Well,look what ANGER does.


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May 11, 2011
Western Mass.
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It lays heavy on me that people wake up to this.

God Bless


Out of Control People Use Anger to Get Back Control

by Roy Masters

Behavior modification as practiced in modern psychiatry, deals only with the symptoms and surface behavior rather than the underlying problem. The cause of violence in men, or even women for that matter, is the loss of sovereignty and self-control due to childhood trauma and daily stress. One of the most fundamental causes of anger lies in the many forms of injustice we see all around us. Frustrated by outrage and unreasonableness, we lose control. Perhaps it is a manipulative spouse playing mind games, spinning everything you say, {making what they did wrong your fault.} That kind of unreasonableness can literally cause anyone to blow a fuse. Intimidation invariably compels an escalation by the victim in an attempt to out- provoke the intimidator into submission and so regain control. That game always backfires, making the angry person look so much more wrong, that he ends up with the short end of the stick, while the real offender gets away with it.

The secret of anger management already exists within. We need only to rediscover the civilizing art of grace under fire, growing in stature by dealing calmly and graciously with offenders.

Forty-seven of my seventy-two years have been focused on helping people to overcome the hypnotic conditioning of environment. As a former professional hypnotist, I made a startling discovery which is that the pressures of everyday life exert a hypnotic influence over all of us from the day we were born. Furthermore, therapeutic hypnosis cannot solve problems, it is the problem itself.

Every time we overreact to what we call stress, we activate a traumatic turmoil within that allows the circumstance to implant suggestions and behavior patterns below the level of our consciousness. These subconscious behavior patterns grow stronger than all the efforts of our will to overcome them. Worse yet, the very struggle we wage against any unwanted behavior only strengthens its power over us.

From that point on, every painful event of childhood tends to reappear and be reinforced by the ever-present stress. In much the same way as a Vietnam veteran tends to overreact and jump behind the sofa upon hearing the backfiring of a bus, so does our implanted behavior automatically compel us to respond to look-alike and sound-alike situations. Unfortunately, our wives, husbands, or people we meet may not really be as mean-spirited as those who have hurt us in the past. Nevertheless, we react to them as though they were the very same violators or molesters of our past. In other words, the implanted behavior of our past continues to be reinforced in the present, to gain strength, and thus to guarantee a more miserable future.

In order to solve any problem we must see clearly what the problem is. At a very vulnerable time in our life, we may have overreacted with anger to some type of cruelty. There is one particular form of anger that separates us hypnotically from the sovereignty of our natural self-control, and the name of that anger is resentment. Those who wish to dominate and control us need only to intimidate us. Through the guilt of being upset and the need for peace, we tend to transfer the control of our lives to outer authority, as we did as a child. We can, of course, continue to become submissive and to yield in order to keep the peace. But doing so does nothing but teach manipulative people to go on being angry to get their way. The more you empower the despot, the more he will take advantage and walk all over you like a doormat. When that gets too much for you, then comes the violent rebellion and thus hell escalates between husband and wife, father and son, mother and daughter.

Therefore, the solution lies in the present moment. If you discover the way to stop reacting to the present as the extension of your past, a wonderful thing happens. It is the present reaction of resentment that builds upon the original implanted event and reinforces all aberrant behaviors. I have found a way to break that spell by reconnecting a person to his or her original innocence. This can be accomplished by a simple technique that needs no support group, just a tape and a book through which to relearn how to connect to our original selves and disconnect from overreacting. We become calm in the face of confusion and cruelty, and by remaining poised in the face of adversity, we starve the original root of implanted behaviors of their daily reinforcement and become free and in perfect control of our emotions.

WT, we're either psychic or hit the collective conscious at the same moment!
I have been thinking many of the exact same things you just mention above, over the last hour or so!
freaky, lol, Twilight Zone theme in background
I was kinda also thinking how we use anger, to resolve injustices....... I hope we can continue this convo in a civil manner, for everyone's better growth.

I keep saying: What kinda brain ya building there?
If I may, I'll locate an article I posted, that gives one insight, as to where the anger comes from.
Imho, I do believe it is an inner hatred, coupled with ineffective mental coping mechanisms/skills.

Only 3 ways to look at your world (with anger, fear, or love), it's called perception, how you process (through your brain) EVERYTHING you perceive through your tools of the 5 senses. Our bodies are only tools. Tools we experience "life" through. You can slice open every persons brain on the planet, and you will never find one thought, one emotion, one experience stored in it, but, it was all there.
Gotta learn to use the tools we have, not only for our selves, but for the only world we have to exists in, while we are here, for this brief moment in history.


We are a sum total of ALL life's experiences whether good or bad,it is memories of the bad that ensnares us,in our minds the trigger starts that process of hate to the Injustice.

Is that the Masters of Masters and Johnson? Collective unconscious brings in Jung. Already talked about Cayce. "Control your emotions or somebody else will." Golden rule was Confucius...at least accredited. Aaron Beck said to control your own cognitive dissonance. Put them all together and where are we? How is that working out for you?

Ahhh...seek to control one's emotions then lose it they must. Balance must be restored to the force. Into hiding we must go. Welcome not we are here...free thinkers...empaths.

WT, we're either psychic or hit the collective conscious at the same moment!
I have been thinking many of the exact same things you just mention above, over the last hour or so!
freaky, lol, Twilight Zone theme in background
I was kinda also thinking how we use anger, to resolve injustices....... I hope we can continue this convo in a civil manner, for everyone's better growth.

I keep saying: What kinda brain ya building there?
If I may, I'll locate an article I posted, that gives one insight, as to where the anger comes from.
Imho, I do believe it is an inner hatred, coupled with ineffective mental coping mechanisms/skills.

Only 3 ways to look at your world (with anger, fear, or love), it's called perception, how you process (through your brain) EVERYTHING you perceive through your tools of the 5 senses. Our bodies are only tools. Tools we experience "life" through. You can slice open every persons brain on the planet, and you will never find one thought, one emotion, one experience stored in it, but, it was all there.
Gotta learn to use the tools we have, not only for our selves, but for the only world we have to exists in, while we are here, for this brief moment in history.


Is not life Perception?

What I perceive is a world of the unsane,I'm in it,not part of it!

What I perceive is a world of the unsane,I'm in it,not part of it!
I know, wt, I know........ :wink:

My views may come from, shedding and shunning every known pre-conception, everyone ever tried to tag me with.
No attachments, it will make for the ultimate of "letting go", easier. Trust me!

The Roy Masters stuff is all good! I would think you would also enjoy Krishnamurti,
Freedom From the Known.


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All anger is not bad. There is healthy anger and unhealthy anger. A very good book states that there is an appointed time for every emotion. I also recall the story of a certain man who entered a temple courtyard and in his righteous anger, turned over the tables of people selling in the sanctuary. Like in all things, one must exercise self-control.

Anger must be vented or your brain literly explodes. The trick in surviving is a controlled release. My wife use to go to 'her place' in the woods and watch the wildlife to vent. I raised 5 adopted children, all different. George had the biggest problem with anger. He would do things like putting his fist thru the sheetrock to vent. The next day I would supervise the repair he did. He learned to control it. I never had a problem with anger, but I do get even. lol Frank...

dirty harry.jpg


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Yoda said it best....
Speaking of fear, how's the bullet (not aimed at you Chris) situation down South?

Fear is what you meet aggression with when you have no defense. Frank...111-1 profileblk.jpg

Anger can make you insane, or make you sane......how you react toanger being channeled towards you will determine that sanity. I have always found that handling it at the moment of impact is the best, and then the fear you feel is just pain leaving your body....Gary

Anger can make you insane, or make you sane......how you react toanger being channeled towards you will determine that sanity. I have always found that handling it at the moment of impact is the best, and then the fear you feel is just pain leaving your body....Gary


I truly believe you can see it coming,like an 18 wheeler coming down the road,

simply step out of the way.

Anger perpetuates fear and fear perpetuates anger.

Anger causes one to see the negative in the "object of attention", and can result in destructive tendencies.
Anger does not cancel out fear, but cancels out Love.

Fear causes on to be afraid of the "object of attention", and can result in avoidance tendencies.
Fear does not cancel out anger, but cancels out Love.

Love, (Khooba, positive perception) causes one to see what is good positive in their "object of attention", and causes one to see the good positive possibilities, and as a result, a more open and clear mind is established in regards to truth in all perceptions.
Love cancels out both fear and anger,

If you do it right....... :laughing7:
You'll know if you don't do it right, because your anger and fear, will increase.
The lamp of earthly life is perception..........

just the cats .02 worth

I think that anger is a reaction to something presented to you that you unyieldingly oppose.
I think that fear is a reaction to danger that you can not defend against.
Hay just my view! Frank...
dirty harry.jpgThis is why Dirty Harry showed no fear.

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