TO the kid the zipps up and down my street on his rice rocket...


Bronze Member
Jan 24, 2008
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I realize that you just love your new high performance rice rocket motorcycle, but the next time you wind it up and zip down my street at full speed, I might just be tempted to get my wrist-rocket out and plug you with a marble. There are kids up and down my street at all hours of the day and night, and I would much rather see you fall and get some road rash, than hit a little kid so you can learn your lesson (don't worry, your full leathers that match the colors of your bike are sure to protect you).

I've had my share of spills in the past and believe me, it HAS made me a better rider.

...again, I said "Might be tempted".

//yea, I'm a little upset... but is this over the top TNET?


Silver Member
Feb 15, 2008
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Bounty Hunter Landstar
I have had 20" truck tires 'get away' from me and roll out of my drive in front of speeding 4wheelers and rice rockets .
As I help patch em and apologise for my carelessness I also tell them that if it had been one of my grandchildren rather than a tire that they hit they would have not survived the accident .
Radical , but it has proven effective .



Bronze Member
Jan 24, 2008
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truckinbutch said:
I have had 20" truck tires 'get away' from me and roll out of my drive in front of speeding 4wheelers and rice rockets .
As I help patch em and apologise for my carelessness I also tell them that if it had been one of my grandchildren rather than a tire that they hit they would have not survived the accident .
Radical , but it has proven effective .

YEAAAH!!! That's a good one. Just plain out, right in front of them tell them that and watch them squirm. Good one.


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May 5, 2009
Yuma Az
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couple buckets of sand or kitty litter across the road works magic ........................or so I been told :laughing7:



Get a camera and film him speeding [be sure to get his plate number] and show the cops. Be sure to speak to someone and get a phone number and call that number everytime you see him speeding. If they ignore you get a SGT's or higher officers phone number and call them EVERY time you see him. They will get tired of you calling and at least get someone to talk to him.



Kid's gotta sleep sometime . . . or go into the mall, etc.

Doesn't take long to "top off" his tank with a bit of sugar, motor oil, etc.

Produce Guy

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Dec 17, 2008
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Don't you just LOVE the wrist-rocket slingshot,probably the funnest toy an adult can have,there was a kid in my parents neighborhood,who use to like going through other peoples mailboxes and steal other peoples mail,well I saw it happening one day and took out a marble and some BB's,I tried to hit him with the BB's first and was able to hit him the legs and his shoes,after that I grabbed a marble and got him smack dab in the back,hell it almost knock him down,he took off running and hasn't done it since. :hello2:

Montana Jim

Gold Member
Sep 18, 2006
I share your rant & frustrations, and as a rider I also hate that these kids are so dangerous.

But - the posters that proclaim hurting, hitting, wrecking, destroying equipment, or otherwise "teaching' this dummy a lesson is wholey irresponsible and childish.

THOSE posts are over-the-top for treasure net, IMO.

Instead of ruining a bike or a life - try manning up and chatting with him first - maybe he needs mentor.


Hero Member
Jul 4, 2008
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hound dog
Montana Jim said:
I share your rant & frustrations, and as a rider I also hate that these kids are so dangerous.

But - the posters that proclaim hurting, hitting, wrecking, destroying equipment, or otherwise "teaching' this dummy a lesson is wholey irresponsible and childish.

THOSE posts are over-the-top for treasure net, IMO.

Instead of ruining a bike or a life - try manning up and chatting with him first - maybe he needs mentor.
I agree Jim. There is enough violence and destruction in the streets of American cities and towns without adding more.


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2006
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I agree with the video idea. that's something a cop can't dispute or brush it off
but risking someones life is not the answer


Silver Member
Feb 15, 2008
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Bounty Hunter Landstar
Montana Jim said:
I share your rant & frustrations, and as a rider I also hate that these kids are so dangerous.

But - the posters that proclaim hurting, hitting, wrecking, destroying equipment, or otherwise "teaching' this dummy a lesson is wholey irresponsible and childish.

THOSE posts are over-the-top for treasure net, IMO.

Instead of ruining a bike or a life - try manning up and chatting with him first - maybe he needs mentor.
I started on a 1945 45"hardtail in 1962 and still have a 1980 80". When the talking runs out I
take more direct measures .
If ya can't learn from listening you may learn from feeling . There is not a damn one of the boneheads that means as much to me as one of my family members or pets .



Hero Member
Apr 11, 2006
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Minelab Sov / Fisher CZ-70 Pro/Fisher CZ 20
Montana Jim said:
I share your rant & frustrations, and as a rider I also hate that these kids are so dangerous.

But - the posters that proclaim hurting, hitting, wrecking, destroying equipment, or otherwise "teaching' this dummy a lesson is wholey irresponsible and childish.

THOSE posts are over-the-top for treasure net, IMO.

Instead of ruining a bike or a life - try manning up and chatting with him first - maybe he needs mentor.

I guess I am the middle ground. I think a little chat should take place. If that does not work, let the tire roll I say.


Silver Member
Feb 15, 2008
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Bounty Hunter Landstar
I guess I was remiss in my first post that I try talking first and only take more direct measures and another talk when the first chat fails .
Kids that run like idiots through the rest of the community slow to a crawl when they pass my place .
Guess I made my point with them . That's all I'm after .


Hero Member
Jul 4, 2008
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hound dog
The last thing we need are loose cannons with vigilante ideas and inflated views of their own importance.
I say live and let live as we were all kids once.


Silver Member
Feb 15, 2008
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pigiron said:
The last thing we need are loose cannons with vigilante ideas and inflated views of their own importance.
I say live and let live as we were all kids once.
Watch from a distance as a neighborhood kid you like that is riding reasonably gets hit head on by one of the idiots coming the other way and all you can do is watch it happen . Then go scrape up the pieces while you are waiting on the professionals and try to keep both of them alive .
Pig , I'm just darned glad you aren't one of my neighbors . If it was you involved I probably would
just phone the authorities and inform them that there was a wreck outside and let you lie there for the 45/50 minutes it takes an ambulance to get here on a good day .



No one said not to try reason first. That is always the first step.

I would venture a guess that once it has escalated to the point above, talking has been tried. If not with the rider then with the adults who are supposed to be raising him/her (yep, girls can be hellraisers too) to be a responsible adult, instead of raising him/her like the family pet -- who they just look at and say: "Isn't it cute?"

Maybe my assumption that the talking had already been done was wrong, but whoever assumed I suggested starting out getting even, assumed wrongly also.

It's just so easy for some here to believe that those who don't share your views on other matters are "monsters" and have no common sense. We do. We just don't have to be told to try reason first, because we do it naturally. Comes along with the ability to reason, which is why I disagree with you on those other matters.


Silver Member
Feb 15, 2008
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Bounty Hunter Landstar
Common sense . The most nonagressive approach is always the best first option . Only a fool escalates a problem beyond the level at which it can be contained because of tesosterone .


Hero Member
Jul 4, 2008
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hound dog
truckinbutch said:
Common sense . The most nonagressive approach is always the best first option . Only a fool escalates a problem beyond the level at which it can be contained because of tesosterone .
This is all well and good in an idealized world in gaga land.
With substantial abuse of prescriptive drugs, abuse of illegal drugs, freedom to own firearms, a litigious populace,
and 20% of the population having mental health problems, then the safest and best long term option is to leave it in the authorities hands.


Silver Member
Feb 15, 2008
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Bounty Hunter Landstar
I swear , Pig !! You'd argue with a possum .
Last serious problem we had here , 6 years ago , I administered first aid to a 15yr old gunshot victim
for nearly an hour before 'authorities' arrived after the initial emergency call .
Move on up here beside me and I'll leave you to your own devices . You can contact the authorities
any time you need them and you depend on them instead of your neighbors for your wellbeing .


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Jul 27, 2006
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I found calling the local law enforcement and reporting the offender with his tag number and advising them that a neighborhood child will be hurt if they don't do something works wonders.

I had the same kind of problem before I made the call and advised that they needed to to do something before a child was hurt. After a week when the police hadn't been out, I made another call and reminded them of my first call and if something wasn't done soon, I would go to the newspapers with the story.

They sat in an unmarked car and caught the kid and wrote him a nice ticket for it the following week.

The "live and let live as we were all kids once." mentality will get a child hurt or killed and there is no excuse for that happening.

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