This looks bad for someone...

Trespassing is not doing something productive, it is breaking the law. There is no way to where they were but through my yard, it isn't a wooded lot on either it is thick with wild thorn bushes, no light gets through it is so thick.

Why is it a big deal? It is because they trespassed, when I confronted them about it they became smart asses and tried to intimidate me because I was by myself and I was suppose to be meek and give in.... I don't play that game, who is to say they wouldn't have return when I'm not home and my wife is....

I am always armed when I leave home, because I had recently returned home I was still armed with my .45....

Didn't know it was my home, what a ridiculous statement that is, what, they accidentally thought they were on their property?
They walked through my front yard, opened the gate to my privacy fence to go through my back yard to get to the lake.

If they got shot it would have been their fault for attacking me which under Fl law justifies deadly force if needed...It wouldn't have ruined my life either, under Florida law which includes "stand your ground" and ,"castle law" we are protected we are under no obligation to retreat........ The only way they would have been shot is if they attacked me or threaten me with bodily harm...

You are missing the whole point of my previous posts. You are so stuck on the " trespassing" thing that you missed a chance to do something much greater then confronting the kids.

The whole point is that they were fishing. You could have handled that situation so much differently but instead you choose the make it a negative interaction when it should have been a positive one. I was just trying to get you to see the bigger picture. Yes they were trespassing BUT you could have just talked to them without yelling at them. You are allowed to be a decent human being and say next time just ask me if you can use my property as access to the lake.

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You are missing the whole point of my previous posts. You are so stuck on the " trespassing" thing that you missed a chance to do something much greater then confronting the kids.

The whole point is that they were fishing. You could have handled that situation so much differently but instead you choose the make it a negative interaction when it should have been a positive one.

That is your view not mine... When confronted they became smart asses , that sealed the outcome....

That is your view not mine... When confronted they became smart asses , that sealed the outcome....

It all depends on how you confronted them. If you come at them like some ticked off guy, then of course they are going to act like asses.

I know this is my point of view. I was hoping that you were open minded enough to at least consider my points next time this happens

It all depends on how you confronted them. If you come at them like some ticked off guy, then of course they are going to act like asses.

I know this is my point of view. I was hoping that you were open minded enough to at least consider my points next time this happens
Sorry, we see things differently....

Sorry, we see things differently....

You never answered how you confronted them. I am curious to hear if you were pleasant to them and they were jerks, or if you were ticked off right from the start and expected them not act the same as you were acting.

How could you get that from what I said? I was just offering treasure hunter an alternate view of what he could have e done in his situation. The kids were not detecting on his land just measly walking g on it to get to a lake that was not on private property to fish. If they were walking g on his land to go drink beer and smoke then by all means kick them out. I don't think I'm misguided at all. What's misguided about saying that 16 year old kids are better off fishing then selling drugs and many of the other not healthy alternatives. I hope my kids pick fishing over sitting on the couch playing games video games all day.
What you do not under stand is they should not walk on his or my or any one's land to get some were . Find another way that is not on my land . I myself want no one i do not know on my land and i do not let any one on my land ...And i do not care if they are kids or not ... Why do you think that people should use a persons land for there own path way . When i see some one on my land i go out and ask them what they want then nicely i tell them to leave they are on private property . And like i said i do not care if they are kids or adults...

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What you do not under stand is they should not walk on his or my or any one's land to get some were . Find another way that is not on my land . I myself want no one i do not know on my land and i do not let any one on my land ...

That is a very closed minded approach to have in life. You have the right to do whatever you want, but I choose to be a decent human being when it comes to the small things. Somebody walking on the edge of my property just so happens to fall into that category.

I'm not saying it's ok to go walk around on random people's property, but if I had to walk along the edge of somebody's property to get to a punlicensed lake, then I see nothing wrong with it. Now if the kids were walking on his property every day and there were large groups coming and going at all times of the day and night then yes you have every right to put an end to it. BUT if it's a few kids and it happened once in a blue moon and they are no where near the guys house and just walk along the edge then what harm are they doing?

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You never answered how you confronted them. I am curious to hear if you were pleasant to them and they were jerks, or if you were ticked off right from the start and expected them not act the same as you were acting.
To me i do not care how he confronted them they should have not been on private property you do not seem to under stand the words PRIVATE PROPERTY & NO TRESPASSING

That is a very closed minded approach to have in life. You have the right to do whatever you want, but I choose to be a decent human being when it comes to the small things. Somebody walking on the edge of my property just so happens to fall into that category.

I'm not saying it's ok to go walk around on random people's property, but if I had to walk along the edge of somebody's property to get to a punlicensed lake, then I see nothing wrong with it. Now if the kids were walking on his property every day and there were large groups coming and going at all times of the day and night then yes you have every right to put an end to it. BUT if it's a few kids and it happened once in a blue moon and they are no where near the guys house and just walk along the edge then what harm are they doing?
When i look out my window or off my deck i do not want to see any body on my property ... If you want one's to use your land as they own it good let them.. And as being closed minded you are closed minded .. You must be really young or just like to cause problems for other people you must be one that likes to go on others land and think it is ok...

Yes, the thread IS getting a bit out of hand here. ....Kinda off-topic, even....guess it depends on how you look at it.

As for not allowing kids to cross the property, that is the right of the land owner. They bought and paid for that right. If they choose to deny young kids to cross their land (without bothering anything) to go fishing, they have every right to do so. Just in the EXACT same way that people have the right to go out in public and down-talk the U.S.A. That doesn't make what they do "right"; only "legal".

FreeBirdTim wrote (#66), "Don't speak for everyone here, because you are wrong. Until I see some tangible evidence that the police were involved and this guy was either charged or told to keep away from this place, I'm siding with the diggers. Do a little research on this drama queen and you'll see how full of it she really is. "

THIS is why I was saying to get permission in writing. Thank you Tim for making my point for me. :hello:

I bet MHX5891 is an OPEN BORDERS GUY! Like those illegals do you? HAHAHA


To me i do not care how he confronted them they should have not been on private property you do not seem to under stand the words PRIVATE PROPERTY & NO TRESPASSING

It matters alot how he confronted them. They are just 16 year old kids according to him. Screaming and yelling at them and then complaining that they gave him attitude about it is just silly. I don't know if that's what happened or not. That's why I was asking him.

Please know that I do understand the words private property. I never knowingly trespass ever. I was just stating the fact that I would have handled the situation differently and offered up an alternative way he could have handled it.
The way I see it both parties in the story handled things the wrong way.

Ps- How are those kids supposed to ask for permission without trespassing first? They have to walk onto his property anyways to get to the front door. I am being silly asking this, but I kinda laughed out loud when.that thought popped into my head.

I bet MHX5891 is an OPEN BORDERS GUY! Like those illegals do you? HAHAHA


I could care less about illegals. All our ancestors were immigrants at one point or another (unless your native americans). I won't say anymore because this thread will get way off topic.

Trespassing is not doing something productive, it is breaking the law. There is no way to where they were but through my yard, it isn't a wooded lot on either it is thick with wild thorn bushes, no light gets through it is so thick.

Why is it a big deal? It is because they trespassed, when I confronted them about it they became smart asses and tried to intimidate me because I was by myself and I was suppose to be meek and give in.... I don't play that game, who is to say they wouldn't have return when I'm not home and my wife is....

I am always armed when I leave home, because I had recently returned home I was still armed with my .45....

Didn't know it was my home, what a ridiculous statement that is, what, they accidentally thought they were on their property?
They walked through my front yard, opened the gate to my privacy fence to go through my back yard to get to the lake.

If they got shot it would have been their fault for attacking me which under Fl law justifies deadly force if needed...It wouldn't have ruined my life either, under Florida law which includes "stand your ground" and ,"castle law" we are protected we are under no obligation to retreat........ The only way they would have been shot is if they attacked me or threaten me with bodily harm...
These two guys could also be scoping out your property, whilst under the descise as just fishing...I think you did the right thing confronting them, especially as now they know that your are armed.


These two guys could also be scoping out your property, whilst under the descise as just fishing...I think you did the right thing confronting them, especially as now they know that your are armed.


They weren't 2 guys. They were 16 year old kids fishing. I'm not saying he was wrong in confronting them. It's just the way the confrontation was handled I was concerned about. Did he run down to the lake yelling and screaming? Did he calmly walk down and just talk to them and let them know they walked on his property to get there? If he was calm and they were jerks to him then by all means he was justified to show them he was carrying a gun. If he went down looking for a fight and was mad when they acted like jerks then I don't think what he did was right showing the gun or going down their with the intent on ripping these kids a new butt hole.

Let's be honest these kids were fishing in a public lake that just so happens to by this guy's property and is only accessible through his property. These kids were not walking up to his house and looking around it to scope out his property. If he caught them doing that then he has every right to come out guns a blazing. But you have to look at each situation differently. They both don't warrant the same response. You have to remember that the lake is not on this guys property and is public property. My whole feelings would change if the lake was owned by treasure hunter and wasn't a public lake.

Sorry I have hijacked this thread. I just don't think that kicking kids off a lake fishing is a good comparison for the OP story. The OP story has people detecting and messing with taking things from your property. All the other story has is kids using your property to get to a public lake so they can fish. I don't know what type of city or town treasure hunter lives in or if its a "bad" neighborhood. I am picturing it as a small country town or suburb where kids were just trying to find a sweet fishing hole that nobody ever goes to. Treasure hunter can correct me if I'm wrong.

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They weren't 2 guys. They were 16 year old kids fishing. I'm not saying he was wrong in confronting them. It's just the way the confrontation was handled I was concerned about. Did he run down to the lake yelling and screaming? Did he calmly walk down and just talk to them and let them know they walked on his property to get there? If he was calm and they were jerks to him then by all means he was justified to show them he was carrying a gun. If he went down looking for a fight and was mad when they acted like jerks then I don't think what he did was right showing the gun or going down their with the intent on ripping these kids a new butt hole.

Let's be honest these kids were fishing in a public lake that just so happens to by this guy's property and is only accessible through his property. These kids were not walking up to his house and looking around it to scope out his property. If he caught them doing that then he has every right to come out guns a blazing. But you have to look at each situation differently. They both don't warrant the same response.

You obviously weren't there, therefore you have no idea about the situation other than a short version we were all told. As far as I'm concerned, your opinion doesn't amount to a "hill of beans.":censored:

They weren't 2 guys. They were 16 year old kids fishing. I'm not saying he was wrong in confronting them. It's just the way the confrontation was handled I was concerned about. Did he run down to the lake yelling and screaming? Did he calmly walk down and just talk to them and let them know they walked on his property to get there? If he was calm and they were jerks to him then by all means he was justified to show them he was carrying a gun. If he went down looking for a fight and was mad when they acted like jerks then I don't think what he did was right showing the gun or going down their with the intent on ripping these kids a new butt hole.

Let's be honest these kids were fishing in a public lake that just so happens to by this guy's property and is only accessible through his property. These kids were not walking up to his house and looking around it to scope out his property. If he caught them doing that then he has every right to come out guns a blazing. But you have to look at each situation differently. They both don't warrant the same response.
Sorry I didn't realise 16 year olds didn't rob properties over there. They went through HIS gate, maybe to see how easy it was to do. You don't go through anybody's property over here without permission, won't get you shot, but would probably get you a big dog hanging from your arse.:laughing7:


Sorry I didn't realise 16 year olds didn't rob properties over there. They went through HIS gate, maybe to see how easy it was to do. You don't go through anybody's property over here without permission, won't get you shot, but would probably get you a big dog hanging from your arse.:laughing7:


That's why I said it depends on the area he lives. I don't think it's inner city because he is living by a lake. That's why I said I pictured him living out in the country side. Where 16 year old kids are far less likely to rob anything.

You obviously weren't there, therefore you have no idea about the situation other than a short version we were all told. As far as I'm concerned, your opinion doesn't amount to a "hill of beans.":censored:

You are right I wasn't there and don't know the situation. That's why I asked questions that are yet to be answered by treasure hunter. Not sure why you are jumping down my throat when you don't know the situation yourself.

Why is it so hard for you to even consider my side? I'm not saying what the kids did was right. All I was saying was kids fishing and grown men trespassing with the intent to metal detect on the property are two totally different situations and don't warrant the same response.

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You are right I wasn't there and don't know the situation. That's why I asked questions that are yet to be answered by treasure hunter. Not sure why you are jumping down my throat when you don't know the situation yourself.

Why is it so hard for you to even consider my side? I'm not saying what the kids did was right. All I was saying was kids fishing and grown men trespassing with the intent to metal detect on the property are two totally different situations and don't warrant the same response.

I didn't ask their age, I guessed between 16-19, they were all close to 6 foot tall if not over.. Once they started smarting off to me as far as I was concerned conversation was over. Why would I ever give someone I don't know permission to use my property to reach the lake behind my house when they didn't have the courtesy to ask to begin with? What stops them from returning when no one is home, when my wife is home alone or with friends that weren't there the first time or telling their friends they can use my property to get to the lake....

FYI, the gate they used is 8 foot from my house and due to shrubs they have to walk with in 4 foot of my screened in back porch which contains freezer full of food, fridge with beer, my parrot cages, weights, tools and other valuables etc...there is also a large picture window that gives them a view into my home including of my parrots and other valuables.......

I saw and still see no need to invite trouble. Yes my home is alarmed, with back up power and both land and cell coverage and notifies the police and me via my smart phone anytime an alarm goes off but that doesn't mean I should invite trouble. I am armed with a .45 every single time I leave the house and I have loaded firearms hidden through out my home....I also have firearm insurance to protect me if I have to ever use my firearm to protect my wife, property or myself...

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