American Gun Owners to be Fingerprinted and Registered: Feinstein Announces Nightmare

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It only has two at this point. Geez don't guess it's gonna go up

So many petitions it is probably being overlooked.

Yea just need 148 more signatures before it can be viewed public on

Yea. I hope several people on here will sign

Signed Both . Great petitions guys . Thanks for posting them .

BTW , been following the Constitutional posts . You guys are true Americans to the core :occasion14:. Great reading !

Well we try to be;)

HAPPINESS, IS A WARM GUN - song by the Beatles, is your "theme song"

Nah i was never much of a beatles fan.This song is better...... Pearl Jam - Glorified G


Oh yeah. Haha love it

I don't call it "gung-ho from my dead fingers BS" it is a way of LIFE!!! it is why we fought the British not once, but twice for these "ways of life"

EXACTLY!!!!!......And if you can't see the writing on the wall....
look to the Avatar....

Gotta love this news!....

In what seems to be an effort to curb time spent on outrageous petitions, the White House late Tuesday quadrupled the signature threshold for "We the People" petitions to 100,000.

Thank goodness we got an answer on the Death Star before the new rule took effect.

Previously, 25,000 signatures were required to garner an official response from the White House on a petition posted at the "We the People" website.

Macon Phillips, White House director of digital strategy, wrote in a blog post that the decision was a direct response to the booming popularity of the "We the People" site:

When we first raised the threshold—from 5,000 to 25,000—we called it "a good problem to have." Turns out that "good problem" is only getting better, so we're making another adjustment to ensure we’re able to continue to give the most popular ideas the time they deserve.

The 25,000 signature limit meant the White House was directed to give official responses to bizarre petitions such as one to build the Death Star. (White House response: "No.")

Why isn't the NRA going for the automatic rifles too ? After all, they're covered by the 2nd amendment in the eyes of some of the gun owners. Hell, why not it all ? Arms are arms. I want a Nuke ! :laughing7: Also, I've read several articles on chemtrails... It's like Sasquatch. No hard evidence whatsoever. Just that a senator included the wording on a document.
I'm going to do some looking into the use of executive orders. Onward.:thumbsup:

One thing I did find. Pres. Obama has signed 147 executive orders in his 1st term. Given the same rate his next term. He'll sign 3 more than GW Bush. He has issued the fewest EO's than any President in the past 100 yrs.
Executive orders issued by Franklin D. Roosevelt were ridiculous ! 3728. Check out the ones Obama has signed recently. I agree with a few of them.. since we have an inept congress.

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roosevelt warned us against the drug of wellfare

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