Vikings in the upper midwest?

How many times do we need to say that the World News Daily Report is a spoof? THIS IS A FAKE NEWS STORY.

Vikings! Ja sure, yoooou betcha.

How many times do we need to say that the World News Daily Report is a spoof?

You'll need to keep doing it until everybody learns that not everything on Facebook is basically, you're stuck doing it forever.

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Not on facebook, and did have a "?" after starting thread. Wasn't believing it until I had heard something here. I thought everything on the interweb was true:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

There was a documentary on this very thing. Seems they were hunting for copper.
Not so remarkable as they seemed to know the way for years. Erickson landed here long before Columbus.
And the way the people navigated the Pacific using currents.

People are just curious.

How many times do we need to say that the World News Daily Report is a spoof? THIS IS A FAKE NEWS STORY.

Just goes to show how easily the human psyche gravitates towards the sensational. How easy it is to believe in conspiracies, etc...

Well even though it is a crappy site to get "news" from I do have a feeling that the Vikings probably did pass through the area.
The copper mining goes back thousands of years in that UP and "hide ingots" have been found as far south as Tennessee.
Along with smelters and other associated constructions. IF the Phoecians mined copper in the UP as theorized then there were probably others that also knew of this huge resource.
I personally think that there is a LOT more that went on that we are not being told about.

I personally think that there is a LOT more that went on that we are not being told about.

Yeah, it's almost as if there wasn't a surviving written historical record for the North American continent at all.

Our history was and is written from a Northern European perspective and an East to West movement
as far as the US goes. Never mind that there was an established capital city in N America (Santa Fe)
while the pilgrims were trying to figure out how to cook a turkey.

Knowing human curiosity it's not hard to understand jumping in a boat to see what's over the horizon.
I believe a lot of treasure hunters have.

....I personally think that there is a LOT more that went on that we are not being told about.

So the fact of episodes and events missing from history (that no one happened to record) means that any conjectured event must have therefore happened ?

Our history was and is written from a Northern European perspective .....

Ok ... and what ? Does this make the history we have false ?

So the fact of episodes and events missing from history (that no one happened to record) means that any conjectured event must have therefore happened ?

Ok ... and what ? Does this make the history we have false ?

No, just incomplete.
The History that survives is largely because the those that write history have survived and have the
ability to record their understanding of events.

There is no compelling reason Vikings would need to record a trip on a sail boat.
I live in a place where I can go 4 miles and find petrogliphs on rocks. They are an historical record but few know
what they might mean. Maybe nothing than a bored Native wanted something to do.
I see no reason the Vikings might want to make a record of their venture, especially Vikings looking for copper.

I mean what's the big whoop. A group of Vikings get on a boat and go looking for copper. I come from Viking's
and I see no reason to record my T'hunting
There is much of history not recorded in every country.
Some have concluded here in the US the record is for the most part "His Story". A male perspective.
That has dominated what we are taught, and what we think we know.
History is, or should be, discovery.

....The History that survives is largely because the those that write history have survived and have the ability to record their understanding of events.....

So are you subscribing to the following cliche: "History is written by the victors", right ? Hence implying that their biased in their recording, and will make themselves look great, and the loser to have been the evil one, and so forth, right ? On the surface, that cliche rolls off the tongue. Eh ? Unfortunately it's false. If you look back into the author's of history, there's LOTS of history written by those-that-lost (countries conquered, or the losers of battles, etc....). There was a study done on this cliche, and it lined up scores of historical accounts where ..... the ONLY record we have of some ancient battle, WAS written by the loosing side. Hence your cliche is wrong

....There is no compelling reason Vikings would need to record a trip on a sail boat.....

The same can be said about all sorts of conjectured claimed past events. But it does not logically follow that ..."therefore, it had to have happened".

Here's the second confirmed Viking outpost in North America.........

Evidence of Viking Outpost Found in Canada

and if you've got an hour, this is an excellent documentary on the Kensington stone found in Minnesota and how the elite academics dismissed it due to the controversy it would create....

I highly recommend that even a doubting Thomas should watch it so that he can better understand what he calls "conspiracies."


Muddyhandz, thanks for the documentary. It was the one I referred to but could not
remember what it was called.

So are you subscribing to the following cliche: "History is written by the victors", right ? Hence implying that their biased in their recording, and will make themselves look great, and the loser to have been the evil one, and so forth, right ? On the surface, that cliche rolls off the tongue. Eh ? Unfortunately it's false. If you look back into the author's of history, there's LOTS of history written by those-that-lost (countries conquered, or the losers of battles, etc....). There was a study done on this cliche, and it lined up scores of historical accounts where ..... the ONLY record we have of some ancient battle, WAS written by the loosing side. Hence your cliche is wrong

The same can be said about all sorts of conjectured claimed past events. But it does not logically follow that ..."therefore, it had to have happened".

If you would read more carefully I said "...The History that survives is largely because the those that write history have survived and have the ability to record their understanding of events.....
I didn't embrace the cliche.
History by others wasn't excluded. I'd expect you'd agree that a lot of what you call loser get a back seat in recorded history.

Claims of past events also does not logically imply they didn't happen.

Here's the second confirmed Viking outpost in North America.........

Evidence of Viking Outpost Found in Canada

and if you've got an hour, this is an excellent documentary on the Kensington stone found in Minnesota and how the elite academics dismissed it due to the controversy it would create....

I highly recommend that even a doubting Thomas should watch it so that he can better understand what he calls "conspiracies."


Muddy, your input and participation on the Forum is much respected. I like reading your inputs on various topics. But do a Wikipedia search on the Kensington stone, and you will see that it has been dismissed as a hoax. Start with that, and follow the links, and you will see.

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