Claim Price/ Claim Fraud


Hero Member
Nov 12, 2012
Primary Interest:
I was wondering.. is their a Standard when deciding the value of a claim? I see a lot of claim flippers and individuals donating claims .. No doubt they get a tax break from their donations but I was wondering whats stopping them from making up outrageous prices of donated claims or claims they sell? Or is this a market that easly taken advantage of with absoluty no recourse of bein scammed?
Goldhounds facebook

Josh Reinke
September 29 at 8:44pm · Grass Valley, CA

Please share this post.

I just saw a mining claim for sale on facebook posted by Nick Price.

He top filed a H and B Mining Community claim and then sold it. His claim that he sold was invalid and fraudulent.

I also saw him sell a claim on the Downie River
For over 20k that was invalid and fraudulent.

Just some info sharing. If you like to waist money on invalid claims then be my guest.

I always offer to anyone out there that before you buy a claim get a hold of me and I will take a look for free to see if it is what it is supposed to be. Just send me the CAMC number.

We need to shut down these scammers before they make things worse for everyone.

Everyone in this post including the poster is a scam artist..

Gentlemen please beware of individuals who exploit mining. Please do not support them or their associates.. You will find individuals like these directly assocatied with groups like AMRA and always willing to help out a newbie.. But honestly the only thing they are helping is themselves at the expense of men and women who truly wish to succeed at small scale mining....

Anyway ill catch you all this weekend .. until then ....

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News Flash---- claim flipper gets over-filed on.
locating claims just to sell is illegal, it's one thing to file on claims coming open in your area
and keeping the best ones, selling off the one's you don't need. or providing a locating service.
still another to make a living staking claims with no intention of ever mining them.
GRE, MRE, Reinke no mater how you package it, it's still not right...

I dont agree about AMRA, their primary purpose is fighting for miners rights
making claims available for people to learn how, is secondary, a separate club like program that they provide.
We should all be doing all we can to change the negative perceptions, now more that ever, it's time to stand up and make some noise.

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When the individuals leading the fight like AMRA condone and exploit these kinds of activities how can one expect them to be anything other then a piece of crap? Make no mistake on who AMRA actually supports and what they actually teach.. I would argue that AMRA has done more exploiting newbies and individuals hope on bein a small scale miner then ever helping them.. You can judge men by their actions and the individuals they surround themselves with.. Or you can judge them by their rhetoric and what they say they are doining. For me their words are empty... But their actions and associates speak volumes!!!!

No, you have a personal grudge but airing it in public is slander, and only hurts the mining community.
let it go and move on...

We have very different ideas on what the mining community is and what is helping... taking advantage of individuals ignorance is what's considered" pro mining" these day?
Call it Slander call it what you will. I aint made no false statements.. Just facts that a lot of you wish to ignore..
No matter.. to each their own.....

News Flash---- claim flipper gets over-filed on.
locating claims just to sell is illegal, it's one thing to file on claims coming open in your area
and keeping the best ones, selling off the one's you don't need. or providing a locating service.
still another to make a living staking claims with no intention of ever mining them.
GRE, MRE, Reinke no mater how you package it, it's still not right...

How right is it for AMRA to raffle off donated claims by Reinke? How many claims have been donated to AMRA from claimflippers? Amra has no problem with the lack of validity of the claims they raffle or donated doesn't matter how ill gotten the tecniques used to stake such claims.. They just care about donations that's it.. Seems like a great hussle.. Some ass donates a paperclaim and makes up a value get a tax right of for the donation then AMRA auctions it off to some unexpecting person while making a profit on raffle tickets..
Seems like a scam to me.... But what do I know?

How about making America great again? Clean the mining swamp???

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my comments on people filing claims just to sell them were only meant to draw a comparison.
Josh and associates are pretty active in the community, they have a mining shop in grass valley
offer location services, have a pay to play claims club, do river clean ups and other events.
the ones I really hate are the ones that file by mail and live in DC, NY, Florida and never set foot on a claim.
I don't understand your anger but wallowing in it like that will make you sick... Life is too short.
Me I don't want to grow old and be that guy yelling at kids to get off my lawn. right...

the ones I really hate are the ones that file by mail and live in DC, NY, Florida and never set foot on a claim.

Isn't this a felony?

When I stake a claim after looking it over I take pictures of the Notice of Location next to the monument.

I also keep evidence of my travel to the claim.

Just waiting for someone to paper file as I will most assuredly contact them to ask them for proof.

Any hassles from them it's to the county court and let the judge decide who actually filed correctly.

I have zero tolerance for paper filers.

I don't understand your anger but wallowing in it like that will make you sick... Life is too short.
Me I don't want to grow old and be that guy yelling at kids to get off my lawn. right...'ll get there..

gray pride.jpg

Winners, don't waste your time and breath. Karma has a way of catching up with all of us seeing how "Its Fall" now.

my comments on people filing claims just to sell them were only meant to draw a comparison.
Josh and associates are pretty active in the community, they have a mining shop in grass valley
offer location services, have a pay to play claims club, do river clean ups and other events.
the ones I really hate are the ones that file by mail and live in DC, NY, Florida and never set foot on a claim.
I don't understand your anger but wallowing in it like that will make you sick... Life is too short.
Me I don't want to grow old and be that guy yelling at kids to get off my lawn. right...
Anyone that has a record of "Being an U.S. Citizen" can pay a filing fee for the measuring and locating lines, angles, and elevations on the surface of the earth. Does this make it a "Producing Mining Claim" of value?
The "Value" being sold is the filing fees that where 'Recorded' regardless if there is any "Valuable minerals" in the claimed 'Location / Claim'.
Just this one's thoughts on the topic.

Hi guys, this is Nick Price. Josh Reinke's post is completely false. He has blocked me and deleted my comments so I can't have a chance to say what is actually true. He's also encouraged threats and violence against me. The Facebook groups he moderates just seems a way to promote his nearly worthless claims.

My claims are valid including the one on the Downie. But if any one has an issue with my claims please contact me.

I almost always try to get in contact with the previous claim owner and if they still want the claim I am glad to work with them. I don't think many people who stake claims do that.

I have a very good tax person with a major firm.

She said you can only deduct what you paid for the claim.

Many people inflate the deduction by coming up with an obscure number.

Not allowed to do that.

no sample reports ....its worth what it cost to locate MAYBE.

No Assaying and "Blocking out Mineral Ore" as well.

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