can afford to keep it. I just wasn't sure, but even if I have it for a few years it will give me something to do with friends or go to the park. It's like a renewable resource, people are bound to drop stuff right?

Alright. Now no more on you quitting this awesome hobby. Get out there and find something!

yes they are. it took me probably close to 600 holes for me too find my first silver coin. Since then I've found 8 total now,plus some decent jewelry. The more you try the more you will find. That's like a guarantee


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Glad to hear your going to stick it out, now time to finish your learning curve and to develop pinpointing and recovery tecniques with the detector and pinpointer, I wish you the best of luck.

Okay guys. I have decided to keep it and I bought a pinpointer. Even if I only find clad, it has to pay for itself at some point, and I can afford to keep it. I just wasn't sure, but even if I have it for a few years it will give me something to do with friends or go to the park. It's like a renewable resource, people are bound to drop stuff right?

Miroku, I am personally glad that you did. Unless you leave it in the closet, you will find things which delight you - those little digs which make you feel like you are 12 years old. Don't look back now, look forward, and go play in the dirt :)

This is such a friendly forum :D I will. I am waiting to get my pinpointer and try out a friend's house. I believe I can find stuff. :)

I think you will not regret keeping it and will enjoy it over time. Any time out detecting is time better spent than sitting indoors in front of a TV even if you don't find anything. I have only had mine a couple of weeks and I am happy to dig clad and will sometimes even dig junk if I have been at it awhile with no coin action. I am sure I will dig some old coins someday if I keep at it but for now a clad coin is OK.

Detecting is a very addictive hobby. I've about given up fishing to allow more time to detect on the weekends. And you get penny at a time. Winning! LoL happy hunting, i'm sure you'll enjoy.

I agree this is an addictive hobby. My advice is don't get discouraged. It takes a while to get good with your detector. And the better you get the more you will find. I suggest you use a dirt rag and practice pinpointing and digging clean plugs. You'll know you're addicted when you have callouses on your hands from digging targets.

Also,the more you use your detector the better you'll understand what it is telling you. I had a cheaper radio shack model. I had guys laugh and say what are you going to find with that a buried car lol.... But truthfully. After using it for awhile I could tell 70% of the time what type of coin was in the ground just by the way it kept its tone as I moved it over the object. So keep at it you'll improve if you try good luck & hh

Miroku, consider this. You got the metal detecting fever by looking at videos or forums and seeing all the great finds. What you did not see is the magnitude of hours those individuals dedicated to making those finds. Research sometimes helps. Luck is all one can really give credit to.
I have been to sites over 150 years old that produced nothing. And then to sites only 60 years old that produced tons of silver. Location is key. Like mentioned before, if the site has been hit by other detectors you chances to find old sivler decreases. Just like CRH, metal detecting is a game of chance. You never know what you will find or where until you start swinging the coil. BTW the ACE 250 can and will find silver. My wife uses that machine. Put it in coins mode and sensitivity around 5-6. Practice, Patience, and Persistence are the key. Build yourself a test garden to get use to the depth capability and the different sounds your machine makes. You will be amazed how much you will learn. If you were near NC I would be more than happy to meet with you and share hands on knowledge. Good luck in what ever you decide.

Do give up yet!,I have had my detector now for a little over 3 weeks,and I have found a little over $3 worth of coins in my front yard,along with beer cans (3),cable contectors(6),bottle caps(10).I've taken it out into the woods 2 times and still haven't found any coins,just trash,beer cans and spent shotgun shells.Don't give up sooooo early,I'm sure your town/state has a club,or put an ad on Craigslist,but please don't give up.

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