Why do you look for silver?

There are a few reasons I do it. It's an investment vehicle that is relatively cheap to get into. I'm 23 years old, and by the time I retire, I can't begin to imagine what it will be worth. I just wish I had started sooner! :laughing9:

It's also a hobby for me. With school and work, this helps me get away. CRH activities are about 5-6 hours a week and pays me for something I enjoy doing. Most of my hobbies are very expensive - like cars or computers. For CRHing, it's just the gas driving to and from the bank. I try to mitigate this by incorporating it into my daily schedule.

Coins are also an important piece of American history. The overwhelming majority of these silver coins were melted in record numbers back in the 80s and the trend continues today. There is a finite amount of silver coins and I believe the day when there are none left in circulation is soon approaching. My grandma gave me her collection of dimes from the WWII era, that she collected and sorted by date and condition. I'm glad she had the foresight to save them, as these were probably pulled from circulation in the 60s-70s when they were still plentiful in good condition. One day, I'd like to be able to pass my silver coins down to my children, much like my grandma passed hers down to me.

In all honesty, I have no intention of selling the coins unless I fall into financial hardship.

Why not? It is a good hobby (better than wasting time drinking beer, although I do that occasionally also) and can be very rewarding. I save some, I sell some to buy nicer coins (or to make up for lost $ in gas, extra spending $, etc), and I press on for more boxes the next week.


Seriously though, it's great fun for me. And unlike other hobbies (fishing, beer making / drinking) it dosent really take much time away from my family, and whatever I find usually pays for what little I spend,

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When the zombies rise against us the only thing that will kill them is a silver bullet, much like other monsters. A shotgun full of silver dimes will certainly do the trick.

It coincides nicely with dirtfishing. Also, what's neat is I can waste time beer-drinking AND roll searching.

roll searching? when did this start? Is it like rolling a drunk?

It coincides nicely with dirtfishing. Also, what's neat is I can waste time beer-drinking AND roll searching.
Funny you say that ffod, on the weekends I used to just set there with a beer in my hand and drink, then things changed one weekend and I found myself CRHing and drinking beer. Two things that I really enjoy that I can do at the same time! And the rush you get when you spot silver is even better lol. On a good weekend I find enough to cover expenses, i,e, gas etc.., the beer and sometimes a profit to set aside!
Not that I recommend anyone go out and start drinking!

Silver is my 401k. I was stupid in my 18-mid 30's I spent every free dime I had on parties, drugs, alcohol, car parts, drag racing fees and race gas. I had nothing set aside for retirement. I do regret not getting into silver when it was $5-$10 an ounce. I was dropping over $1000 a month into my car alone.

Now that I am about 25 years away from retirement. I have to work double time on getting a nest egg set aside. I know its not much but my goal is 4 oz a week for 20 years or 4160 ozt. I have a goal each week to hit. Last month it was 100 ozt, I ended at 109. This month its 116 ozt and I am currently at 114. Next month is the dreaded 5 week month which means, 136 ozt is my next goal, a full 20 ozt for the month. CRH is also a cheap way to get extra money saved. I average about $13 profit for every $1 I find in CRH, those are good returns.

$4160 @ $32.00 = $133,120
$4160 @ $100 = $416,000
$4160 @ $250 = $1.4 Million

No telling what it will go to but any of those are better than the $0 my future retirement fund was looking at.

I stack silver as a store of wealth for my future retirement. I CRH as a means to increase my stack and lower my DCA.

I went through $200 worth of dimes last night, all CWRs. Found four Roosevelt keepers, bringing my total up to eleven since the beginning of March:

1952 S

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First off, GREAT THREAD!

Main reasons I look for silver and sort pennies is protection against currency debasement and a relatively low risk factor. After 25 years as a stock/futures broker and trader contending with market risk there's more than a small amount of comfort in something that can be held without the worry of what some moron in the front, or elected office, is going to do.

Another reason is this forum. Great people, with a sense of humor, that share ideas and battle stories.

As an investment that I feel will never depreciate below face value. Saving a small amount at a time that will add up over the weeks / months / years

As for the hobby itself I relate it to gambling with the rip tickets or lottery scratch offs. The charge you feel when you are pulling them open or scratching them off or when you hit a winner. Only difference here is I get to take my losers back and get what i paid back out of them insted of throwing a pile of worthless paper in the fire or trash can

I CRH because it is a great hobby. I could be easily spending all of my money on something completely worthless, or put money into a bottomless pit(like some hobbies),
*CRH is relaxing
*CRH has great benefits
*I have always loved coins, and this is an added bonus to find collectibles for face value rather than spending a premium for them
*I can trade my junk silver for better coins or gold.


I have some reservations about the stability of the US dollar going forward, and this is a way to acquire physical silver pretty cheaply. It also serves as a good hobby for someone OCD like me, and I have always liked coins anyway.

Also, what's neat is I can waste time beer-drinking AND roll searching.

It's a nest egg for me.

I also enjoyed coin collecting as a kid. Now I am not so much into the numismatic side. I have some Dansco books for type sets but they don't have to MS64+ or anything, just filling holes with a little history and setting the rest aside.

Diversifying the portfolio for face value :-)


I'm now close to retirement, under 10 years. I have been collecting coins for close to 50 years. Started with Dad bringing home the old blue Whitman coin folders. Still have them. They have been in a safe for the last 30 years so I haven't look at them for a while. I'm sure there are still some holes to fill. I used to (and still do) cull silver everytime I see it. I'm working on my third $1000 bag of 40%ers. A few years ago when the 2008 stock market bust occurred, I talked to the wife about buying silver. She was all for. Contacted a coin dealer I knew and every other week he would mail me $200 in silver. Some was as low as $6 an ounce. I stopped when silver hit $20 an ounce. So this will be an addition to our nest egg.

Also, I'd like to add, it's kind of like playing one of those lottery scratcher tickets. Some tickets give you a free play. You have a chance to make a few bucks, sometimes a hundred bucks or more.

With CRHing, if you don't win, take it to your dump bank and try again! Rinse and repeat.

i do it because of remembering doing it with my grandfather back in the 80's . Now im 29 my daughter is 10 so i have to show the hobby to my daughter to teach her what my grandfather taught me . Like grandpa always said to me " invest time in your hobby dont spend time its just a waste!"

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