What does everyone think about ISIS Destroying Ancient sites & Relics.

Post delete, please remember political comments can only be posted in our politics forum.....

Gentlemen, the reason it was blown up is the same as for the Buddas, it conflicts with their religion.

I know why they think they are justified. But they are wrong. An inconvenient history is no reason to erase it.

Good thing their religion didn't insist the world was flat or they'd be after everyone with bulldozers.

Oh well. In the larger geological scheme of the planet there may be no evidence any of us were ever here in another 50,000,000 years except for a few random fossils. That may be a good thing.

ISIS are bad people who not only kill people but destroy buildings and relics. Shame on them.

Posts deleted for politics, again please keep politics out of posts...

just wait till the isis types realize that their 70 virgins come with as many mother in laws...problem solved

This event is different from most. We have a group of terrorists, trying to take over the world piece by piece. They move in and destroy all historical records of other peoples that have gone before them. The next move is to actually destroy the other people or drive them out. We are seeing this phase now in Europe as the driven arrive. In effect they are setting up there own one world order. They don't take prisoners, they kill them, that is except women and children which they'USE'. They respect no law except there sharia law which backs up there cruelty. It's not just historical items they destroy, it is everything but them. Frank hot cat 2_edited-1.jpg

Why is it that people cling to anything? We have been told it's all temporary.
Maybe in our future we will live to see "every mountain shaken".
Exciting times.............!
As for ISIS............that's an agenda with a hint of Egyptian sun god worship thrown in the mix.
I agree that those ancient places are interesting to look at......the devil has many things that are interesting to look at.
Should we look.....should we be sad? To each his own choice.

*P.S. Frankn....you're cat is on fire!

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Look closely! He's not burning, he dances on fire. Must be in the kitchen. :) Frank

Please remember no politics in forum..

Please remember no politics in forum..

I know! That's why I now limit my posting here. I kind of like the First Amendment Idea of freedom of speech.
When my posts get pulled, I go elsewhere for a while. Have you seen facebook lately? LOL Frank

I know! That's why I now limit my posting here. I kind of like the First Amendment Idea of freedom of speech.
When my posts get pulled, I go elsewhere for a while. Have you seen facebook lately? LOL Frank

Posts are constantly censored on Facebook as well and they are a public traded stock. ..

We are a private site Frankn, go into a restaurant and practice your freedom of speech by standing up and cursing out loud or make a political speech and see how long you are allowed to stay.

We have rules...

Keep politics out of thread.

Keep politics out of thread.
Personally I think the thread should have been moved already in the first place away from "general discussion" and into politics where it belongs. Anything with the name ISIS in it is going to have replies with political connotations. Then you won't have to come on here every other reply warning/ threatening against it, deleting/editing posts etc.. Just saying.

Thread wasn't started by a Charter Member, it can't be moved to politics forum.

Personally I think the thread should have been moved already in the first place away from "general discussion" and into politics where it belongs. Anything with the name ISIS in it is going to have replies with political connotations. Then you won't have to come on here every other reply warning/ threatening against it, deleting/editing posts etc.. Just saying.

General discussion is the right place. There is no terrorist listing. The topic was about archaeological damage done by this terrorist group, not politics which has a constantly expanding definition on here.hand print-2_edited-3.jpg

Posts are constantly censored on Facebook as well and they are a public traded stock. ..

We are a private site Frankn, go into a restaurant and practice your freedom of speech by standing up and cursing out loud or make a political speech and see how long you are allowed to stay.

We have rules...

I have talked politics at restaurants, but I go there to eat, not broadcast opinions.
I come on here as others to express my opinions and I don't like 'PC' censorship.
The owners have there standards, I have mine and I don't like being oppressed.
Censorship leads to repression! Jest my view and that of many others! Frankhot cat 2_edited-1.jpg

PS: None of my posts have been censored at Facebook, but I have had ads pulled from my page that I didn't like.
It gets wild on there but most enjoy the environment. I post on 7 sites. Some social, some technical. This one has the most censorship.
I have been booted off two sites, this one includes and have been invited back on the other. I contribute to the sites I patronize, but you have to take what I dish out and just absorb what you agree with. That's life. I don't worry about the boot, life's to short and I am closing in on the end. You might say I am running my bucket list. :) Frank

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Frankn, you talked politics at a quite table, not on a soapbox speaking to the restaurant, as you do when posting, there is a big difference..

You can express your opinions here according to our rules, we are a private owned site. Start your own site and set your own rules, if ours are too repressive for you, you and every member here including me agree to abide by the rules to post here, it is part of out terms of conditions for posting.

I have had friends whose posts on Facebook were pulled and who were suspended for a time as well.

Remember our rules are not open for debate or discussion in open forum...

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What a shame and outrage , these magnificent ancient temples , relics and artefacts gone forever thanks to the small mindedness , intolerance , spitefulness and stupidity of this malignant vermin ISIS , sooner they are eradicated ( with extreme prejudice ) the better .. cheers Mick

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