The Ruby Ridge Massacre - Video

Ruby Ridge - August 1992

Waco - April 1993

14 and 15 years ago.

Common Timberwolf... anything recent? I think everyone agrees those were screwed up incidents no matter who you are... both incidents are CLASSIC examples of Government gone wrong.

However... some progress resulted with lessons learned. Don't forget there are successes too!

Freeman Standoff - March - June 1996 (81 days) 80 arrests with not a shot fired... there has been improvement... IMO

The guy behind the desk said, "Shots got fired". A rather passive statement, wouldn't you say? I wonder how those shots GOT fired.

Montana Jim said:
Ruby Ridge - August 1992

Waco - April 1993

14 and 15 years ago.

Common Timberwolf... anything recent?
No statute of limitation on murder.

Cache Crazy said:
The guy behind the desk said, "Shots got fired". A rather passive statement, wouldn't you say? I wonder how those shots GOT fired.

Montana Jim said:
Ruby Ridge - August 1992

Waco - April 1993

14 and 15 years ago.

Common Timberwolf... anything recent?
No statute of limitation on murder.


Yeah, it's easy to roll your eyes when it wasn't your family who got slaughtered.

Montana Jim said:
Ruby Ridge - August 1992

Waco - April 1993

14 and 15 years ago.

Common Timberwolf... anything recent? I think everyone agrees those were screwed up incidents no matter who you are... both incidents are CLASSIC examples of Government gone wrong.

However... some progress resulted with lessons learned. Don't forget there are successes too!

Freeman Standoff - March - June 1996 (81 days) 80 arrests with not a shot fired... there has been improvement... IMO


I'm not aware of any recent incidents where the government has killed Americans on American soil, but just because they haven't, doesn't give me the warm fuzzies either.

They (our government) continue to take our rights away, and trample the Constitution of the United States. This in it's self is enough to keep me on my guard.

Have you looked into the "North American Union". That happened in 2005.
Is that recent enough for you?
No one died because of it, but what will it mean for us, our children and our grand children?


Timberwolf said:
Montana Jim said:
Ruby Ridge - August 1992

Waco - April 1993

14 and 15 years ago.

Common Timberwolf... anything recent? I think everyone agrees those were screwed up incidents no matter who you are... both incidents are CLASSIC examples of Government gone wrong.

However... some progress resulted with lessons learned. Don't forget there are successes too!

Freeman Standoff - March - June 1996 (81 days) 80 arrests with not a shot fired... there has been improvement... IMO


I'm not aware of any recent incidents where the government has killed Americans on American soil, but just because they haven't, doesn't give me the warm fuzzies either.

They (our government) continue to take our rights away, and trample the Constitution of the United States. This in it's self is enough to keep me on my guard.

Have you looked into the "North American Union". That happened in 2005.
Is that recent enough for you?
No one died because of it, but what will it mean for us, our children and our grand children?


:) Thanks ... I just like to keep it recent... it's kinda less credible to rehash stuff from so long ago.

Yea , lets just forget about last time & wait till next time so we can talk about dead people that's not
rotten yet . That would be much more fun wouldn't it ? ???

How much is taken out of context, lies or out of sequence. Did this man do anything to put his people in harms way, was he given a chance or warning. Was the agents in danger?
Is there another side to the show?

Those people had no families except those in the cult. (at WACO)
What happened there we will never know.
We will know two stories, One with the liberal press and one with Independent reporters that told the truth yet are not in it for the big money, so they go to the second page.
There are several shades of the liberal press, it goes from taken out of context distorter's, to the scandal liars that will do anything to get a sensation going in their gazette. They come back and double their money by bringing it up again with some kind of lie that cannot be proved or disproved, because of the time lapse.
Do you think we will get a replay on the Kennedy assassination one more time in this decade. The press has sponsors, in it for publicity and blackmail.
In my opinion we should have laws with penalties for ling or distortion, it should not be a freedom of speech when it effects the government that we the people have.
Some will say we got proof, pictures and statements. Yet those pictures can be out of sequence, doctored and the statements can be out of context, out of sequence and some can be lies.
Just to show what the press has done, it seems no one thinks the government ever does anything right if they enforce the law. In a big operation some mistakes will be made, there may be casualties of those involved.
The Jim Jones incident has been hashed over a couple of times, when will the time come for the government be pulled in as the cause of those losses, evidence is getting old and the liars will come out of the wood work and the Bleeding hearts will do their work, spreading the word and getting other people to believe the lies.
Bush started off by keeping the press in check, yet they kept up the fight until they got the upper hand now the press has just about all the country against him. They conduct a covert operation that takes every statement he makes and works it against him. Every action taken by any branch of the government is made to look wrong and his fault. Is this using freedom of the press to rule the country? Your votes have no control after the election. Any one put in office, the strings will be attached. Gnewt

They murdered a family. There's no controversy over whether or not they did it, but whether or not it was justified. Is anyone going to say that murdering a family is justified because they broke the law?

Cache Crazy said:
Yeah, it's easy to roll your eyes when it wasn't your family who got slaughtered.

OMG... stop. Was it your family? I'm not rolling my eyes at the incident...

I'm not to blame, I'm not responsible... I'm a spectator and commentator - just like you. Armchair theorists... the best I can do is vote and hope the best decision makers are nominated. Have you done more than that? Besides buy extra generators and ammo?

WV Hillbilly said:
Yea , lets just forget about last time & wait till next time so we can talk about dead people that's not
rotten yet . That would be much more fun wouldn't it ? ???

No - please complain about it all you want. You comment, I comment, then you... then me... :)

This is simply an exchange of ideas... a conversation...

I will concede that I am NOT a survivalist, a bunker builder, a conspiracy believer (usually), I DO agree we have a screwed up government and system - but I would never trade it. I DO believe that the folks at ground level are doing the best they can and are our friends and neighbors... and I know the folks are the top are almost always greedy manipulative bastards. It's NO mystery that the US Marshals and FBI screwed up a zillion times. They slaughtered the family... no question. I bet half the folks here agree with you 100 percent. The other half could care less...

So far - thankfully - nobody in my family is being watched by the FBI for illegal activity... there are no sworn warrents for our arrest, my son is not shooting at strangers because my dog got shot...

I never said I agreed with ANY of it... it was a screwed up operation, but it will always live on in the hearts and minds of those afraid the goverment will eventually (and soon) come take their liberties.

I guess I've just talked to too many folks who "never leave the farm" here in Montana and are just waiting for the government to come put them in concentration camps... I don't get it - I never will.

Montana Jim said:
Cache Crazy said:
Yeah, it's easy to roll your eyes when it wasn't your family who got slaughtered.

OMG... stop.

I'm not to blame, I'm not responsible... I'm a spectator and commentator - just like you.

Who said YOU were to blame? I didn't

Cache Crazy said:
Montana Jim said:
Cache Crazy said:
Yeah, it's easy to roll your eyes when it wasn't your family who got slaughtered.

OMG... stop.

I'm not to blame, I'm not responsible... I'm a spectator and commentator - just like you.

Who said YOU were to blame? I didn't

No, you never did... I edited that above post... sorry.

??? Well... ever SINCE 911...; point being... UNTIL the WAR POWERS ACT of 1973 is "invoked"... we STILL have our "rights" (to bear arms, etc....); NOT gonna worry. We ARE living in extraordinary times since Waco... OK City bombing... Ruby Ridge...; will look at TEXAS, the orginal "Minute Men" state (THEY are "armed" & ready to "rock 'n roll"...). MAYBE... too much JERICHO on TV or something... ONCE, TEXAS start shooting... THEN I will act. ARMED & DANGEROUS in Virginia... :D ;)

Montana Jim said:
Cache Crazy said:
Yeah, it's easy to roll your eyes when it wasn't your family who got slaughtered.

OMG... stop. Was it your family? I'm not rolling my eyes at the incident...

I'm not to blame, I'm not responsible... I'm a spectator and commentator - just like you. Armchair theorists... the best I can do is vote and hope the best decision makers are nominated. Have you done more than that? Besides buy extra generators and ammo?

WV Hillbilly said:
Yea , lets just forget about last time & wait till next time so we can talk about dead people that's not
rotten yet . That would be much more fun wouldn't it ? ???

No - please complain about it all you want. You comment, I comment, then you... then me... :)

This is simply an exchange of ideas... a conversation...

I will concede that I am NOT a survivalist, a bunker builder, a conspiracy believer (usually), I DO agree we have a screwed up government and system - but I would never trade it. I DO believe that the folks at ground level are doing the best they can and are our friends and neighbors... and I know the folks are the top are almost always greedy manipulative #@!$%#@!s. It's NO mystery that the US Marshals and FBI screwed up a zillion times. They slaughtered the family... no question. I bet half the folks here agree with you 100 percent. The other half could care less...

So far - thankfully - nobody in my family is being watched by the FBI for illegal activity... there are no sworn warrents for our arrest, my son is not shooting at strangers because my dog got shot...

I never said I agreed with ANY of it... it was a screwed up operation, but it will always live on in the hearts and minds of those afraid the goverment will eventually (and soon) come take their liberties.

I guess I've just talked to too many folks who "never leave the farm" here in Montana and are just waiting for the government to come put them in concentration camps... I don't get it - I never will.

Neither did I think you were rolling your eyes at the incident, I DON'T think you're that kind of guy. And no, I can't do more than anyone else, all any of us can do is take a stand, and I have to believe there is a better way to subdue people than to just start shooting them. The point was that if it were our families (God forbid), we would see it different.

"I DO believe that the folks at ground level are doing the best they can and are our friends and neighbors... " The X agent that was interviewed didn't think that.

"and I know the folks are the top are almost always greedy manipulative #@!$%#@!s."
That's pretty much what everyone here is saying.

No personal attacks intended.

Cache Crazy said:
They murdered a family. There's no controversy over whether or not they did it, but whether or not it was justified. Is anyone going to say that murdering a family is justified because they broke the law?

Murder is never justified. Those people didn't deserve to die, just as those agents didn't deserve to have to deal with a man who had broken a law and refused to appear in court to answer the charges against him. He barricaded himself in his cabin with his family and his weapons. In my view, he was partly responsible for their deaths. Pointing guns at law enforcement is never a smart thing to do. Just so you don't rip me apart, I'm no expert on this matter and I agree that the deaths were totally unnecessary and unwarranted. Have a very good day :)


Most recent social experimint I am personally aware of is the confiscation of legally owned firearms from property owners who opted to remain in New Orleans during and after hurricane Katrina to protect their property from the lawless.
And some of the worst of the lawless that became 'hurricane victims' via 7.62 Nato rounds that never made the 6:00 news. I was there running in armed convoys of relief supplies.
Forgetting about Randy Weaver and his family puts us back to square one because history repeats itself.

Montana Jim said:
:) Thanks ... I just like to keep it recent... it's kinda less credible to rehash stuff from so long ago.

No problem Jim,

I'll see what I can find. I'm currently researching this N.A.U. thing and chip implants.
When I get some good stuff together, I will post it.


Timberwolf said:
Montana Jim said:
:) Thanks ... I just like to keep it recent... it's kinda less credible to rehash stuff from so long ago.

No problem Jim,

I'll see what I can find. I'm currently researching this N.A.U. thing and chip implants.
When I get some good stuff together, I will post it.


I see you've been looking into all kinds of this stuff... are you getting any sleep at night? :-\

It's all interesting...


Researching this stuff isn't new for me. I have been doing it since the Ruby Ridge incident. As one of the poster's said, there is more than one side to every story. I tend not to listen to the liberal media. The news is their baby. They will show you and tell you, what they want you to know, and no more.

Sleep? Whats that, LOL ;D
Sometimes I stay up late, but the older I get, the harder that is to do :D


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