ZenAgain said:
Is someone going to rob you at GUNPOINT while you metal detect? I think the odds are kind of long. The guy was just --deleted--ing with you like the idiot with me at the beach. Had he a gun, he probably would have opened fire on you...

You weren't there so you would never know that. Neither would I except for the following:

I was alone.
I was in a secluded area.
I wasn't familiar with the neighborhood.
This thug was trying to lure me toward him.
He had something in his hands that looked like a long-barreled handgun.
He was wearing a hooded jacket on a warm day.
He was too far away from me to insure his shots would find their target.

ZenAgain said:

Meaning what? There's nothing I could have done against a firearm. I wasn't about to get closer to see what he had. I'm not going to go to this area again with MY pistol and wait for him to come back.

Not putting myself in that kind of situation is better to me than blowing someone's brains out (not that he didn't deserve it). If I happened to carry on that day, the outcome would have been very different. I think I did the right thing all things considered.


I'll tell you what my CCW instructor told me and the entire class. If you are going to pull out your weapon
and shoot somebody, SHOOT TO KILL, dead people can't shoot you and they can't file lawsuits.
the only requirements are, you have to be in fear for your life, and or, fear of great bodily injury.
In Kansas if you're not allowed to carry in a building it has to be posted according to state law.
even if it's a school, police station or courthouse, if it's not posted, they can't prosecute you for CCW

thats why i carry my 40 cal gloc with me unless i am at a school ground then i carry my little 22cal semi auto in my find bag i live in st. joseph missouri we have been invaded by the migrant workers that never leave and dont have the proper paper work to stay

Sounds like he was trying to rob you or scare you. He could have easily emptied his pistol at your direction. You did the right thing by getting away fast and calling the cops. School grounds or not branding a weapon in a menacing way is a felony. Too many nut cases out there with guns. That guy deserves to spend a very long time in jail.

you deffinately did the right thing! at least he didnt get your md which is probably what he was after >:(

personally i would have ran a bit faster and f..k the detecter, ive got four young kids!

how surreal it seems reading all this thinking that a days enjoyment could turn into a gunfight.

glad your ok, but dont beat yourself up about it! just think you could have been the bravest man in the cemetary!!!

even if you were carrying :thumbsup:

This is the main reason i will NOT go by myself....Too many idiots running loose in this world. We walk by one everyday and dont even know it until its to late. Im so glad your ok, and yes you should always let someone know where you are or where your going!
Thank God your safe!

I agree that you did the right thing........I wouldnt want to have a confrontation with a guy with a gun and all I have is a digging tool. Hang in there! :thumbsup:

That is just too scary to even comprehend. My hubby wants me to get licenced to carry. I have put it off because I figured that I am covered in my own home if needed & I only use it for the range, but alot of my gf's have become licenced lately for protection and I think following suit might not be a bad idea. Especially for when I finally venture into the woods. So glad that everything worked out for you and you made it home to tell your wife you love her.


I hunt by myself and do carry a gun. I've had my CHL for a few years, I've never had to pull on anybody and hope it stays that way, but if I ever have to, I certainly will. I was a doorgunner in VietNam, when I came back home I thought I'd never have to worry about anyone trying to harm me again but times in our country have changed, there are alot of loonies out there, be careful. John

Dang Natman I'm glad your alright. Some people today are absolutely nuts. Sounds to me like you done the best thing you could for the situation at hand. I do have a carry permit and yes I do carry when I am going to any place that I'm not aquainted with and some I am. I can tell you that I would not have had mine on me at a school either. That just enrages and scares the sh** out of me. Man you got me thinking how I would of handled that situation.

Hey Nat,
Sorry to hear about that experience and I am glad you made it out ok. I also think you made good decisions. I've never had something like this happen to me while metal detecting, but it wasn't too long ago that I found myself in a situation where I had a gun to the back of my head.......a gunpoint robbery. I know the repetition and constant playing out of the scenario that goes through your head when something like this happens to you firsthand. New York is a piece of you know what state, because unless you work in law enforcement, are a lawyer or other minor is impossible to get a carry permit of any type. The thiefs and lowlifes are loving it and are blessed by our great gun laws. They get to rob people that have no way of defending their property or lives.
The thiefs, robbers and every other criminal in this state knows that their chances of encountering resistance through the use of a firearm is non existant, so just about anyone is prey here. Alot of out of town guys fear riding the subway or hanging in the city because they feel they will be targeted because they are white.........the truth is.......they have a better chance of NOT being robbed because the criminals may think they are a police officer. My point, if our residents were allowed to carry, we'd all be better off. The only time a criminal may think twice is when he knows, but has no way of knowing who is carrying what.

Don't be harsh on yourself in any way........these things can happen anywhere, anyplace, to anyone. And in some situatiions, not even having a gun will help you. It certainly would not have made any difference in my encounter. If anything, he would've ended up with a second gun.

Holy cow Nat. I'm very sorry to hear about this and I don't know how I missed this post. The date you posted it though was right during the last few days my mom was still with us I'm sure I was in and out of reality during those days.
God was at your side that say my friend because it could have gotten much worse...and I'm glad you're okay.
I have had a couple of close calls hunting a park in St. Louis...although nothing like yours buddy. I vowed then and there that I would not go to any of those parks unless I have at least 3 others with me...because I just don't feel safe anymore.
Enjoy your family bro...they are #1...and you are right to be more cautious now. I know I definately am. I'm glad you made it through unhurt buddy.

Let me add my vote to the you did the right thing column. I'm sure glad it wasn't me. I might have had to shoot him and nothing spoils your day like having to shoot someone. Monty

Nat - WOW can't believe I missed this post also. I would have done the exact same thing. The times they are a changin. Not sure how I feel about everyone carrying a weapon. What about folks that can't carry. What route should they take? This should give everyone something to seriously think about. Main thing is, your OK and can carry on with life even though you will still have this in the back of your mind. Take the time to figure out what works best for you.


Thanks to EVERYONE for the encouragement. It's really helped me put this incident in it's place where it won't impact my future activities, I refuse to let that happen.

I've started going out again, but have been much more cautious in general and much more selective about where I go to detect. I hope everyone who's seen this will also be wary about your surroundings and make sure you are in a familiar place..if not, PLEASE try to find someone to go with you. The experience has really changed my perception and has made me re-evaluate what's important in my life.

Hopefully I'll find some neat stuff to share with you all in the weeks ahead..although I've cut back on the frequency of my outings, I'll never quit the hobby because I enjoy it too much to let anybody ruin it.

Happy Hunting

Nat, Sorry about this jerk. I was thinking that I hadn't seen many (if any) post from you & now I know why. I carry a phone with me and try to keep looking around. Sometimes I get that bad feeling and I leave for another place. I just found this post. Keep the faith and happy (er) hunting. D.D.

i believe you did the right thing natman.glad you are safe ..nothing like this has eer happened to me .i usually get the kids coming over wanting to know what i found and if they can have it ;D
keep up the hunt natman..

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