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LOL! I ALREADY know ENOUGH about "history" from the early foundation of America; don't give a RAT'S ARSE about MORE!
Peter Viemeister was following "2nd Year of the CONFEDERATE WAR" KEY, and then... PV, RIP. I am following up on his "clue"... Confederate Treasure Coverup WORKS for me. You just "follow-through" on YOUR search; STOP criticizing ME!

I'm not....just replying to your pokes & punches. :laughing7: Too much turkey this past week?

LOL! I ALREADY know ENOUGH about "history" from the early foundation of America; don't give a RAT'S ARSE about MORE!
Peter Viemeister was following "2nd Year of the CONFEDERATE WAR" KEY, and then... PV, RIP. I am following up on his "clue"... Confederate Treasure Coverup WORKS for me. You just "follow-through" on YOUR search; STOP criticizing ME!

Looking for reviews of said book led down a , umm interesting course that did not result in a review of book but some reading of theory , findings, and followers..
Something clicked and I remembered being told a couple guys stopped out front and were looking around when I was away.
Your either lost or have business here and the report seemed they had neither.
Good luck, watch your backside.

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Looking for reviews of said book led down a , umm interesting course that did not result in a review of book but some reading of theory , findings, and followers..
Something clicked and I remembered being told a couple guys stopped out front and were looking around when I was away.
Your either lost or have business here and the report seemed they had neither.
Good luck, watch your backside.



The politics of the era changed dramatically and were subject to continued to change, the U.S. even launching extensive campaigns to squelch some of the existing Bonapartism that was still alive and well...

Local lore refuses to pay any mind to any of this even though this Napoleanic support was obvious within many of the residences of the era, such as a the Bufords, and others...
You have mentioned many time that there existed a strong support of Bonapartism in Bedford county during the years recounted in the 1885 Beale pamphlet. The residents of Bedford county fought in the Revolution to end a King's rule in American, fought again in the War of 1812 to prevent a retaking of America to be ruled by a king-then why would they embrace a self proclaimed "royalty" of a French emperor? Americans during that time were anti-royalist,

You have mentioned many time that there existed a strong support of Bonapartism in Bedford county during the years recounted in the 1885 Beale pamphlet. The residents of Bedford county fought in the Revolution to end a King's rule in American, fought again in the War of 1812 to prevent a retaking of America to be ruled by a king-then why would they embrace a self proclaimed "royalty" of a French emperor? Americans during that time were anti-royalist,

And who were all of these Americans fighting? Not the French, and if fact a lot of them had fought along side the French, many of them even having taken part in the Napoleon campaigns, which was aimed at who? Mainly the British. Also remember that there were "a lot" of Napolianic refugees in this country, these waves starting to arrive in the US the moment Napoleon made notice of himself and his intentions. Napoleon never threatened the US and in fact the DOI influenced many of his decrees and policies while he was in power. The problem with Napoleon, and an issue he was well aware of, was that in order to topple the tyrant he had to become one. Another poster in a different forum put it this way, "history has been very unkind to Napoleon." His meaning being that a great deal of written history in regards to Napoleon has been somewhat by design and rather biased instead of fact. So strong was his following and support here in the US that Americans were actually naming their children after him, also the features upon their landscape, etc., many of these still existing today. If not in admiration and out of deep regard, then how else would you explain all of this?

It's all interesting. But in just a few post here we have changed names, the defined era, etc., so in essence we've just created an entirely different tale... ESC is correct when he suggest that it's just a dime novel because once you create all of these changes to the story is all just fiction created by the minds of men. So either the designated era is correct or it's just a simple dime novel with a mystery that's been solely created by modern man.
By virtue of your premise and theory that the 1885 Beale Papers was written as an allegory of events far removed from the story contained in the pamphlet, it is, therefore, a fictional novel, which would make the ciphers and treasure suspect.

By virtue of your premise and theory that the 1885 Beale Papers was written as an allegory of events far removed from the story contained in the pamphlet, it is, therefore, a fictional novel, which would make the ciphers and treasure suspect.

But the events aren't far removed....
Look, you can keep challenging the information being provided if you want, or, you can make an attempt to understand the information being provided. I'm not going to twist your arm. But I will tell you this, the amount of resources utilized in arriving at these findings has been vast, this even including investment bankers, noted historians, etc., etc., etc. Through all of this I have asked them to tell me why it couldn't be possible......none have been able to do that....most even concluding that it is all very possible, if not even likely. Some of the avenues taken even at their suggestions. So this isn't something that was just magically formed in my own head, as you seem to think. As I told you before, I invite the devil's advocate as a means of keeping things in check. So if you don't want to entertain what I'm telling you as possibly being on track......then don't. Up to you. :thumbsup:

... I will tell you this, the amount of resources utilized in arriving at these findings has been vast, this even including investment bankers, noted historians, etc., etc., etc. Through all of this I have asked them to tell me why it couldn't be possible......none have been able to do that....most even concluding that it is all very possible, if not even likely...
Very possibly,even likely are NOT statements of proof, but of speculation, and non-committal.

You're still locked in on a very minute part of the much bigger picture the author has painted for you. He gave you a history lesson from it's beginning to his present time. You need to understand all of that history or you will forever remain lost to all that you absolutely need to know. You can't start at the end.
The bigger question here is: WHO WAS THIS UNKNOWN AUTHOR? Why would he write a " history lesson from its beginning to his present" and then seek out J B Ward as agent, copyright owner, and publisher and for whom was this published "history lesson" directed? For sale only in Lynchberg.
You can't start with Adams-Onis and end with Ward's 1885 Beale Papers with any valid or logical conclusion without knowing this unknown author and his motives for writing the story and contacting Ward as agent .

The bigger question here is: WHO WAS THIS UNKNOWN AUTHOR? Why would he write a " history lesson from its beginning to his present" and then seek out J B Ward as agent, copyright owner, and publisher and for whom was this published "history lesson" directed? For sale only in Lynchberg.
You can't start with Adams-Onis and end with Ward's 1885 Beale Papers with any valid or logical conclusion without knowing this unknown author and his motives for writing the story and contacting Ward as agent .

Author Candidates...? Start a LISTING - Maj. Ferdinand C. Hutter (CSA) - had to leave SUDDENLY for Richmond, during the "Confederate War"; his COUSIN, James Beverly Ward was his "agent for the copy-right" of Beale PAPERS... only the TITLE was submitted.

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The bigger question here is: WHO WAS THIS UNKNOWN AUTHOR? Why would he write a " history lesson from its beginning to his present" and then seek out J B Ward as agent, copyright owner, and publisher and for whom was this published "history lesson" directed? For sale only in Lynchberg.
You can't start with Adams-Onis and end with Ward's 1885 Beale Papers with any valid or logical conclusion without knowing this unknown author and his motives for writing the story and contacting Ward as agent .

Ask yourself, with open mind, "why only in the Lynchberg/Bedford region?" Remember, the main events in the pamphlet were said to have taken place in the years 1817-1822 in the Lynchberg/Bedford region. The pamphlet was published some 60 years after these events, so, if you were wanting to research, investigate, etc., these earlier events where would you most likely start? Most likely you would start in the area that was said to be the core of the events, which was the Lynchberg/Bedford region. So "if" the author was looking for some specific information in regards to the tale then it is reasonable to allow that he would conduct his efforts in this region, among those people who were most likely to have recollection of those past events. Granted, it is just a possibility, but also a reasonable possibility.

A reasonable possibility if the events in the Beale Papers are a true account, but, as in your premise and theory, the pamphlet is a literary allegory of events that occurred , beginning with the Adams-Onis, Champ d' Asile, Olive and Vine Colony, Girard's opium trade with China, etc, and none of these events occurred in Lynchberg/Bedford region.
Without a direct connection of the events in your theory to the intent and motive of the "unknown" author, and why he contacted and used Ward as "agent", renders all your "French/Bonapartist connexion" moot.

A reasonable possibility if the events in the Beale Papers are a true account, but, as in your premise and theory, the pamphlet is a literary allegory of events that occurred , beginning with the Adams-Onis, Champ d' Asile, Olive and Vine Colony, Girard's opium trade with China, etc, and none of these events occurred in Lynchberg/Bedford region.
Without a direct connection of the events in your theory to the intent and motive of the "unknown" author, and why he contacted and used Ward as "agent", renders all your "French/Bonapartist connexion" moot.

All of this is going to be explained very soon. Again, don't ficus so much on the "French/Bonapartist" information as it really has more to do with political differences, these elements just being used in an attempt to explain those elements. There is also a reference to a large sum of wealth coming from east to west that is directly tied to the events in Texas and the Adams Onis Treaty that I've not mentioned yet, but will. As for those direct connections back to Lynchberg/Bedford county, these will also be made clear. One of these you have already touched on, this being Mexico Sherman and his connection to the Torpedo and Girard, who was directly linked to the refugees and Galveston Island. Mexico Sherman was from Bedford County. So in this you already have one direct link back to Bedford County, and there are more. Honestly, and as will soon come forward, there is no doubt as to the original source of the tale. Just be patient and it will all be made clear.

All of this is going to be explained very soon. Again, don't ficus so much on the "French/Bonapartist" information as it really has more to do with political differences, these elements just being used in an attempt to explain those elements. There is also a reference to a large sum of wealth coming from east to west that is directly tied to the events in Texas and the Adams Onis Treaty that I've not mentioned yet, but will. As for those direct connections back to Lynchberg/Bedford county, these will also be made clear. One of these you have already touched on, this being Mexico Sherman and his connection to the Torpedo and Girard, who was directly linked to the refugees and Galveston Island. Mexico Sherman was from Bedford County. So in this you already have one direct link back to Bedford County, and there are more. Honestly, and as will soon come forward, there is no doubt as to the original source of the tale. Just be patient and it will all be made clear.


Edward Fitzgerald Beale(1822-1893) was a frontiersman who published his journals in 1850-"The Beale Papers",which are available from the LIBRARY of Congress.
The similarities between E F Beale's papers and Ward's pamphlet are hard to dismiss-here are just a few.
E F BEALE -1850 ----- ------- ----T J BEALE-1885 Ward's pamphlet
Started expedition in St Louis --- --- Left St Louis
Expedition had 30 men--- --- Expedition had 30 men
Went to Santa Fe --- --- Went to Santa Fe
Traveled in Colorado--- ---Found gold and silver in Colorado
Born in 1822 --- ---Letters to Morriss dated 1822,Ward born 1822
Published journal as "THE BEALE PAPERS"--- ---Ward pamphlet "THE BEALE PAPERS"
E F called "justley a lion" --- --- T J called "the Lion"
One journey listed as 1817 miles--- --- Started journey in 1817
Gold was NOT found by E F --- ---One of T J's men found the gold
Recieved $13,000 for an adventure--- --- Exchanged silver for $13,000 for transportation
Similar words and terms used in both "BEALE PAPERS"
There are many others.
So the question arises-Happenstance,Coincidence,or Deliberate Plaglarism on the part of Ward to sell a concocted treasure story with one solved cipher solved,the other two unsolvable?
Or is the story a PERSHER CODE relating to a KGC treasure vault?

Do you have a Cipher that needs to be Deciphered here or is this just fiction?

Do you have a Cipher that needs to be Deciphered here or is this just fiction?
E F Beale's 1850 Papers were "borrowed" to create Ward's Beale 1885 papers.
"Don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows"

E F Beale's 1850 Papers were "borrowed" to create Ward's Beale 1885 papers.
"Don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows"

Do we have these Paper's or do we have to look in a crystal ball ? got a link or website ?

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