Treasure Clue, can you help?



Hello All! went on a hunt today!..... it went really really well actually.. unfortunately no tokens... :(

I did see some very interesting things.. that really were just toooooo coincidental. I'm pretty skeptical about most things, and I tried to reason these things out of my mind.. telling myself they were nothing.. anyway. I took some pics and as soon as I get them digi-cam :( I will post them for you all to see..

the hunt basically made me realize how small these tokens really are...




Continued luck in your search, which I have to say is likely to be fruitful for you. Why, you ask?

Well, I read your messages this morning before going outside to have a cigarette. I was walking around the deck of the pool, when I happened upon a potted plant. Upon the hightest stalk of this plant sat a ladybug. A ladybug that was a spitting image of the pair of insects hidden in the book!

Now, I am not at all surprised to find out that your initial search did not turn up anything. You see, I was back at the pool later this afternoon to find the same, at least I believe it was the same (it had the same markings), ladybug floundering in the pool. Luckily, I grabbed the net and fished her(him) out in time! It would appear that this cosmic goodwill that your hunt is producing has rubbed on me a bit as well! Lift yourself out of the pool, and keep searching. You WILL find what you are looking for!

Happy hunting, and do let us know when you find your prize!


Hero Member
Feb 21, 2005
St. Louis
TRAPAPE , Thanks for your kind words. I was going to try and stop looking for these critters and focus my efforts elsewhere , but no matter what i seem to try and do i find a critter .so now i decided to divide my efforts up between the two and hopefully get somewhere .

KSTREASUREHUNTER, I can't wait to see your photo's . sorry to hear your hunt wasn't successful at least in finding a token .

PANCHO , Glad to see you posting again . just wanted to say that ladybugs are lucky and you saving the little guy was a good thing . i had ladybugs in my house up north and they kept coming and coming. so i sucked them up in a vacuumm ( there were literally hundreds of them ) anyway shortly after my house caught on fire and when repairing the walls a nest was found . i vowed to never harm another again . I also had two hummigbirds that came year after year to my windows . sorry to bring this up , but your post reminds me that after this book i can't believe all the creatures i notice everywhere .


Jr. Member
Mar 30, 2005
Hey, sense we are talking bugs. I was bathing my horses yesterday and found a ladybug on my horses mane. Then I sat down to take a break and saw a humming bird!

I can tell you that because of this book I have look at nature in a different way. especially TREES!


Jr. Member
Mar 30, 2005
Just wanted to add a funny thought that I just remembered. I recently bought a new car with on star. They say it can tell you where anything is. I want it to tell me where the treasure is! Have not tried it yet! We will see. He! He!



Those are amazing! I have a strong feeling they will all fit together at some point. On page 31, some people think the morse is "Near the overlook" with the last code being either a question mark or "did you copy that." If it's "copy that", then you are definitely on the right track.

I envy those of you making road trips. How fun and rewarding, even if no token in hand.

I'm in Northern California if anyone would like to collaberate. I'm finding clues for other places, but none so far in my own back yard.



Jr. Member
Feb 11, 2005
Thanks Pancho, Trapape, Zuse and all the rest for your words of encouragement. The hunt at Zion was fruitless alas, made all the more frustrating by the fact that I did come across 3-4 trees along the way that seemed the PERFECT place in which to hide the token.

One is a huge tree on a shaded lawn directly in front of the Zion Park Lodge. It splits into two main branches and has a knothole big enough to stick your head into (no exaggeration) directly beneath the split, just as in the illustration on page 16. My companion and I each spent five full minutes looking for a token inside that knothole, or even a nail from which one might have hung. Nothing.

Same with another tree at the base of Checkerboard Mesa which is also a dead ringer for the tree in the book. There are just so many coincidences, etc. that I had to believe the process I came up with was at least close. Maybe it was. But I shared another of my possible locations with Zuse who lived very near it and alas no luck there either.

To show you how much my approach "seemed" to work, I used my theory to deduce that the fairy on page 45 was pointing to a location in Shenandoah National Forest. On the edge of that forest is a B&B called Shadow Mountain Resort that is located (coincidentally?) on JEWELL Hollow Road. The B&B consists of three cabins only -- The Dragonfly, the Butterfly and the Bumble Bee. Is that not a hollow of sorts the fairy is pointing to on page 45?

So with seven or eight locations coming up with similar sounding names, I thought I was on track. And maybe I was close. Bottom line--Zion is unbelievable--literally one of my favorite locations anywhere in the world. The facilities are in tip-top shape, and the weather was exquisite (80 and not a cloud in the sky) and the terrain jaw-dropping. I hope to go back sometime and spend a full week just relaxing there.

Keep up the hunt everyone. I gave it my best shot. If someone else finds a token at Zion Park--let me know---gently.




Gemini, Sorry that your hunt did not go well. Maybe next time.

One thing that everyone needs to remember is that MS has repeatedly stated that he did not use the same method to find all the tokens because he wants different people to have a chance at getting the tokens. So those of you who have different ideas keep with them. Good lucdk to all.


Hero Member
Feb 21, 2005
St. Louis
Gemini , I am also sorry your hunt didn't produce a token , but you did come back with more than you brought with . I'm glad it was a great experience for you . Hope you are still in the game . carol


Hero Member
Feb 21, 2005
St. Louis
To all , let me know if there's something you'd like traced . something that looks odd to you or whatever . if you think you may see something or if you may have any ideas where these hidden pooks are let me know will be glad to give it a try for anyone . carol


Jr. Member
Mar 13, 2005
I also went on a hunt recently based on the picture on page 55. The dark brown behind the "T" looks like FALL. The hummingbird has a 'ruby' throat. Living in the south everyone has heard of Ruby Falls in Tennessee. Searched it on the internet. There is another Ruby Falls in Georgia. It is called "Ana's" Ruby falls. Coincidence? probably. It is located outside the town of Helen, Georgia. Coincidence number two. There is a hiking path for the disabled that has signs written in braille. (Accessible to everyone) Coincidence number three. Took a trip to both. Both are very beautiful and neither held a token that we could find. I would recommend going to both these places just to see the amazing underground waterfall and the falls in Georgia. Guess I will keep looking.


Mar 2, 2005
Waterford, Michigan
Hi Everyone, I am off to my second hunting trip on April 20th. I am hoping to find the beetle token. I'm going to the exact location I was at before, however the last I went the weather was a factor. Hopefully this time I will return with a token in hand. So wish me luck.


Hero Member
Feb 21, 2005
St. Louis
Lesstrice, GOOD LUCK!! I hope all goes well for you .let us all know what happens . I know we are all hoping here that if we don't find one ourselves that we hope someone in our group will. While you are looking say a prayer to ST. ANTHONY . He is the patron saint of lost things . don't know if it will help or not , but a prayer wouldn't hurt . take care and fill us in when you get back . carol



Hey, newbie here.?
I have had the book for three weeks and have been searching through it for most of my waking moments.? I have yet to find a definite location for any tokens.
I have one quick question:
Has anyone fiddled with the clue released from the website on April 1?

So far, the only thing I can come up with is that each group of nine squares is one face on a rubik's cube.? By solving the cube, one could be able to read the clue.

Anyone else tried this?


Hero Member
Feb 21, 2005
St. Louis
BAMACHERF , Sorry to hear your hunt was unsuccessful , but it sounds as if you had a great time . I think MS has given us a layer of treasures just as he has given us a layer of clues .When i was younger we went to the smokey mtns on a camping trip with the family and visited RUBY FALLS it was the best vacation i can remember . I like you would also recommend it to everyone . We enjoyed it so much we are making plans for a get together next summer so we can all take our kids there . Thanks for sharing your hunt with us .


Hero Member
Feb 21, 2005
St. Louis
Nickorl, WELCOME !!!! The solution is

There are no intentional red herrings. Posted in march, not april 1.
Hope this helps you . some of us believe there is more than one message to the clue , but so far nothing definite posted . If you go back a few pages Gemini had started work on another solution and left us to pick up where he left off. I'm still working on it myself , but so far zip.



So.. as I was out and about this weekend I saw something that caught my interest. May be nothing.. may be something.. I have yet to come up with anything from it. But maybe someone here can.

I saw a plaque on a monument that was donated by The Grand Order of Ancient Civilizations and FreeMasons. Kind of interesting if anyone here has read the davinci code or angels and demons.. anyway. What really caught my eye was their logo. It was made up of two tools. One being a 90 degree square tool. The other a drawing compass... both of which can be found on the tools page of the book, I think pg 19.

Even more interesting the two tools are in the following formation: the square tool is on it's side forming a v-shape and the compass is above it forming an upside down v-shape...together they make the shape of a diamond.. inside of the diamond.... a capital letter G.

There was a clue earlier. I believe it was Hint:Tackle Repositorys which worked out to crystal pook is thirteen. but it also worked out to Cipher Key Start in Tools... Could this G have something to do with a cipher? I haven't had much luck with it so far.. but I thought someone might..


Hero Member
Feb 21, 2005
St. Louis
KSTREASUREHUNTER, That is really wild that you mentioned FREE MASONS . My husband also mentioned that ot me and another person at my job when they looked at it . I didn't take it anywhere , but i find it strange that you mentioned it so maybe there is something there . let us know if you go any further with it and i'll also try and look into it also . carol


Hero Member
Feb 21, 2005
St. Louis
ALL , still working on the yorah tree page . last night while i sat staring at those tree limbs i saw the #80 in the branches . If you look at the center of the tree where the house is the branches look like they make the #80 . i know that's a definite 0 on the right . let me know what you think . carol.



Has there been any discussion that Ana's mother was an elf, but no other elves are mentioned in the book (are they)? All the rest of the fantasy creatures are fairies, including the darklings. Has anyone else questioned this?

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