120Year Old Hunted Out Park Coughs Up A Few Barbers & A Big Chunk Of Native AG


Hero Member
Jul 22, 2012
Detector(s) used
eTrac, Excalibur II, ctx3030
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I hunted an old hunted out park today with some good results. My first target of the day was the native bracelet which had a nail in the hole with it (to bad its cracked :( ) That got me pumped up, for the next hour I scored a few wheaties and then I popped the 1913 barber. Few more wheats after that and then another barber 1903 this one came in like a wheatie and was all black. After that a few more wheats and I decided to switch to manual sensitivity because all the targets I was digging were at 8" or better. As soon as I put the coil on the ground I got a beautiful signal at 10" reading 12-46 with a sweet high tone. Popped the plug and scooped out a few more inches of dirt and I seen the white, another barber 1906. Dug 8 more wheaties and came across an iffy one way signal but decided to dig it because of the high tone it was producing. So I popped the plug and there was a rusty colored merc on the bottom with a nail stuck to it! Mercwas a 1937, so with todays finds I'm up to 210 silver coins and 24 sterling items for 2012 :) HH! 8-5a.jpg8-5b.jpg8-5c.jpg8-5d.jpg

Upvote 3
Nice barber dimes!

love the barbers!,, im in need of a "haircut" myself :occasion14:

Nice haul.:icon_thumleft:

Nice dimes.


Thank you guys n gals.

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