Treasure Clue, can you help?

Argh, Maties...
? ?Very interesting stuff, but everyone is holding out on the real keys to solving this hunt...
Why are there no postings on the last line of the poem, the seceret is not half but is not whole??? That has meaning...
Also, I hate to break it to you all, but we are not going to know if any are found until 12-07...
MS is no dummy and is out to make some $$$ with this. I don't remember for sure were I read it but he was talking about how he had to very carefully word the phrase "as of today none have been found" in the website. He's not going to say if any have been found until then.
If you read one of the most important parts of this hunt "THE RULES" take note in paragraph 5, near the end it says sponsor may not confirm verification of finders until after end date. This could already be over...? Sorry...
What say you???


All the money he makes is going to Charity.

Most people think that not whole is KNOTHOLE.

Charitable donations are tax deductable. Don't get me wrong, what he has done is a wonderful thing but he is reaping some benefits aaaa...
Yeah Knothole is pretty obvious but what if its the angle of 1/4 or 2/3 etc... That line seems very familular to me but i haven't been able to put my finger on it yet...

This 5 to a side thing has been overlooked as well. A box has 4 sides and if you put 5 boxes to the insides of that, there are only actually 16 boxes to fill, it doesn't say to fill the middle or anything like that. And if you filled those 16 boxes with a number(looking for zip codes) it would only give you 4 maybe 6 tops. There are tweleve to find???

Good Day Pancho,

Have you considered "within the text you have the key" to mean that the KEY of the Vigenere Cipher he used is in the text...

Hi all.

I've been lurking for a while trying to catch up on earlier posts. Would like to say thanks to all who have posted for the help in some of these pages. There are alot of interesting ideas and thoughts to some of these clues, and I think some are on the right track to finding at least one of the solutions.

What suprised me was the posting of a second poem. Notice how the lines that didn't quite fit into the first poem fit right into the second (with the exception of "find the trees hole"). Could it be that there is a third poem in which this line will fit? Could it be that there is thirteen different poems, each encoded in its own way, one for each of the jewels?

Just my thoughts. Happy hunting... Jim

Very Strange... My initials are JK and I'm from Iowa and you just appear shortly after I post for the first time???

As many others have said, it would be beneficial for all joining to read all of the posts thus far so as to at least be up to speed with discoveries and also not just repeat what has already been covered.

Of course, nothing is confirmed. But what most consider to be the significance of "within the text you have the key, for the one that is missing you did not see" is the fact that the letter 'Q' appears NOWHERE in the entire book, not just the page of blocks. In fact, many have already surmised that the reason the 'jibberish' blocks are on that page of blocks in addition to the line of the poem is to fill out the entire alphabet except for the letter 'q', another clue that Q is the one that missing or, in other words, "the one piece nary". Maybe not, but it does make sense.

As for revelation of whether tokens have been found...unless all the tokens were found in the first couple of weeks or so, I suspect Stadther would be more than happy to announce that one or two had been found. That would stimulate far more sales and interest in the book than if three years went by without any word of any winners, wouldn't it?. People lose interest pretty quickly, but the announcement of a winner every so often would rekindle interest and PR.

Finally, I personally believe there is one system for finding all 13 jewels. Doesn't the fact the jewels are scattered all over the United States in vast public domains reduce the chance one person will find all the jewels, even if they discover the key to finding one? That's a lot of time, money and travel for one person to undertake. A friend and I have a system using the clues in the book that so far is showing consistent in identifying highly likely locations for at least 6 or 7 of the jewels. I just can't get away to go look --aaagh. Still even knowing what I think I know, a location is narrowed down maybe to a few hundred square yards. Still if I find one... will I stop there...???

Deciphering the poem, finding out which fairies are the ones to listen to, idnetifying which location pertains to which fairy etc is such an undertaking in and of itself, I think that even if I am right, someone else will get to one or several of the tokens before me.

By the way,, I've not seen any discussion here about the possibility the 5X5 code of numbers could pertain to a Magic Square... where all the numbers in all columns, rows and diagonals add up to 65 (which, interestingly enough, are the first two numbers in that line of numbers located at the beginning of the book). If there are numbers hidden in the book that are higher than 25, connecting the letters A-Z to those numbers' positions in a magic square might yield something?

i heard this rumor and i was just wondering what yall thought about it. i heard at a forum that you have to use the morse code to solve some puzzles, but then i also read at the beginning of the book it states you dont need any "special knowledge," that anybody who can read can find the treasures. so i asked them about it and they said it is possible that Stadther put morse codes in the book to throw people off, and it just be a fake deal. do you know what i mean?? tell me what yall think!!

my last post what i meant to say was that he is using the morse code to fool people and lead them away from the treasure. i think everyone is looking at this too hard and i think if we look at it from a different level, a level of patience we will find it much easier. i think people think that every line in the book means sumthin.....i just made that people are looking too hard and searching too deep and that it is right in front of us if we think out of the box!!!! ;D

does anyone know if any have been found?? if so plz give me an official website

Is it possible that Stadther has included morse code and other specialized forms of clues IN ADDITION TO the primary way of finding the jewels?

Rather than using morse code etc as a means of sending us astray, maybe what he is saying don't NEED the morse code to find the locations, but it is another type of clue that can help you find them.

So, knowing morse code is not required to find the jewels--other clues by themselves give us the exact location. But if you know morse code and other stuff, that can just provide additional verification, narrow a location a bit perhaps?

Hey im new as well, i am doing all i can to research and catch up, but one thing that puzzles me is someone talked about theres 2 poems now i have most the poem then everything yall posted on this site with the hidden words. but what is the 2nd poem can someone please explain...thank you very much good luck to everyone.

Hello all.....and thanks Pancho for the helllos to all us newbies.

A soon as we (my brother and myself) heard about the book we immedialty decided
that it would be fun. Little did we know what we were in for! And we're glad we took
on the challange along with all of you. Picked up the book a few days a go and there hasn't
been a moment that either one of us isn't thinking about it!

Anyway....thanks to all and as soon as we get somewhere we'll share with all!!!


Buy multiple copies, it's the only way to go! ;)

I literally gutted my first copy, and plan to use my latest as a flip through. ?Quite tough to keep up with all the loose pages though! ?:P

As for the "second poem". ?It was posted on, I believe, page 12 or 13, look through those to find it. ?Now I will say that I found it to be a whole big load of hooey! ?Why? ?Well, one thing, it uses new phrases that were apparently gleaned through some sort of cipher with phrases readily available in the book. ?I'd be more inclined to believe it, if it had one or the other elements, yeah, right on.

But the patchwork is something I find quite dubious. ?For the record, there is not a rabbit token, so please don't start searching for one! ;) ?i.e. ?Don't chase rabbits! ?;D

lol yea a rabbit :), thank guys for the info. Hey Panch, i wouldnt be surprised if we find out theres a dragon or a snake token though, juss a huntch. ;D

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