Willy, the last Shamon in a ancient lighthouse, photos FROM VIDEO of him here.


Hero Member
Jun 9, 2007
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Hi all
Changed the Name again. ;D
I am tired of people hiding the history of this place and i could really use some advise and help. Over 20 years ago i found an Indian legend in the back of a book, the legend talked about a mountain that turned to gold. It said “ there is a miniature mountain, set in a heart shaped frame of rock,” it said, “when the setting sun shone in, it turned the mountain to gold.” It named the cave so i went to the cave and realized the setting sun, was the summer solstice sun and it really turns the dome shaped mountain to gold . Look close, on the back of the cave, is the image of a bearded man is set in stone, at the back of the cave.
I spoke to a elder who pointed me to another cave, with the same miniature mountain, this one had petroglyph's on the rock and a cave painting of human faces behind the back of the cave.
You would think it was a important find, but the problem was, one cave is on a Indian reserve, this lead to a problem. For 20 years i have tried to expose it for what it is, but its not going to happen.
This summer the band signed there land claim treaty and have got what they are going to get, the reserve which is already a national herritage site is private land, the resort planed for it will have to do a arvcheological inpact assesment.
I took the local chiefs story teller to the cave befor he died and he told me they where created by a bearded man, not his people. he called them " the elders from the people from the beginning of time."
I now want to start a archeology company and expose these sites .
i could really use some advise and help. The pictures have not been altered , look at them and discuss them.


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Re: Ancient lighthouse's

This is the cave at night, with the fire built , behind the dome with the petroglyphs on it.  what is rely convincing is, when the solstice sun travels past the cave, it creates shadows in the grooves of the petroglyphs and tells a story, its A book. 


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Re: Ancient lighthouse's

I'd say forget it. Unless you are a Archie, you will not get permission to do a dig at this location. There is no "start a Archeology company." Only accredit Archie's will get the grant money to play at being Indiana Jones.

Re: Ancient lighthouse's

hmmm said:
Hi all
i could really use some advise and help. Over 20 years ago i found an Indian legend in the back of a book, the legend talked about a mountain that turned to gold. It said “ there is a miniature mountain, set in a heart shaped frame of rock,” it said, “when the setting sun shone in, it turned the mountain to gold.” It named the cave so i went to the cave and realized the setting sun, was the summer solstice sun and it really turns the dome shaped mountain to gold . Look close, on the back of the cave, is the image of the creator of the solstice cave's.
I spoke to a elder who pointed me to another cave, with the same miniature mountain, this one had petroglyph's on the rock and a rock painting of the creators.
You would think it was a important find, but the problem was, it was on a Indian reserve, this lead to a problem. For 20 years i have tried to expose it for what it is, but its not going to happen. This summer the band signed there land claim treaty and have got what they are going to get. I kept my mouth shut and never revealed the locations of some other of these special caves.
I now want to start a archeology company and dig out these sites . i could really use some advise and help. The pictures have not been altered , look at them and discuss them.

Re: Ancient lighthouse's

YOU MISS UNDERSTOOD ME, the solstice cave was dug out nearly 100 years ago, the spots i want to dig out are not on reserve, they are on crown land. and are marked by the dinimaite boxes i have posted befor.. as for getting the permit , i would have to hire a archie to do that. sandman, are you saying it is best to ignore the history.

Re: Ancient lighthouse's

I have no advice, as I have no idea how things work with reservations and historical reserch/recovery. I will say that those photos indicate a really fascinating site that points to those native people being pretty advanced for that time. It would seem to me that the site would be sacred to the people who live on the reservation. IMO, I'm not sure if it would be a good idea to call attention to the spot and disturb the site in a way that might cause those who live there to feel as if they are losing their history. I would say photograph it and study it, but leave it undisturbed.

Re: Ancient lighthouse's

i do not want investigate the sites on reserve, the sites I want investigated are on crown land . they also do not appear to be connected to Indian history, they where more likely to be from some sea fairing people, who settled here, probably mining.
the cave paintings are of white people , not native . 
Is it fair , to be allowed to hide history from thouse whose ancestor's created them.

Re: cave painting of jesus christ in america

miners in the old days were known for carving images of jesus in the tunnels, for protection from cave-ins.

Re: cave painting of jesus christ in america

What history are we talking about here? I'm not sure what you want to expose...

Re: Carved pictures of Thor, Odin and Freya

i want to expose the thousands of years of over laping history WHERE I LIVE. . ill put my old footage of a old indian story  teller in the caves, and post on photo buckit "atochaspictures" . 

Re: Carved pictures of Thor, Odin and Freya

Is it just me, or does this topic header keep changing?

Re: Carved pictures of Thor, Odin and Freya

yes i keep changing the title. next i may change it to "the 17 light houses of alexandira"

Re: Carved pictures of Thor, Odin and Freya

So the cave Images are of...Christ?...Oden?...who?

Re: Carved pictures of Thor, Odin and Freya

they look like Christ and we don't know what Odin looked like, one thing for sure, it does not look like a native , yet they claim it as theres. They look more like kennewick man, the 9300 year old white man they found in washington.
I believe this painting was created by embedding pigments in sandstone to create the painting.
this could be the one the vikings saw and wrote on a bolder in Spokane. it was about how they left vinland the good.they mentioned seeing paintings of Thor , Odin and Freya. 
the other, is two face's created by the sun shining on a granite wall,  it creates what looks like the image of JC and appears only when the sun sets, the story teller claimed they where created through the art of illusion and only the predecessors could see it or understand it.
  I should say, i think the art was done before Christ was born.


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Re: Carved pictures of Thor, Odin and Freya

the wall first gives the appearance of a whale , then just as the sun sets,.the image of the man, appears from the fin of the whale, when the sun dissapears, the man, the mountain of gold and the whale dissapear.. incredible, Willy says in the video , "it needs to be studied"..


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Re: Carved pictures of Thor, Odin , Freya and Jesus

The picture below looks to me like the 'golden' mountain is copying the profile of the mountain in the distance (background). To me it says that is the mountain in the background is important. Have you research said mountain? Probably turn out to be 'holy'/significant.


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Re: Carved pictures of Thor, Odin , Freya and Jesus

"Have you research said mountain?  Probably turn out to be 'holy'/significant."
i hold mineral title to the mountain, but have been physicaly driven off, actualy i can predict i will have a brain anurism soon, its called being screwed by the dr's., when i staked the mountain , It was un logged, the logging company hired the indians to logg it and  the indians never found 1 historical object and just destroyed the mountain, sacred mountain. I am having some video of there old shamon transfed to dvd telling us , its a sacred mountain, i will post it. now you see why i need a lawer.  I had lunch with robert kennedy in the bush, in tofino bc 10 years ago, he would be a good lawer but expensive. any help would be apreciated.

Re: Carved pictures of Thor, Odin , Freya and Jesus

Wow that's amazing! It's things like this that make me want to become an archeologist. I'm so amazed by what people did in the past.

Re: Carved pictures of Thor, Odin , Freya and Jesus

I am going to make it that you dont have to be a arche to get involved. I have decided to start a company, ill get donations and date the stuff connected to the boxes, if it turns out it is Georgian stuff, then i have something that is protected by law and is not supposed to be here .  I'll open the light houses, light the fire's and do a real archaeological assessment of the area.  The boxes are all around the base of the mountain tucked in caves and clearly mark sites of significant. 
I personally think it warrants a book or movie which could pay for the digs and tests. I would like to build a local museum for the stuff and I think i can fill it with treasure, in a very short period of time.  It could be exciting, if my government lets me do it, the problem is someone will have to be accountable for the heritage violations and stolen treasures that have already and are presently happening. This could cause a problem as the canadain goverment will atke part of the fall..
The history will prove itself and I would like to point out, this old pendint from a necklace, which is warn for a long long time, was minted be for Columbus set foot on America.   [hmmm   real pirates in the year 1428 it could be  ]


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