✅ SOLVED This Goes In The Top 10 Of My Collection


Silver Member
Apr 15, 2013
Southwest Mississippi
Detector(s) used
Garrett, and Whites
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Went back to my creek that I found so much stuff a few weekend ago. Instead of hunting the holes in the creek that I found, I decided to go on up stream as far as I could go(I was trying to beat a rain storm). I found some pottery and chips 2-23-14 008.JPG2-23-14 009.JPGA spoke shave2-23-14 011.JPGA crude celt that I think was in the making 2-23-14 013.JPG2-23-14 014.JPG2-23-14 015.JPGI was about ready to stop, I thought it was going to be a almost shut out and then I spotted this2-23-14 003.JPGI thought it was a piece of pottery with a hole at first, but when I picked it up, it was to heavy for pottery and then I saw it was a pendant2-23-14 004.JPGI was wet and muddy up to my waist but when I turned it over, I may have wet on myself2-23-14 005.JPG2-23-14 006.JPGI sat down in the water and mud for over 30 min. just looking at it. I have seen photos and read of things like this but never did I dream I would find a item like this.

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wow now thats worthy of being up on the banner! congrats on finding a beautiful piece of history iv have never seen anything like it.

I got the report back from the folks in the know(I guess they know) The pendant belong to a higher than normal class person shaman, priest, or someone else on up the ladder. The tally marks they could not say for sure, could be just deco, could be age of person, but they leaned toward the number of sunsets seen at this site. They say since my hunting grounds are close to this siteMSAnnaMoundSchematic.jpgAnna_Site_22AD500_HRoe_2011.jpgthat the bottom line is the image of the earth, next item up is the image of the flat top small mound, that when looking west you would not see the ramp on it, the one to the far right in photo and then the next image is the large mound with the ramp, the very top line is the image of the sky. They lean toward this being made during the construction of the mounds which would put it during the Gordan phase 1,000 to 1,200 A.D. of the Coles creek period which is 700 to 1,200 A.D., it was first occupied in 22 A.D. If standing at the smaller mound they say the sun would be setting behind the larger mound. Sounded like a good explanation to me (I guess) As far as I know it could have been made by some dude for a hot chick:laughing7:. They wanted to get their hands on it for as they said a little while (ha ha), but they did not like my terms, which were to have legal papers drawn up stating if not returned to me in 3 mths unharmed that a fee of $10,000 would be due to me. I have done some work with some of these folks and I know the game, so I was just protecting myself and my belonging. In my state you can hunt artifacts anyway you want as long that it is not on state, fed. land , trespassing or human remains are found. I guess this is solved ?

First let me say very cool artifact.
Next I want to say I would be so sketched out if I were you... You're a more trusting soul then I am I suppose.
I would have been afraid to show that to anyone right from the time I noticed it looked like the letters L.E.O. scratched into it.. ha! Happy hunting

First let me say very cool artifact.
Next I want to say I would be so sketched out if I were you... You're a more trusting soul then I am I suppose.
I would have been afraid to show that to anyone right from the time I noticed it looked like the letters L.E.O. scratched into it.. ha! Happy hunting

That's funny I have not even looked at it that way but you are right, it does kinda look like leo :laughing7: I may call it the leo pendent.:laughing7:

That's what it is now..lol :-)
You must have went to Jared.

....very interesting what "they" said about it. Nice that you got it "solved"...and happy you still have it! lol Now I'll have to go back and look at it again after what was said. Again.... Super Banner find!!! :)

I just need to be sure that everyone understands , when I say I found it in a creek, it's not the type of creek that comes to most folks mind and maybe what I'm going to try to get folks to understand is how far up the creek I hunt and maybe it will help someone else go that far. When you say creek most folks think of something like this in the photo.<img src="http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=950819"/>Creeks like that one has artifacts, but it hard for them to survive (I have found some in this creek). My best hunting comes from the creeks that feed into ones like the one in the photo. This photo is of the creek that I found the pendent in and all the points and pottery from my post before I found the pendent.<img src="http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=950824"/><img src="http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=950828"/>If you notice there is not much gravel in this creek/drain, what you are seeing in the photo is pieces of iron stone crust and this is 3 to 4 miles down stream from my next photo.<img src="http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=950834"/>This show that there is no gravel or mud just a clay bottom. Where I found my pendent was 2 miles up stream from this spot, and the creek/drain bottom is only 2 to 3 ft wide with not much trash, water or mud and the end of this creek/drain was only 1/2 mile up stream. The photo of my find in the water is just how much water was seeping through that area. This creek /drain can not be seen by google earth all you can see is a dip in the tree tops. I'm putting all this up for folks to read so maybe they will go the extra mile or two. The farther up stream you hunt the less chance the artifacts have of being broken, but this type of hunting is not for the faint of heart.
Rack!! What on earth have you found?? That is a great piece. Larson phrased it perfect, "you put so much into this hobby in so many ways that you deserve this find". That was my paraphrase of Larson's post. I'm not quite understanding your method of creek hunting. Are you saying more time should be put into hunting the branches that feed the creeks? The small streams that are often dry. If you would, go into a little more detail. I'm not asking for detail on your spot, just your general tactic. I see you live in Mississippi, just like Marcell Ledbedder. What y'all call creeks would be called rivers here. No joke! Big rivers at that. Your tactic may not even be possible here. However, I do believe it is, just possibly scaled down a little. You have proven yourself to me. Any advice you have to offer is appreciated. By me at least. Congrats on a well deserved banner. Teach them fart smellers..... I mean.....smart fellows how to find their own treasure to study. Seriously!!

Absolutely amazing!:occasion14:
I know most people would've walked right by that piece not realizing what it was!

Congrats on having a good eye, :thumbsup:

Rack!! What on earth have you found?? That is a great piece. Larson phrased it perfect, "you put so much into this hobby in so many ways that you deserve this find". That was my paraphrase of Larson's post. I'm not quite understanding your method of creek hunting. Are you saying more time should be put into hunting the branches that feed the creeks? The small streams that are often dry. If you would, go into a little more detail. I'm not asking for detail on your spot, just your general tactic. I see you live in Mississippi, just like Marcell Ledbedder. What y'all call creeks would be called rivers here. No joke! Big rivers at that. Your tactic may not even be possible here. However, I do believe it is, just possibly scaled down a little. You have proven yourself to me. Any advice you have to offer is appreciated. By me at least. Congrats on a well deserved banner. Teach them fart smellers..... I mean.....smart fellows how to find their own treasure to study. Seriously!!

NC what I have found out is that I look in what some people call draws, drains ,ravens places that water has cut a trench at least 10ft deep to the bottom. Here we have a soil that erodes real bad which is good for the artifact hunter, but in most areas of the USA if water is at the present are has ever cut a trench just 3ft deep it will uncover something. The closer to the head of any type wash/drain the less chance artifacts get beat up by water and stones. Some people will look for chipped stone, pottery pieces in a wash and if they don't find any in the small area that they look ,they go no further, but I walk the ditch or what ever I'm in has far has I can because you never know. Now if you have a spot that you are finding broken pottery and chips, then has I walk that water system I look for feeder creeks and always check up them, because large streams will cut through banks and wash out stuff and move stuff that is deposited along it, but if there was a heavy occupation in that area the smaller creeks ,ravines, wash outs and draws will have things also. All it takes is water and just a few years to expose artifacts and this has been going on for 1,000 of years. A good topo map is something great to have, I have just followed the downward slop of the land before, just to find the water drain trench. Sooner are later the water is going to start cutting through soil and it does not take much to uncover something. Hope this helps you understand how I go about hunting creeks, and if I can help any more I'll tell you what ever I can. HH:occasion14:Send me a PM if you need to ask more.


Again, awesome find and congrats! Thanks for providing the information on the pendant and the explanation of the etchings on it by the Archaeologists! Also, smart move about the legal papers and $10,000 fee if the item was not returned to you. Give them time, if they want to study it badly enough, then they will come up with a counter offer which both parties can live with.


Fantastic, What a find! Congratulations.:icon_thumleft:

awesome find and congrats try loading this page a lot of good info on it [h=3]stone ornaments used by indians in the united states and canada[/h]fax.libs.uga.edu/E98xA7xM83/1f/stone_ornaments_of_american_indian...‎

If we had as careful and detailed work upon the artifacts, as is evinced in the publications of Boas, Hodge, Dixon, Kroeber, Hrdlicka, Pilling,. Mooney, Mallery ...

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