Bear Spanish Monuments

Thanks for input. Need to take clearer photo's. usernotfound is correct about the 'poor' quality of some of the pictures I've posted here. It's a good camera, but sometimes I get the settings adjusted wrong. When ever I zoom-in on an object it gets less clear. This last picture was zoomed-in. I agree a better camera would take better pictures especially when zooming in. Planning in future to purchase suitable photography equipment, when I can afford it.

Looks like a junction. A clear photo would take less effort to "enhance" -if it even needs it- to reveal part of the message that has simply washed away over time. blah blah blah If I think I am looking at it correctly. I would head west over the hill side to the next arroyo. -Semi-educated guess. I see pigment/colorization on the bottom left of a bird looking over its shoulder- not sure if it's there or but I'm pretty sure. Or it is a man (he is in the center) carrying a large tablet coming down the "hill/mountain/higher elevation/whatever"...there is a lot of images which must be all be put together to make sense and sadly I can not see them all unless I sit here an stare a while. Why do I say head west? If :icon_scratch:I am seeing correctly. I see a setting sun. It can be a raising sun, but I have a funny feeling it is setting. There is a circle on the man head who is in the center, which also looks like it's a mouth of another...well, lets just say I feel reluctant to comment because the quality of the photo. This is how I've felt about your pictures. You have an interesting site. and it seems you stay on the arroyos/easy trail. 8-)Ride on- trail rider.

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There seems to be a bear (made up of three different rocks) underneath of the "skull rock". I see the skull face that has a "7" in its left socket. It has a triangle on its head and what looks to be a upside down T on the right side. The large skull rock also is part of a larger picture if you back up some more you would see it all, but you captured half the large face looking up. The grassy area to the left of the skull rock is the eye socket. the flat angled rock in the grassy area is the eye ball. the rest is the cheeks and forehead. Maybe it's just half a face- There is plenty more in the photo, but I'm not going to get carried away, but there are explanations as to why part of the color of rocks is not uniform even within the same rock.



  • IMAG1002.JPG
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This might be a traditional notch trail sign. I'm a little confused because you must have been on a marked trail when you took this picture...were you? It seems odd to me that a trail would be where you were standing and this so close.

Anyway , it has a big u or notch and a smaller u or gunsite at the bottom of the big you. It has one or two horse heads (maybe). To me it says go right (not sure if before or after this monument) and go down..down...down to the flat land down there. You may want to review KW again..I know I do .

It seems to me there is info there on the skull rock of what you will find, but I can not interpret it.

Thanks everyone for all the great information about these monuments, it makes me want to take more photo's of these same monuments for further study. If things go as planned, will be leaving in about a week to go exploring those 'old Spanish trails' again. Until then will keep on posting new photo's, it's a lot of fun.IMAG0997.JPG IMAG0994.JPGIMAG0993.JPG Cool looking skyline monument rock outcrop on ridge of southeast canyon. Didn't know until I got the book, 'TREASURE SIGNS, SYMBOLS, SHADOW & SUN SIGNS', by Kenworthy {on page 30} that their was a 'triangle corner monument' in this photo {large flat-stone on far right, notice light can be seen between it's support stones}. It was exciting to see it, the 1st one found. I was wondering what they looked like. Also notice the ''U'' representing {door-way} center of photo. -------- THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE--------

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Hi Shortstack, I am posting the same as always, doing nothing different. From wants seen on the screen from my computer it looks normal like everything is the same. I noticed sometimes I would post a picture and it would not print on the post. Would have to leave the site and then come back on, then the picture would print. Then sometimes one of the key-board letters would keep on repeating itself and it would not let me type. Again I would leave the site, then return and then it would work. It was like somebody was trying to prevent me from posting. Do you thing it is Big-Brother watching {the-government}? They don't want the truth to get out there? I wonder if anyone else is having the problem with the bottom slider? [ X-FILES, THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE ]

LMAO........could be......never can tell. :tongue3: I tried to purposely type my comments in
a narrower section of the reply box and it posted to the regular width, but the next
day was extended on out to the w i d e r format. This wide stuff didn't start until
the previous page on this thread.

YEP........definitely a conspiracy.......I think it's Obama's fault. Heck, he's constantly
blaming Bush for everything, so now it's time for HIM to take some of the responsibility
for screwups. :laughing7:

Oh, and let's not go on with this line of comment because I don't want to get this
thread sidetracked. :thumbsup:

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 Found close to the 2 bear monument. The lighter colored boulder in the, 'top right hand corner of photo looks like a animal face profile looking left. I traveled in that direction on the trail.
This pic looks exactly like a heart, dead center in the pic. <img src="attachment.php?attachmentid=746719&stc=1" attachmentid="746719" alt="" id="vbattach_746719" class="previewthumb">

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<img src=""/>
<img src=""/> 'Great-call' Shortstack. Looked again at the pig monument, and 'sure enough' there is a ''V'' carved on this one. Just below the eye, the lighter colored pebble is resting on an upside triangle. The left-side of the triangle has a small downward cut sloped notch, right below the pebble. The right-side of the triangle is more roughly cut, then the smooth outlined cut of the bottom point of the triangle. Also just noticed below the pebble and the upside down rough-cut triangle, is a ob-long triangle slanting at a 45 degree angle. And right below the center of this ob-long triangle is a finely carved ''V'' with it's right point pointing down at a 30 degree angle to the right. Another finely carved ''V'' is located below the 'triangle pupil' of the eye in the darker stone, and is pointing up at a 45 degree angle. This finely carved ''V'' has an attached 'pull-sign' on the left side of the ''V'' arm extending down-ward at a 45 degree angle and is half the length of the left-side of the ''V''. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- According to what I red on another site; That animal monuments will point to a treasure site area, but almost never point to the treasure. Hypothetically speaking: Because of this, the finely carved ''V'' pointing down at a 30 degree angle would not be pointing at a buried treasure. What would this ''V'' be pointing to? Maybe it is saying dig down below 1-2 feet for a rock-map? The other finely carved ''V'' with the 'pull-sign' is saying follow the 'pull-out' of the ''V'' in that direction?

Don't believe that animals don't point to the treasure locations. I have two cashes that animals point toward entertainment.but look for mine symbols.

IMAG1254.JPG After many days, the LORD'S 'word' came to Elijah, in the third year, saying, ''Go, show yourself to Ahab; and I will send 'RAIN' on the earth.'' Elijah went to show himself to Ahab. THE FAMINE WAS SEVERE IN SAMARIA. Ahab called Obadaih , who was over the household. {Now Obadiah , feared the LORD greatly; for when Jezebel cut off the LORD'S prophet's, Obadiah took one hundred prophets, AND HID THEM IN A CAVE, and fed them with bread and water.} Ahab said to Obadiah , ''GO THROUGH THE LAND TO ALL THE SPRINGS OF WATER, AND TO ALL THE BROOKS. Perhaps we may find grass and SAVE THE HORSES AND MULES ALIVE, that we not lose all the animals. 1 Kings 18:1-5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ When the Spaniards {including the Jesuit's} were in the area's they were mining, what was their living conditions?--- Were they always living outside at their campsites or did they at times live in 'CAVES', {that were suitable for living} that they found? -------- Were 'ALL' the Jesuit's cruel?---How did the Jesuit's treat their animals? Everyone I ever spoke to never had anything good to say about the Jesuit's. Their information about the Jesuit's came from some recorded history they red. Is one of the bad 'raps' about them because of the 'death-traps' that were set at the mines/vaults? --- Did not the 'King of Spain' order the building of the 'death-traps'? --- Did not the king of Spain order the building of the 'death-traps' to protect his interest?--- If the Jesuit's were involved in the building of the 'death-traps', were they not ordered by the King {under the pain of Spain}? --------What symbols were used by the Spanish representing a 'WATER-SUPPLY'?

IMAG0342.JPG Elijah said to Ahab, ''Get up, eat and drink; for there is the sound of abundance of rain. 1 kings 18:41 ---------- Good morning folks, I'am thinking of 'the sound of abundance of rain. The desert loves rain, it's wild animals depend upon it. Hoping for rain, for desert. In the spring, enjoy seeing all the plant life so 'green'.

IMAG0995.JPG Strange looking huge boulder with several white {eye-catchers} scattered about it. Never seen so many {eye-catchers} in one place. There are 3 smaller {eye-catchers} in the back-ground behind the huge boulder. Notice the {eye-catchers} with points.

They are pointing 3 in a row, from 'center-bottom', to the one on the 'left side of the huge boulder', to the one 'above the huge boulder' to the left and that one shoots with an [imaginary-straight-line} through the center of the 2 white {eye-catchers} on the upper left-hand corner. That would give you a compass directional reading.

Post more photo's when I return in a couple of weeks, leaving tomorrow for the mountains. Had a lot of fun and learned a lot while posting and reading all your interesting and informative comments. Thank you everyone and good luck to ya. May GOD guide all of you and keep you safe.

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View attachment 772241 After many days, the LORD'S 'word' came to Elijah, in the third year, saying, ''Go, show yourself to Ahab; and I will send 'RAIN' on the earth.'' Elijah went to show himself to Ahab. THE FAMINE WAS SEVERE IN SAMARIA. Ahab called Obadaih , who was over the household. {Now Obadiah , feared the LORD greatly; for when Jezebel cut off the LORD'S prophet's, Obadiah took one hundred prophets, AND HID THEM IN A CAVE, and fed them with bread and water.} Ahab said to Obadiah , ''GO THROUGH THE LAND TO ALL THE SPRINGS OF WATER, AND TO ALL THE BROOKS. Perhaps we may find grass and SAVE THE HORSES AND MULES ALIVE, that we not lose all the animals. 1 Kings 18:1-5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ When the Spaniards {including the Jesuit's} were in the area's they were mining, what was their living conditions?--- Were they always living outside at their campsites or did they at times live in 'CAVES', {that were suitable for living} that they found? -------- Were 'ALL' the Jesuit's cruel?---How did the Jesuit's treat their animals? Everyone I ever spoke to never had anything good to say about the Jesuit's. Their information about the Jesuit's came from some recorded history they red. Is one of the bad 'raps' about them because of the 'death-traps' that were set at the mines/vaults? --- Did not the 'King of Spain' order the building of the 'death-traps'? --- Did not the king of Spain order the building of the 'death-traps' to protect his interest?--- If the Jesuit's were involved in the building of the 'death-traps', were they not ordered by the King {under the pain of Spain}? --------What symbols were used by the Spanish representing a 'WATER-SUPPLY'?

Everything is fair in Love and War.

heres what i thought to be a bear shadow.<img src=""/><img src=""/>

Hello my friend ,that doesn't look like a bear to me.look at the ends of shadows,sometimes they have shapes that bring out circles or point to objects.look at shadow on the right.
Take CareTOM

IMAG0022 (5).JPGIMAG0016 (7).JPGIMAG0017 (6).JPGIMAG0018 (7).JPGIMAG0019 (7).JPGIMAG0020 (7).JPGIMAG0021 (7).JPG REMAKE OF OLDER POST #80/PAGE 4. MINE 'SHRINE/HOYO Imag0017 See the large boulder emitting a shadow in the foreground and the 'shrine/hoyo' in the back. When viewing through the window of the 'hoyo' downhill it takes you to this spot on the ground of the shadowed boulder. Imag0021 displays other rock markers to the near-left of the large shadowed boulder. Notice carved cross on front 'left-tip' of the large shadowed boulder. Imag0022 close-up of 'cross' on shadowed boulder. Notice the yellow color in the rock blended around the 'cross'. Imag0048 {in next post} on the 'right-side' boulder forming the 'hoyo' window is a small shadowed 'drill-hole' with yellow color around it. When viewing through the 'hoyo' window it directs you to the boulder with the 'cross' on it with the yellow blended color around. Strange indeed, another mystery. ----------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------In conclusion, hypothetically speaking: Does the large cut shadowed boulder with the 'cross' carved on it tell you that there is a 'shrine' located above? --- Is the shadowed 'drill-hole' with the yellow marking around it telling you {to the right of the 'hoyo' window}, that there is a cache under the large cut shadowed boulder with the 'cross' with yellow marking on it? ------- The Spaniards used color incorporation in their monuments and markers. Just as we can miss the shadows as important clues, we also can miss the colors.

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IMAG0123 (4).JPGIMAG0121 (4).JPGIMAG0122 (5).JPGIMAG0124 (4).JPG All of these monuments were found along another higher trail that lead down to the lost cave with the 'bear-head' above it from post #97/imag0092. In imag0123 The large boulder in the center appears to be a large 'snake-head' coming out of the ground. The nose and flat-head looks like a snake.

Notice the pupil of the eye is sticking out and is above a darkened cut out indentation resembling the entrance of a cave. On the top edge of the darkened cut out indentation is a 'cut-notch' resembling the 'cut-notch' on the bottom of the ducks beak {on the other trail in} and the 'cut-notch' on the top edge of the cave opening with the 'bear-head' above it.

What is it saying? Is it a 'WARNING' also? Speaking hypothetically: Is it saying watch out for DEATH-TRAPS and or snakes in the cave [the Spaniards sometimes gathered snakes and put them in there mines]. The large boulder on the left has a carving of a 'snake-head' profile [with 'sunk-in' eye} pointing to the 'snake-head' boulder in center. Notice the several cut-stone conformation markers surrounding the snake-head monument. The 'sunk-in' eye of the carving snake-head profile, 'means WITHIN'
Imag0121 Dog-head face profile. I think it may represent the guardian dog protecting the cache. Imag0124 Large boulder 'bear-head' monument pointing left. Reason believed to be a bear-head because of it's short snout. Small white 'eye-catcher conformation marker in front.

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