Tricia said:

Ah hah, not for me. But reading thru...congrats on giving up smoking. Certainly tough to do.

lol....thanks girl.

how are you doing baby?

K*E*L*L*Y said:
how are you doing baby?

ooooh, im still hang'n in there.....i aint gonna lie...i could eat a dang cigarette right now. But imma leave em alone.

good for you kiddo... youre doing so freakin well... keep it up!!!
love ya!!

thanks... i'm doing well..

trish don't give in be strong it all in your mind get a bag of hard candy keep your hands moving !!!!!! good luck trish hope for the best :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Five months for me Trish and I was, well I am a cigaretteaholic! I had my last smoke at Texas Connection' s house when I went for a visit last November. I caved and bought a pack, lit one up and took three drags and put it out and haven't touched one since. I have had some heart problems and COPD from a lung injury 12 years ago. Yet I kept smoking. My two little grandaugters got up on my lap one day and one of them had tears in her eyes and asked me if I was gonna' die. And I told her no but she said I would if I kept smoking. No one put her up to it and I guess it was something they had talked about in school? Anyway, that stopped me right then and there. She was right. I was slowly killing myself and I'm not in any hurry to leave my loved ones. Christmas, my wife of 36 years also quit smoking with some urging from me. We both wished for one cigarette for Christmas ( about a mile long! :D). But both of us are doing good. We still crave them, but not as bad and not all the time like it was at first. It's easier every day. They need a Smokers Anonymous like they have AA for drunks. Luckily you have a lot of support here and we are all rooting for you. Monty

trish hows it going?

Monty said:
Five months for me Trish and I was, well I am a cigaretteaholic! I had my last smoke at Texas Connection' s house when I went for a visit last November. I caved and bought a pack, lit one up and took three drags and put it out and haven't touched one since. I have had some heart problems and COPD from a lung injury 12 years ago. Yet I kept smoking. My two little grandaugters got up on my lap one day and one of them had tears in her eyes and asked me if I was gonna' die. And I told her no but she said I would if I kept smoking. No one put her up to it and I guess it was something they had talked about in school? Anyway, that stopped me right then and there. She was right. I was slowly killing myself and I'm not in any hurry to leave my loved ones. Christmas, my wife of 36 years also quit smoking with some urging from me. We both wished for one cigarette for Christmas ( about a mile long! :D). But both of us are doing good. We still crave them, but not as bad and not all the time like it was at first. It's easier every day. They need a Smokers Anonymous like they have AA for drunks. Luckily you have a lot of support here and we are all rooting for you. Monty

Monty that is a wonderful story and I myself just wanted to say ty for it. It encourages all of us.

Thanks Monty...thats what i needed to hear. I need that encouragement. Im still not smoking and yes i could still eat one right now. I am a cigaretteaholic too! They were my best friends... :'( I felt like they were anyway.
Hubby put them down 3 days ago, im so proud of him, I think he's doing it more for me than himself though, which isnt good.
Im not eating up the house like i was a week ago...thank goodness, i woulda much rather smoked than made a pig outta myself. That was pretty tough. I still have to learn to enjoy that cup of coffee without that cig in the other hand. That ones gonna take me

ridge runner, your right, i think its all in my head, i'm past the craving, but i think about one everyday, all day long. How long does that feeling last? Wished someone could tell me.

But i can say, its unbelievable how much better i feel. I could give yall a list a mile long.

Thanks everybody for the comments...i need em.

Trish, for me it still has not gone away 100% but I had to keep busy and start really finding more things to do especially with my hands. Draw, color, embroidery, crochet, whatever! Use to start the day with a glass of choclate milk and a smoke then after I got dressed another, then on my way to work then at break then at lunch a couple then next break then on my way home then as soon as I got home and had sat down then another before I started cooking then after then another after eating all meals then a couple during the evening then another before bed I had to learn to live a life my life with out that's when I looked again at the grand babies and said do I want to smoke or to help them put that puzzle togeather! Do i want to smoke or swing with them do I want to smoke or watch the show that was being put on for me theses are things we do togeather that mom and dad don't have so I said to my self WHICH IS MOST IMPORTANT? No more Questions I made my choice and YES sometimes I want to just reach over for a pack and light one but I don't really deep down with thought want one!

I know Granny, you almost have to learn how to live your life so totally different than what your used to.
Yes i want one, but im like you...deep down i really dont. My grandbabies are more important. It'll be better once spring gets here and i can get out and do something productive. Stay busy, that will help alot. Funny i dont even think about them that much when im at work. I just need to stay busy.

trishers you rock my girly
love ya! :love10: :love10: :love10: :love10: :love10: :love10: :love10: :love10: :love10: :wav:

~Trish~ said:
I know Granny, you almost have to learn how to live your life so totally different than what your used to.
Yes i want one, but im like you...deep down i really dont. My grandbabies are more important. It'll be better once spring gets here and i can get out and do something productive. Stay busy, that will help alot. Funny i dont even think about them that much when im at work. I just need to stay busy.
good job :thumbsup:

I've gained about 30 lbs since I quit! I was afraid of that and talked it over with my heart doctor. He said fat is easier to get rid of than death! He has a point. Monty

Love u 2 Kell :-*

Thanks still not smoking?

Monty, that was one of the main reasons i always picked them back up, cuz i didnt wanna gain weight. I used to be one of those who would eat a package of cheese crackers once a day just so i could keep that cute little figure. Stayed sick all the time...i dont do that anymore. That was just as dumb as smoking.
Im not big, but i could stand to loose a few pounds, i dont even wanna know how much i've gained since i quit smoking! I would probably stroke out!

txtee...the weather here is cool right now, i cant wait for it to warm up so i can get out and do something other than go to work and back home. Im feeling fine, had Bronchitis, wasnt the flu, although i coulda swore thats what i had, never had bronchitis before, didnt know what it was like till i got it...dont want that anymore!
I did always tell myself that if i ever quit smoking i'd become a fitness fanatic. I just have to learn to diet the right way and not do it the only way i know how...starve myself.
Are cashews fatening? Cuz i done ate 2 cans! LMAO

who cares if you gain a few pounds while you stop smoking.... think about it like this... with all the money you'll save from not buying smokes.. you can use for a treadmill if you really need it..... kicking the smoking A$$ is so much more important than putting on a few pounds.
dont beat yourself up.... do one thing at a time girly or youre gonna freak out!
youre doing to well to stress about stupid crap!
:duckie: :duckie: :duckie: :duckie: :duckie: :duckie: :duckie: :duckie: :duckie: :duckie: :duckie:

yeah I have to agree my friend

you look so much prettier without a cig hanging from your lip :tongue3:

tc praying for you and hubby

think thats great he has joined you :thumbsup:

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