πŸ† HONORABLE MENTION Well, well, well....

Freaking sewer in front of my house got 3 inches of water in my car pulled my spark plugs cranked a gallon of water out hope a rod didn't get bent will see on sat yep I have some at stuff a battery pack rechargeable lasts forever I'll hook ya up my brother. Don't burn down the woods bro, have fun stay safe I'll PM you Saturday get that Honorable mention badge....

Wow Tommy...u guys got hammered! As long as you didn't lean on the starter, or try to jump start it, you should be ok...but def change the plugs and the oil...let me kniw how that works out for you. As far as my Max being in the shop, it was doing that thing where it was going plain bonkers with sensitivity over 2 bars. Talked to the nicest girl at Garrett, who told me yep, I was still in warranty. Broke it down and sent out everything but the shaft. TWELVE days later, Fed Ex wheels in and there she is. Check this out-they repaired the control housing, replaced the (scratched) screen, and face plate. In the box was a NEW coil and coil cover, and they also included a new battery holder WITH batteries, and the plastic hardware that attaches the coil to the shaft. Customer service at its finest folks... Tommy hit me up and let me know how things are going, crap I wished I lived closer I'd tool up and head that way. Good luck Bro! Ddf.

Great post and gesture DDF. It made me tired just reading your post. Honorable mention from me also, how could you not ? Love the License plate.

Goodwill and hard work. You will be rewarded!

Sounds like you made a couple friends that day. Be fun to stop in on another warm day and ask for nice cool glass of "that there well water". Good on you!!!

Sounds like you made a couple friends that day. Be fun to stop in on another warm day and ask for nice cool glass of "that there well water". Good on you!!!

Thx Bodkin, but I'm not sure I could find that place again, heck I almost didn't make it back to civilization lol... and thx again, Ddf.

Goodwill and hard work. You will be rewarded!

Thank you Sub! I was rewarded with a high that kept a smile on my face for a good while! The funny thing is, they seemed...perplexed that I did not want anything for my help... I guess that's what today's society has become, sadly...yes there IS such a thing as a free lunch, you just gotta talk to the right people it seems. Thx very much, Ddf.

Love your plate and story! Very kind of you. I think I would have accepted the water....maybe even the beer LOL after that heat! As Jeff says...”Well done!l

Top shelf stuff you did there...helping others is so often its own reward...

Nicely done, and you lost weight from sweatin' so much...I was heading to the AC just lookin at the photos...

Good stuff, That was incredibly kind of you

That was extremely nice of you to do that for them and it sounds like you made a family very happy. I wonder if now there will be a family fight on who knew it was closer lol. Also when I looked at that spool of wire I thought it was blasting fuse for fuse type blasting caps. It looks just like it. Hopefully good karma will come from your good deed!

That was extremely nice of you to do that for them and it sounds like you made a family very happy. I wonder if now there will be a family fight on who knew it was closer lol. Also when I looked at that spool of wire I thought it was blasting fuse for fuse type blasting caps. It looks just like it. Hopefully good karma will come from your good deed!

Ha! That never crossed my mind...maybe they had a little pool or lottery going and whoever was closest got first shower! Ddf.

Great work on the finding the well! Now, did you get permission to hunt there???

Thank you for sharing! :occasion14:

Great work on the finding the well! Now, did you get permission to hunt there???

O yes, permission granted...but I bolted. With temps in the 90's and the humidity over 90%, I crawled in the war wagon, cranked up the a/c and hit the road. Plus, there was a LOT of construction stuff strewn about and the house was cut into a hillside. Thx smallfoot, Ddf.

Great story. Love the plate.

Thx hill billiez, I get a lot of comments on my plates, especially people asking "what the heck does DTECTIN mean?"... which is cool, bcoz I'll explain it to them and then ask them where their old farm is lol...Ddf.

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